Age- and Dementia-Friendly Massachusetts Action Plan Refresh

Learn how you can contribute to a more age- and dementia-friendly Massachusetts below.

Table of Contents


In 2019, Massachusetts unveiled a plan to amplify, align, and coordinate local, regional, and statewide efforts to create a welcoming and more livable Commonwealth for residents of all ages. The Age-Friendly Massachusetts Action Plan is an articulation of the state’s vision and aspirations for what it looks like to grow older as a Commonwealth.

This year, Massachusetts is working to refresh the plan to guide the state’s age- and dementia-friendly actions for the next 5-10 years. We want to hear from you.  The action plan serves as the state’s multi-year strategy to make the Commonwealth more age- and dementia-friendly. From the beginning, this action plan was designed to be a living document that would be continuously updated and renewed over time. Becoming more age- and dementia-friendly is an ongoing process that requires direction from residents and community partners.

We would like to capture your ideas on how to strengthen Massachusetts’ age- and dementia-friendly actions and uncover new opportunities to meet the challenges of the future. Check out the Age- and Dementia-Friendly MA Action Plan using the button below.

Statewide Age- and Dementia-Friendly Listening Sessions

In collaboration with community partners, the Executive Office of Aging & Independence will co-host multiple listening sessions around the Commonwealth to hear more from our local communities on how to strengthen Massachusetts’ age- and dementia-friendly work.  We want to understand how your priorities have changed in the last 5 years, how you have contributed to your communities’ efforts to support positive aging, and what large actions or policies you think will support people to age well in our communities in the future.

Thursday, June 27Salem MA Council on Aging, AgeSpanCommunity Life Center, 401 Bridge St., Salem, MA  01970Salem1:30pm - 3:00pm RSVP
Tuesday, July 16 Barnstable County, Regional Government of Cape Cod, Barnstable MA Council on Aging, Massachusetts Councils on AgingBarnstable Adult Community Center, 825 Falmouth Rd.,
Hyannis, MA 02601
Barnstable1:30pm - 3:30pm RSVP
Thursday, July 18Age Strong Commission, AARP MassachusettsHyde Park Municipal Building, 1179 River St., Boston, MA 02136Boston10:00am – 12:00pm RSVP
Tuesday, July 23Lawrence Council on Aging, AgeSpanThe Center, 155 Haverhill St.,
Lawrence, MA 01840
Lawrence10:00am – 12:00pmEsta sesión es en Español. / This session is in Spanish.RSVP

Wednesday, July 24
Springfield Department of Elder Affairs, Live Well Springfield, The Public Health Institute of Western Mass, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Massachusetts Healthy Aging CollaborativeRaymond A Jordan Senior Center,
1476 Roosevelt Ave.,
Springfield MA 01109
Springfield9:00am – 11:30am RSVP
Tuesday, July 30Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative ZOOM10:00am - 12:00pmRegistration requiredRSVP


Drop-in Listening Tables

Friday, June 7Worcester Senior Center, Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc., Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, Age Friendly Worcester, Age Friendly Central Mass, AARP Massachusetts Worcester Senior Center, 128 Providence Street
Worcester, MA 01604
WorcesterBetween 9:00am - 1:00pmDrop-in onlyRSVP
Tuesday, June 11Worcester Senior Center, Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc., Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, Age Friendly Worcester, Age Friendly Central Mass, AARP Massachusetts Worcester Senior Center, 128 Providence Street
Worcester, MA 01604
WorcesterBetween 9:00am - 1:00pmDrop-in onlyRSVP
Wednesday, June 26      Worcester Senior Center, Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc., Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, Age Friendly Worcester, Age Friendly Central Mass, AARP Massachusetts Worcester Senior Center, 128 Providence Street
Worcester, MA 01604
WorcesterBetween 9:00am - 1:00pmDrop-in onlyRSVP

Provide Comments or Questions

We value the voices of older adults, caregivers, and all communities, and we look forward to reading your suggestions.

If you have additional comments or questions, please email us at

Spread the word

Help us get the word out about the upcoming listening sessions. Below, please find flyers for each session, as well as a sample newsletter entry that can be included in your local publications. If you do not see a flyer for the session you are looking for, please check back for updates. 

Flyers by session location:

Sample newsletter language: Text

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