Do You Need a Permit?
Don’t forget that if your project is in or near a wetland resource area (which includes coastal banks and dunes), a permit may be required under the Wetland Protection Act (WPA). Projects in rare species habitat may also require a Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) permit since planting activities can alter habitat. For more detailed information on the regulatory requirements under the WPA and MESA, see CZM’s Coastal Landscaping in Massachusetts - Do You Need a Permit? page.
American Holly

American holly (Ilex opaca) is a long-living, pyramidal, broad-leaved, evergreen tree that ranges in height from 25 to 60 feet with dark green leaves and stiff, horizontal branches. The new growth in the spring pushes off the older leaves. Bright red berries ripen in October and persist through the winter (both male and female trees are necessary for cross pollination and berry production). American holly can tolerate both moist, fertile soils and dry, sandy soils, with the poorer soils leading to a smaller-sized tree. This tree can grow in shaded woods and stream banks, uplands or lowlands, and as an understory to other trees. American holly is useful as a screen, in mass plantings, or as a specimen tree. The dense growth provides good cover and nesting sites for birds and the berries attract many small mammals and birds (though the berries are poisonous to humans). The berries and evergreen leaves provide excellent winter color and are often used for cuttings and ornamental interest.
(Full sun to partial shade; average to moist, well-drained soils—can tolerate occasionally wet or dry soil, but not flooding; prefers acidic soils; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray; deer and rabbit resistant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Ilex opaca
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Ilex opaca
- Salicicola’s Ilex opaca Plant Gallery
- University of Connecticut’s Plant Database Page on Ilex opaca
American Sycamore
American sycamore, American plane tree (Platanus occidentalis) is a large and fast-growing, deciduous tree that grows 75 to 90 feet tall and 40 to 60 feet wide with a broad, round crown, maple-shaped leaves, and plated bark that peels off to create an interesting, mottled appearance. Flowers appear with the leaves in April-May, and globular fruits (that are a bundle of many small seed-like fruits) ripen September through November, breaking up and falling from the tree through the winter. Though American sycamore grows best in moist to wet soils, such as floodplains and swamps, it is a hardy tree, tolerant of winter salting, urban environments, drought, and a wide variety of soil conditions, including dry soils. Locate American sycamore carefully as it creates dense shade in the summer and drops twigs throughout the year.
(Full sun to partial shade; average to wet, well-drained soils; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray and wind; deer and rabbit resistant; ** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Platanus occidentalis
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Platanus occidentalis
- Native Plant Trust’s Plant Page on Platanus occidentalis
- Salicicola’s Platanus occidentalis Plant Gallery
Atlantic White Cedar

Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) is a tall, narrow, columnar, coniferous, evergreen tree that grows from 40 to 75 feet high. It has short, horizontal branches and blue-green, scale-like leaves that spread out in a fan-like appearance. At maturity, the branches are only present in the upper portion of the tree. The brown cones, which contain 1 to 5 winged seeds, mature in September and October at the end of the first growing season. Atlantic white cedar prefers moist, sandy soils and full sun, but is tolerant of a wide range of soils and conditions, including acidic soils, flood inundation, and saline soils. This tree is not tolerant of shade, needs to be protected from high winds, and needs sufficient moisture to become established. It usually grows in very dense, solid stands in and around swamps and bogs and is best known as the dominant tree in the Atlantic white cedar swamps along the Atlantic Coast. Its preference for wet sites makes it suitable for low, wet areas of yards and wetland or naturalized areas. The commercial availability of this tree is limited (various cultivars can be found more easily).
(Full sun to partial shade; moist to wet soils—thrives in moist, sandy, or peaty soils; prefers cool temperatures and acidic soils; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray and wind; * Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Chamaecyparis thyoides
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Chamaecyparis thyoides
- Salicicola’s Chamaecyparis thyoides Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Fact Sheet on Atlantic White Cedar (PDF, 79 KB)
Black Cherry

Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a deciduous tree with a dense oval crown and pendulous branches. This rapid-growing tree reaches from 60 to 90 feet tall and 35 to 50 feet wide. In the spring, black cherry produces fragrant white flowers on pendulous stems. The berry-like fruits mature in the late summer. This tree prefers deep, moist, fertile soil, but is tolerant of salt and drought and thrives in full sun to part shade. Black cherry is one of the most valued cabinet and furniture woods in North America. The fruits are important food for numerous bird species and mammals, including the red fox, black bear, raccoon, opossum, squirrel, and rabbit.
(Full sun to partial shade; dry to moist, well-drained, nutrient-rich soils—tolerates a wide variety of soil types, from rich soils to light, sandy soils; somewhat drought tolerant; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray and wind; deer and rabbit resistant; ** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Prunus serotina
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Prunus serotina
- Salicicola’s Prunus serotina Plant Gallery
- University of Connecticut’s Plant Database Page on Prunus serotina
Black Tupelo

Black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica), or black gum, is a slow-growing, deciduous tree that grows from 30 to 60 feet (occasionally up to 90 feet) tall with dense foliage, horizontally spreading branches, and a conical or sometimes flat-topped crown. The green leaves are leathery, glossy, and densely clustered and turn a brilliant yellow, orange, or scarlet color in the fall. The small, greenish-white flowers bloom in early spring and are an excellent source of nectar for bees and other pollinating insects, which in turn attract many species of birds that feed on the insects. The small, blue, sour-tasting berries are also an attraction for birds (both male and female plants are necessary for cross pollination and berry production). Tupelo grows best on well-drained, light-textured soils but is tolerant of both wet and dry sites and can even grow in standing water. This tree is also tolerant of various acidity levels in the soils and is moderately tolerant of salinity. Because of its adaptability to wet sites, this tree is useful in low areas of the yard that are subject to periodic flooding or in rain gardens. It can also be used as an ornamental shade or street tree. The nectar of the tupelo tree is valued for honey production by bees.
(Full sun to partial shade; average to wet soils—tolerates periodic flooding but also drought; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray and wind; deer and rabbit resistant; *** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Nyssa sylvatica
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Nyssa sylvatica
- Salicicola’s Nyssa sylvatica Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Fact Sheet on Blackgum (PDF, 52 KB)
Downy Serviceberry/Shadbush

Downy serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) is a deciduous, shrub-like tree reaching heights of 10 to 25 feet. The oval leaves emerge a downy gray and mature to a dark green in the summer. The fall foliage is showy with orange, gold, red, and green. The clusters of white flowers grow at the branch tips before the leaves appear. Downy serviceberry grows in a variety of habitats, including swamps, dry woods, sandy bluffs, rocky ridges, forest edges, and fields. Many bird species (such as cardinals, cedar waxwings, towhees, and Baltimore orioles) and mammal species (such as rabbits, mice, fox, black bears, and deer) eat the fruit. The fruits taste similar to but slightly tarter than blueberries. Downy serviceberry is often confused with shadblow serviceberry (A. canadensis), which is multi-stemmed and more shrub-like and tolerant of wet soils.
(Full sun to partial shade; dry to average, well-drained soils—tolerates a wide variety of conditions from dry to wet and a range of soil types from sand to clay; drought tolerant; salt tolerant; somewhat deer and rabbit resistant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Amelanchier arborea
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Amelanchier arborea
- Salicicola’s Amelanchier arborea Plant Gallery
- University of Connecticut’s Plant Database Page on Amelanchier arborea
Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is a native evergreen that grows 10 to 40 feet high with a pyramidal shape that becomes rounder with age. It is tolerant of salt and dry soils and is good for both exposed areas and sheltered coastal areas. The light-blue fruits (berry-like cones) are an important food source for many birds and large and small mammals (both male and female plants are necessary for cross pollination and berry production). In addition, cedars provide important protective cover for nesting, roosting, and winter shelter. Eastern red cedar is excellent as a specimen planting and useful in masses for windbreaks and screening. The leaves, roots, and berries of the red cedar have been used by the Native Americans for centuries as a botanical cure for many ailments, including asthma, colds, fevers, and hyperactivity, and for general cleansing and healing.
(Full sun to partial shade; dry to moist, well-drained soils—tolerant of a variety of soils and growing conditions, from dry, rocky, and poor soils to wet areas; drought tolerant; salt tolerant; somewhat deer and rabbit resistant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Juniperus virginiana
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Juniperus virginiana
- Salicicola’s Juniperus virginiana Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Fact Sheet on Eastern Redcedar (PDF, 54 KB)
Gray Birch

