Affordable Housing Decarbonization Technical Assistance Program

DOER’s technical assistance program helps building owners and operators identify pathways to decarbonize affordable housing buildings so low- and moderate-income residents can benefit from clean, more affordable energy.

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DOER’s Affordable Housing Decarbonization Technical Assistance Program provides no-cost support to property owners of affordable housing as they transition to efficient, electrified buildings. Technical assistance is available to help private parties, non-profits, municipalities and other public entities successfully apply for grants and move forward on their journey to decarbonize affordable housing.

Decarbonizing buildings is a key part of the Commonwealth’s plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050. DOER's Affordable Housing Decarbonization Grant Program funds deep energy retrofits and decarbonization projects in the affordable housing sector that benefit low- and moderate-income residents. With this program, DOER aims to improve public health, preserve housing affordability for residents, provide local workforce opportunities and accelerate Massachusetts’ clean energy transition. Residents in retrofitted buildings benefit from better indoor air quality and more comfortable living spaces. The programs also helps lower air pollution in the communities where buildings are located.

Interested participants can apply for DOER’s technical assistance program here. Application reviews will begin on January 31, 2025 and continue on a rolling basis as long as funds last. Affordable housing properties with five or more units, which includes multiple co-located buildings, are encouraged to apply - especially if properties are located in Gateway Cities or Environmental Justice neighborhoods - if the primary use of the property is residential and it meets at least one of the below affordability requirements.

  • Property is deed restricted affordable housing.
  • Property is owned by public housing authority.
  • Property is located in an Environmental Justice community based on income criteria.
  • For the property, at least 50% of residential units are occupied, or expected to be occupied, by households earning 80% area median income or less.

DOER’s Affordable Housing Decarbonization Technical Assistance Program has two stages:

  1. A Scoping Study: Property owners work with an approved energy consultant to assess opportunities to decarbonize or retrofit their building.
    1. If property owners have already conducted similar assessments, they can skip to stage two.
  2. A Design Study: Property owners will receive specific strategies to decarbonize their buildings, as well as detailed information to help develop the scope of work for these updates.
    1. Strategies include improving energy efficiency, installing solar panels, making structural or electrical upgrades, and electrifying buildings through ground and air-source heat pumps.
    2. Energy Consultants will provide recommendations to help with building electrification today, while also providing a pathway to achieve zero carbon emissions over time.

A key component of this technical support will be identifying potential funding sources to carry out the decarbonization recommendations. Energy Consultants will help participants navigate DOER’s Affordable Housing Decarbonization Grant Program, LEAN Multifamily, LISC Climate Ready Housing, and other available funding sources.

More details about this program can be found in the DOER LMI TA Grant overview sheet. For questions or additional support, contact the program administrator staff at

Date published: January 13, 2025

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