Bureau of Health Professions Licensure License Status Definitions

This page contains the definition of what each license status means.

License Status Definitions

License StatusLicense Status Definition
Out of BusinessRegistration is no longer active. Operation of a pharmacy by this registrant at this location is not authorized.
CurrentLicense/Registration is active and practice is authorized without restrictions.
DeceasedBoard has received reliable information of licensee's death.
ExpiredLicense/Registration was not renewed and is no longer active. Practice is not authorized.
FindingPractice is no longer authorized. A facility or agency may not employ or otherwise engage individuals who have had a finding entered into the Massachusetts Nurse Aide Registry.
Non-Disciplinary ConditionPractice is authorized subject to conditions pursuant to an agreement or order that is non-disciplinary in nature.
Non-Disciplinary RestrictionPractice is not authorized pursuant to an agreement or order that is non-disciplinary in nature.
VoidLicense/Registration is no longer active because it has been superseded by a subsequently issued license/registration.
ProbationPractice is authorized subject to conditions pursuant to an agreement or order that is disciplinary in nature.
RevokedPractice is not authorized pursuant to an order that is disciplinary in nature.
Suspension and/or Summary SuspensionPractice is not authorized pursuant to an agreement or order that is disciplinary in nature.
Termination due to Board ActionMCSR is void by operation of regulation as a result of Board disciplinary action.
Terminated by DCPMCSR terminated by operation of law or regulation due to non-disciplinary changes in registrant status such as name/address change, or no longer prescribing.
Termination by ResignationMCSR terminated as a result of surrender of Board license or MCSR, or voluntary agreement not to practice.
SurrenderedPractice is not authorized pursuant to an agreement that is disciplinary in nature.
ConditionalConditional Approval allows for the immediate practice of nursing while the applicant is completing their initial application for licensure by reciprocity. This Conditional Approval is given for 90 days. if the applicant fails to meet licensure requirements it may be rescinded. If the application is not completed within those 90 days it is expired.
Conditional ExpiredConditional Approval expires 90 days after issuance if the initial application for licensure by reciprocity is not completed. Nursing practice is not authorized.
No Longer Required to RegisterThis company is no longer subject to the regulation and as such is no longer required to register with the program.
Not CertifiedDesignation used for home health aides entered into the Nurse Aide Registry due to substantiated findings of misappropriation, abuse or neglect subsequent to investigations by Complaint Unit.
RetiredLicensee has permanently retired from active
practice in the Commonwealth

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