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- This page, Replace your Liquor ID card, is offered by
- Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Replace your Liquor ID card
Registry of Motor Vehicles
The Details of Replace your Liquor ID card
What you need for Replace your Liquor ID card
You will need your:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Last 4 digits of your Social Security number
- Applicable fee
Please note: a name change cannot be done online. An in-person visit to a Service Center is required to capture your new signature. You can make an appointment here.
Fees for Replace your Liquor ID card
Name | Fee | Unit |
Liquor ID Card Fee | $25 | each |
How to replace Replace your Liquor ID card
When ordering your replacement online, you will need to provide your:
- Name
- Date of birth
- ID number or last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
- Email address
- Payment
Please note: a name change cannot be done online. An in-person visit to a Service Center is required to capture your new signature. You can make an appointment here.
More info for Replace your Liquor ID card
You cannot cancel or return a duplicate ID after ordering it.