Trial Court Law Libraries
The Details of Getting a law library card
What you need for Getting a law library card
To borrow materials from the Trial Court Law Libraries, or to use our online databases, you will need a Trial Court Law Libraries library card. Library cards are free! One card will work at all 15 law libraries, but it’s not the same as your local public library card.
Court employees
If you are a court employee with a .jud, .sjc, or .appct email address, please use our simple online form to get a library card.
General public
If you are not a court employee, the application must be made in person. Please follow the directions below to get a library card.
How to get Getting a law library card
You must visit one of the 15 law libraries in person to apply for your card. Find your nearest law library. Bring 1 form of photo identification with a current home address with you.
Once you are at the law library, complete a registration form. We have forms on the website in English and Spanish for you to fill out and bring with you, but you don’t have to. Forms are available in the libraries.
Once you’ve completed the paperwork, you’ll be given your library barcode number, which you can use to access online databases through this website, and you’ll be allowed to borrow 1 book that day.
More info for Getting a law library card
The borrower's card will be mailed to your home address. After you receive the card by mail, you will need to show it whenever you want to borrow materials. There is a $2 fee to replace a lost borrower card.
After the card is mailed to you, you can choose to have a preferred contact address (different from your home address) for circulation activities like reserves and overdue notices. Circulation notices will be emailed to you, or mailed to the preferred address.
For more information on circulation and borrowing privileges, see our Circulation Policy.