Gray birch (Betula populifolia) is a small to medium, fast-growing, deciduous tree that reaches 20 to 40 feet in height with a 10 to 20 foot spread. Gray birch is native to the northeastern United States and can be found growing on sandy soils or as an early colonizer on nutrient-deficient and dry sites. The tree often has multiple trunks branching off a main trunk. The dark green summer foliage generally leafs out early and is yellow and showy in the fall. The bark is reddish brown when young and transitions to a grayish-white color with black triangular patches where the branches meet the trunk. Gray birch is a useful tree for difficult sites or in naturalized areas. The birch seeds provide food for birds, such as goldfinches and other small-seed eaters.
(Full sun to partial shade; medium to wet, well-drained soils—can tolerate poor, dry, sandy or rocky soils; somewhat drought tolerant; salt tolerant; somewhat deer and rabbit resistant; *** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Betula populifolia
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Betula populifolia
- Salicicola’s Betula populifolia Plant Gallery
- University of Connecticut’s Plant Database Page on Betula populifolia
Pitch Pine

The native pitch pine (Pinus rigida) is variable in form with short and poorly formed trees growing on dry, exposed sites and straight, medium-sized trees reaching 80 feet tall growing on protected, nutrient-rich sites. The evergreen needles are 2.5 to 5 inches long with three needles in a bundle. Cones mature in the fall and are often persistent for many years. The pitch pine occupies a variety of habitats from dry, acidic, sandy uplands to swampy lowlands and can survive in very poor conditions. This pine is also well known for its ability to survive fires. Since the trees will grow in dry, rocky, or sandy soils, they are often used for reforestation or stabilization where few other trees will grow.
(Full sun; dry to moist, well-drained soils—tolerates a wide range of soils, including dry sandy and rocky soils; drought tolerant; salt tolerant; deer and rabbit resistant; *** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Pinus rigida
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Pinus rigida
- Salicicola’s Pinus rigida Plant Gallery
- University of Connecticut’s Plant Database Page on Pinus rigida
Red Maple

Red maple (Acer rubrum) is a wide-ranging, native, deciduous tree that typically grows from 40 to 70 feet tall but can reach heights of more than 100 feet. The shape of red maple becomes more rounded or oval with age. Red maple is often one of the first trees to change color, with colors that vary from greenish yellow to vibrant scarlet to burgundy. The flowers, which bloom in late March or April, can also be red or orange. The fruit, or winged seeds known as samaras, are one of the smallest of the native maples at less than an inch in length. Red maples are relatively fast growing, tolerant of many conditions, and adaptable. They do best in full sun but can tolerate partial shade; they prefer moist, acidic soils and tolerate occasional flooding and wet soils. Red maples are useful as shade trees, for wet sites, for their striking fall foliage, and for their wildlife value—their seeds provide food for squirrels and birds.
(Full sun to partial shade; average to wet, well-drained soils—tolerates a wide range of conditions and soil types, including occasional flooding and clay soils; prefers moist, slightly acidic soils; drought tolerant; best if planted away from salt spray; *** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Acer rubrum
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Acer rubrum
- Salicicola’s Acer rubrum Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Fact Sheet on Red Maple (PDF, 62 KB)
Red Oak

