Request a vanity license plate

Personalized, vanity plates can be ordered for private passenger, commercial, motorcycle, livery, bus, camper or antique vehicles.
It may take up to 4-6 weeks from the date of the application for the plates to be manufactured.

Registry of Motor Vehicles


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The Details   of Request a vanity license plate

What you need   for Request a vanity license plate

All vanity plates must begin with 2 letters. The plate can be no more than 6 characters, or a maximum of 5 characters for motorcycle plates. Vanity plates cannot have letters and numbers intermixed. See the More Info section for detailed plate criteria.

If you do not already have a vehicle registered with active plates, you will need to apply for vanity plates at an RMV Service Center so a temporary plate can be issued.

How to request   Request a vanity license plate

The quickest and easiest way to order a vanity plate is online.

Mail your completed application and check or money order payable to MassDOT to:

Registry of Motor Vehicles
P.O Box 55895
Boston, MA 02205-5895
Attn: Special Plates

Next steps   for Request a vanity license plate

Next steps

All vanity plate applications are reviewed by the Special Plates Department. If approved, you will receive a plate, decal and registration in the mail within 4 - 6 weeks. If denied, you will receive notification in 7-10 days and a rebate within 4 - 6 weeks.

Vanity applications for Businesses can be submitted by mail only.

Individual applicants must go online to request a vanity plate.

More info   for Request a vanity license plate

Plate Criteria

  1. Does not comply with the following readability standards as set forth by the Registrar:
    1. All vanity plates must start with at least two letters.
    2. Passenger, Camper, Livery, Bus, and Commercial vanity plates may contain a maximum of six characters (letters or numbers) and a minimum of two characters. Vanity plates for antique vehicles may contain a maximum of four characters and a minimum of two characters. Motorcycle vanity plates may contain a maximum of five characters and a minimum of two characters.
    3. Numbers cannot be used in the middle of a plate; they must come at the end. For example, AAA222 would be an acceptable Passenger vanity plate; AAA22A would not be acceptable. The first number used cannot be a “0.”
    4. The letters “I,” “O,” “Q,” and “U” can ONLY be used as part of a word that is clearly defined and correctly spelled. For example, “LQQK” would not be an acceptable registration number because it is not a correctly spelled word.
    5. No periods, spaces, or punctuation marks are allowed.
  2. Is duplicative of a registration already issued.
  3.  Is or implies a vulgarity or profanity including a swear or curse word, or scatological term, not usually displayed in the community for general viewing.
  4. Is obscene or otherwise contains material of sexual suggestiveness in that it refers explicitly or by euphemism to a sexual body part, a sex act, or the availability for sex; and/or
  5. Is an expression of “fighting words” that the RMV reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of peace.

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