WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects

This permit is for projects that propose some fill in a wetland area. The permit also covers projects in submerged land or salt marshes, or that may impact rare species.

MassDEP Wetlands Program

EEA ePLACE Help Desk


Open M-F 7:30 am-5:00 pm, with the exception of all Commonwealth & Federally observed holidays.

The Details   of WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects

What you need   for WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects

Under the federal Clean Water Act, a 401 Water Quality Certification is required for certain activities in wetlands and waters. This law gives states the authority to review projects that must obtain federal licenses or permits and that result in a discharge to state waters, including excavating and fill in wetlands. The purpose of state 401 review is to ensure that a project will comply with state water-quality standards and other appropriate requirements of state law. 

Fees   for WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects

How to apply   WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects

File online via the EEA ePlace Portal. See details below.

Next steps   for WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects

  1. Review the Instructions

  2. Complete and Submit your Application and Fee Payment

    1. File online via the EEA ePlace Portal.
    2. You will have the option to pay online by credit card or automated clearing house (ACH) or pay by mail. If you select the pay-by-mail option, instructions will be provided when you submit your online application. Note: If you have a Special Fee Provision (e.g. fee exempt as a municipality), please follow the appropriate instructions in that section.

Contact   for WW 10, 11: Major/Minor Fill and Excavation Projects


Open M-F 7:30 am-5:00 pm, with the exception of all Commonwealth & Federally observed holidays.

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