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- This page, Request a vanity license plate, is offered by
- Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Request a vanity license plate
Registry of Motor Vehicles
The Details of Request a vanity license plate
What you need for Request a vanity license plate
All vanity plates must begin with 2 letters. The plate can be no more than 6 characters, or a maximum of 5 characters for motorcycle plates. Vanity plates cannot have letters and numbers intermixed. See the More Info section for detailed plate criteria.
If you do not already have a vehicle registered with active plates, you will need to apply for vanity plates at an RMV Service Center so a temporary plate can be issued.
How to request Request a vanity license plate
The quickest and easiest way to order a vanity plate is online.
Mail your completed application and check or money order payable to MassDOT to:
Registry of Motor Vehicles
P.O Box 55895
Boston, MA 02205-5895
Attn: Special Plates
Next steps for Request a vanity license plate
Next steps
All vanity plate applications are reviewed by the Special Plates Department. If approved, you will receive a plate, decal and registration in the mail within 4 - 6 weeks. If denied, you will receive notification in 7-10 days and a rebate within 4 - 6 weeks.
Vanity applications for Businesses can be submitted by mail only.
Individual applicants must go online to request a vanity plate.
More info for Request a vanity license plate
Plate Criteria
- Does not comply with the following readability standards as set forth by the Registrar:
- All vanity plates must start with at least two letters.
- Passenger, Camper, Livery, Bus, and Commercial vanity plates may contain a maximum of six characters (letters or numbers) and a minimum of two characters. Vanity plates for antique vehicles may contain a maximum of four characters and a minimum of two characters. Motorcycle vanity plates may contain a maximum of five characters and a minimum of two characters.
- Numbers cannot be used in the middle of a plate; they must come at the end. For example, AAA222 would be an acceptable Passenger vanity plate; AAA22A would not be acceptable. The first number used cannot be a “0.”
- The letters “I,” “O,” “Q,” and “U” can ONLY be used as part of a word that is clearly defined and correctly spelled. For example, “LQQK” would not be an acceptable registration number because it is not a correctly spelled word.
- No periods, spaces, or punctuation marks are allowed.
- Is duplicative of a registration already issued.
- Is or implies a vulgarity or profanity including a swear or curse word, or scatological term, not usually displayed in the community for general viewing.
- Is obscene or otherwise contains material of sexual suggestiveness in that it refers explicitly or by euphemism to a sexual body part, a sex act, or the availability for sex; and/or
- Is an expression of “fighting words” that the RMV reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of peace.