Red oak (Quercus rubra) is a durable, low-maintenance, deciduous tree that grows 60 to 80 feet tall and 30 to 45 wide with a straight trunk, wide canopy, and beautiful red to purple fall foliage. As a relatively fast-growing tree, with a tolerance for cold, drought, salt, dry soils, and air pollution, red oak is a valuable shade and street tree. The dark bark is vertically striped with long, smooth plates and deep furrows, and the leaves are 5 to 8 inches long with 7 to 11 pointed, bristle-tip lobes, which help distinguish it from white oak. Red oak bears flowers within catkins in April-May, which develop into fruit (acorns) in September-October. The acorns mature over the course of two growing seasons and drop in late summer or early fall, providing a highly valued food source for many species of birds and mammals. Like many oak species, red oak supports a great diversity of insects and other wildlife—hosting hundreds of species of caterpillars and providing nesting cavities and habitat for many small animals.
(Full sun to partial shade; dry to average to wet, well-drained soils; drought tolerant; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray and wind; deer and rabbit resistant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Quercus rubra
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Quercus rubra
- Native Plant Trust’s Plant Page on Quercus rubra
- Salicicola’s Quercus rubra Plant Gallery

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) is a deciduous tree that grows from 35 to 50 feet high with an attractive, horizontal-branching pattern and an interesting, ridged, red brown bark. The bright green leaves—which come in three shapes (single lobed, mitten-shaped, and three lobed)—turn a bright-yellow or red-orange color in the fall. The green twigs and leaf stalks have a pleasing and spicy aroma. The fragrant flowers that bloom before the leaves appear in the spring attract birds, bees, and butterflies. In late summer and fall, the female trees produce small, dark blue, oval fruits that are readily eaten by wildlife (both the male and female plants are needed for cross pollination and fruiting). Sassafras does best in moist, fertile soils in partial to full shade, but can tolerate a wide range of soils, including dry, sandy soils. Sassafras can spread by roots to form large thickets and is therefore useful for erosion control or on disturbed sites. If roots suckers are cut, sassafras can also be planted as a low maintenance specimen tree. Sassafras has been cultivated since 1630 for its leaves, bark, and wood for medicinal uses and for items such as soaps, perfumes, and teas—however, the commercial availability of this tree is limited.
(Full sun to partial shade—intolerant of full shade; dry to moist, well-drained soils—tolerant of poor sandy soils; prefers acidic soils; drought tolerant; best planted away from salt spray; deer and rabbit resistant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Sassafras albidum
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Sassafras albidum
- Salicicola’s Sassafras albidum Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Guide on Sassafras (PDF, 107 KB)
Scarlet Oak
Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) is a broad, stately tree that grows 50 to 70 feet tall and 25 to 40 feet wide with an open, rounded to pyramidal growth habit, ascending slender branches, and glossy green leaves that turn a stunning scarlet in the fall and remain on the tree well into the winter. Like other oaks, catkins appear in May-June, followed by acorns in September-October. Scarlet oak is fast-growing but short-lived compared to other oak species (80 years, compared to 300-500 years for white and red oaks). Features that help distinguish scarlet oak from red oak include a scalier, ridged (and less vertically striped) bark, smaller acorns (with a cap that covers about half the acorn), leaf lobes that are more deeply cut, and leaf color that is glossier, brighter green on top and pale underneath. Scarlet oak is tolerant of drought, somewhat tolerant of salt, and can grow on poor soils, including dry, sandy, or gravelly upland sites. Due to its beauty and hardiness, scarlet oak has been planted in urban settings and parks and can be a useful tree for less exposed coastal properties.
(Full sun to part shade—less shade tolerant than other oaks; average to dry, well-drained soils; prefers slightly acidic soils; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray; deer and rabbit resistant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Quercus coccinea
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Quercus coccinea
- Native Plant Trust’s Plant Page on Quercus coccinea
- Salicicola’s Quercus coccinea Plant Gallery
Shagbark Hickory
Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) is a large, deciduous tree that reaches 50 to 90 feet tall and has distinctive vertically peeling, shaggy (or platey), gray bark. Flowers emerge in mid-spring, with both the male catkins and female spikes appearing on the same tree. This slow-growing but long-living species is an excellent choice as a shade tree in the landscape (provided sites are selected carefully for its large size, leaf litter, and falling fruits). Shagbark hickory can adapt to a wide range of climate and soil types and features a straight trunk, oval to irregular shape, pinnately-compound leaves that turn bright yellow to bronze in the fall, and bark that provides winter interest. This tree is also a pollinator powerhouse for moths, butterflies, and insects and a host plant for the luna moth, banded hairstreak, and walking stick. The flavorful and sweet nuts, once a staple food for Indigenous peoples, are still cultivated today and a favorite for wildlife. Hickory is also prized for its tough but aromatic wood, which burns with little or no smoke for long periods.
(Full sun to partial shade; dry to medium, nutrient-rich, well-drained soils; drought tolerant; somewhat salt tolerant but best planted away from salt spray; * Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Carya ovata
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Carya ovata
- Native Plant Trust’s Plant Page on Carya ovata
- Salicicola’s Carya ovata Plant Gallery

