Submitting a research proposal

If you plan on using DCR lands for research, you must submit a research proposal
45 days prior to starting date

DCR Research Office

The Details   of Submitting a research proposal

What you need   for Submitting a research proposal

  • Submit a Research Proposal to DCR: Along with the online form, additional details of study methodology and logistics must be uploaded as an attachment in the application. Please read the application carefully and fill in all required information.    
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance: It is required that you secure a Certificate of Liability Insurance with a minimum amount of 1 million dollars for your site work. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Conservation and Recreation listing the address below, must be named as additional insured for the dates of your field research. Please submit your Certificate of Liability Insurance form as an attachment in your Research Proposal. 

Renewal applications 

  • Researchers seeking a renewal to their previously issued Research Agreement must complete a DCR Research Proposal, following prompts for renewals.  

Note: Research Agreements are issued for a maximum of 1 calendar year. A renewal will not be granted without an annual report of the previous year’s work.

Annual report  

  • Information contained in annual report must include but is not limited to 1) Summary of findings, 2) Relevant data for DCR, and 3) Management implications of your research. 
  • Individuals issued a Research Agreement must submit an Annual Report at the end of the agreed study duration, prior to requesting a renewal.  

How to apply   Submitting a research proposal

Next steps   for Submitting a research proposal


Final approval or rejection will be made by DCR staff and may require a site visit.

More info   for Submitting a research proposal

DCR’s Research Office issues research agreements to educational institutions and others who propose appropriate studies on DCR properties. A research proposal, progress reports, a site visit, indemnification of DCR, and applicable insurance coverage may be required.

A research proposal may also require review, approval, or permitting from other local and state agencies, such as: Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife; Massachusetts Historical Commission; or the local Conservation Commission, depending on the location and scope of the project.

Contact   for Submitting a research proposal

DCR Research Office
State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza | Suite 6620 , Boston, MA 02116

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