About the ICC
Our Council is a Family-Provider Partnership.
Parents and providers are brought together through Massachusetts Interagency Coordinating Council to improve services for Massachusetts infants and toddlers and their families. Families with experience receiving early intervention services work together with providers to support program planning and interagency coordination to ensure the early intervention system is effective for all eligible infants and toddlers.
We would love to connect with you.
Council meetings are free and open for anyone to join. There are many ways to get involved with the council, from attending a meeting as a guest to being an appointed member. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Massachusetts ICC co-chairs below.
Mission & Vision
The Massachusetts ICC will advise and assist DPH through active collaboration and engaged participation of all members to ensure and sustain a comprehensive birth-to-three system. As a result, the Commonwealth will have a community-based system of care that maximizes opportunities for all children and families. To achieve this vision, the ICC is based key principles: family-centered, community-based, quality services, and sustainability.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Part C regulations identify who is required to be part of the of the Massachusetts Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) membership. Parents are important members of the ICC. All ICC general sessions and committee meetings are open to the public. Parents and providers are brought together through the ICC to improve services for Massachusetts infants and toddlers and their families. Families whose children are or have received early intervention services work together with providers and representatives from other state agencies to support program planning and interagency coordination to ensure the early intervention system is effective for all eligible infants and toddlers. Federal and state regulations govern council membership and ICC members are appointed by the Governor.
The ICC is a public body. In addition to appointed members, any interested community member is welcome to attend and participate in ICC general sessions and/or committee meetings.
FY25 Appointed Members:
- Asha Abdullahi
- Melissa Adams
- Sanya Agrawal
- Kevin Beagan
- Johan de Besche
- Mallorie Brown
- Jennifer Clark
- Nicole Constantino
- Jheanell Daye
- Scott Geer
- Bethanie Glass
- Andrea Goncalves-Oliveira
- Cassandra Greeno
- Michelle Grewal
- Chris Hunt
- Juliane Nelson
- Colleen O'Brien
- Lori Russell
- Dina Tedeschi
- Colleen Wellman
- Emily White
ICC Co-Chairs
- Chris Hunt, Provider Co-Chair
The Interagency Coordinating Council is seeking a Parent Co-chair for July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025.
The ideal person for this role:
- Must be a parent of an infant, toddler, or child with disabilities, ages 12 or younger
- Must have knowledge of or experience with the Early Intervention/Part C program
- Has actively participated in the Interagency Coordinating Council (preferred)
- Has held leadership roles in the Interagency Coordinating Council (preferred)
- Can commit to a 2-year term (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025) (preferred)
If you are interested, would like to nominate someone else, or have additional questions, please contact Kris Martone-Levine at Kris.Levine@mass.gov.
Part C Coordinator
- Emily White
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or are a person with a disability who requires accommodation, please contact Susan Breen at Susan.Breen@mass.gov or (781) 540-0094 two weeks prior to the event.