2017 State Health Assessment

All associated documents updated November 3, 2017.

What is a State Health Assessment?

The State Health Assessment is a report on the health of the Commonwealth grounded in data from existing DPH data sets, external data sources such as US Census, CDC, and other state agencies as well as through the Statewide Partnership Advisory group, focus group input, existing DPH advisory group input, key informant interviews, and the general public.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, in collaboration with our colleagues across the Commonwealth, is dedicated to understanding the social determinants that contribute to the disparities highlighted in the 2017 State Health Assessment and taking action to eliminate the resulting health inequities. Collecting data on how these factors shape existing and emerging health issues helps us understand what we can do as a Commonwealth to make Massachusetts an even healthier place to live.

Massachusetts has always been a leader in tackling some of our toughest public health problems through the use of innovative, evidence-based strategies. The hallmark of all these initiatives has been collaboration, community partnerships and a shared commitment to improving the health of all. This assessment is a foundation for developing the next set of great ideas and strategies to ensure optimal health for all residents of this great Commonwealth, particularly for those in our most vulnerable communities.

The 2017 Massachusetts State Health Assessment

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the 2017 State Health Assessment Update process, please contact:

Antonia Blinn, Director, Performance Management & Quality Improvement
Email: DPH.StateHealthAssessment@MassMail.State.MA.US

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