Tamarack, American larch (Larix laricina) is one of the only deciduous conifers in New England, growing 30 to 60 feet tall and 10 to 18 feet wide, with soft green clusters of needles that arise in the spring and turn golden in the fall before dropping. With a straight trunk, spreading or ascending branches, pyramidal form, and fine-textured clusters of needles, this tree is an attractive addition to the landscape. Small spherical cones, which often remain on trees for several years, open in the fall to release small, winged seeds. Tamarack is relatively salt tolerant, extremely cold tolerant, and typically found growing in rich, acidic, wet soils, such as peatlands, swamp margins, and along banks of streams and lakes. Tamarack can also be found growing on well-drained upland sites, provided there is little competition from other vegetation, since it is intolerant of shade. This tree is useful as a beautiful, low-maintenance specimen tree, and as a valuable food source and nesting site for wildlife.
(Full sun—intolerant of shade; moist to wet soils—intolerant of dry, shallow soils; prefers slightly acidic soils; intolerant of heat and polluted areas; tolerant of winter road salt, due to it being deciduous, but best planted away from salt spray and wind; * Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Larix laricina
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Larix laricina
- Salicicola’s Larix laricina Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Fact Sheet on Tamarack (PDF, 96 KB)
White Oak

White oak (Quercus alba) is a large, durable, and long-living deciduous shade tree that can grow over 100 feet tall and up to 60 to 80 feet wide. White oak has a broad, round crown and wide-spreading branches with dense foliage that turns an attractive red-violet color in the fall. This oak has a deep root system, which makes it fairly tolerant of a range of soil conditions and fairly drought resistant when well established. White oak performs best on coarse, moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soils with medium fertility. White oak is moderately resistant to salt spray and even temporary salt-water submergence. The acorns are a food source for many small mammals and birds. The high-grade wood of this oak is used for furniture, flooring, interior woodwork, and even shipbuilding. White oak needs room to grow and has a low tolerance for soil compaction and changes in soil levels.
(Full sun to part shade—dry to moist, well-drained soils—intolerant of flooding; prefers slightly acidic soil but is adaptable; drought tolerant; salt tolerant; **** Availability Rating)
For more information, see:
- Go Botany’s Plant Page on Quercus alba
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Plant Database Page on Quercus alba
- Salicicola’s Quercus alba Plant Gallery
- United States Department of Agriculture’s Plant Fact Sheet on White Oak (PDF, 60 KB)
Availability Rating Key
**** - Widely available at large commercial garden centers, as well as at specialty nurseries and through online purchase.
*** - Widely available at specialty nurseries and through online purchase, but only occasionally found at garden centers.
** - Occasionally available at specialty nurseries and through online purchase and difficult to find at garden centers.
* - Selectively available through specialty nurseries and through online purchase and difficult to find at garden centers.
See Where to Purchase Native Plants for Massachusetts nurseries and online options. If you cannot find a plant you are interested in, contact your local garden center and other outlets to help encourage future availability.