Find a MassHire Career Center

Search for a MassHire Career Center for an overview of services, hours, and contact information.

MassHire Department of Career Services contact information

Department of Unemployment Assistance


Open 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday. Multilingual call agents are available.

To request weekly benefits, daily 6 a.m.–10 p.m.

By appointment only, visit to make an appointment.


To access UI Online from a computer: Log in as a claimant 
NEW: Unemployment Services for Employers Portal for managing revenue functions Login to Unemployment Services for Employers 
UI Online to manage benefits functions Employer Login 

The Details   of Find a MassHire Career Center

What you need   for Find a MassHire Career Center

To find your nearest MassHire Career Center, search MassHire Career Center locations and enter your city, town, or zip code. There you will find the location, hours, phone number, and additional information for each center.

If you would like more information about the services provided at MassHire Career Centers, visit the MassHire Career Center page.

If you have questions regarding unemployment insurance, please visit the Department of Unemployment Assistance's Unemployment Benefits for Claimants page.

How to find   Find a MassHire Career Center

Search MassHire Career Center locations by your city or town name, or zip code.

More info   for Find a MassHire Career Center

Job seekers can get a variety of helpful services including; working with experienced career counselors, attending workshops and short-term training, developing a resume, writing cover letters, and more.

Career Center Seminar (CCS):  Customers can schedule a Career Center Seminar through MassHire JobQuest, or by calling 1 (800) 653-5586 or by contacting one of the MassHire Career Centers.

Employers can take advantage of employment and training resources such as help with recruitment and hiring, job matching with potential hires, workforce training grants, and tax credit programs. To find a Business Service Representative, call your local MassHire Career Center and ask for Business Services.

Downloads   for Find a MassHire Career Center

Contact   for Find a MassHire Career Center

Boston Re-Employment Center (By appointment only, visit to make an appointment)
2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111

Open 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday. Multilingual call agents are available.

To request weekly benefits, daily 6 a.m.–10 p.m.

By appointment only, visit to make an appointment.

To access UI Online from a computer: Log in as a claimant 
NEW: Unemployment Services for Employers Portal for managing revenue functions Login to Unemployment Services for Employers 
UI Online to manage benefits functions Employer Login 

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