• This page, Become a Community Based Services (CBS) Provider, is   offered by
  • MassAbility

Become a Community Based Services (CBS) Provider

Information on how to become a CBS provider

Community Based Services follows Massachusetts laws and regulations when we ask individuals or organizations to provide services to our clients. We ask providers to reply to a proposal that we issue. We then rate the responses, and let each provider know if they have qualified. Depending on the services, we either set up a pool of providers that Community Based Services or develop specific contracts with specific providers.

Postings on CommBuys

All Community Based Services contract solicitations are posted on the Internet-based Commonwealth of Massachusetts Procurement Access and Solicitation System. This system is also known as CommBuys. This website contains the Commonwealth’s procurement regulations, forms and database of contracting opportunities for all state agencies. To view open RFR’s, visit the MassAbility section of CommBuys at: http://www.commbuys.com/bso/.

Providers will also be interested in the downloads below.

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