Overview of the FEMA Disaster Declaration
Disaster Number: DR-4496
Declared: March 27, 2020
Incident Period: January 20, 2020 - May 11, 2023
Cost Share: 100% through July 1, 2022. After July 1, 2022 the cost share is lowered to 90%.
Counties Declared: All
Project Thresholds:
Minimum PW: $3,300
Small PW: $3,300 - $131,100
Large PW: $131,100+
RPA Deadline: July 1, 2022 - COVID-19 RPA Deadline Memo
Additional information about the deadline to report costs/activities incurred/performed between July 1, 2022 and May 11, 2023 will be forthcoming from FEMA.
Volunteer Rate: $17.44/hr
Public Assistance Grant Process
For the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, FEMA has announced a Simplified Public Assistance application process. This process will empower applicants to drive their own recovery and directly apply for assistance through FEMA’s PA Grants Portal.
It is important that applicants continue to track their costs, including direct and indirect administrative costs, to be able to have records to submit for reimbursement.
For information about the PA Grants Process, forms, and workbooks, visit: FEMA Public Assistance: Local, State, Tribal and Non-Profit.
Eligible Costs
FEMA may provide reimbursement for certain emergency protective measures in response to COIVD-19. For details about eligible costs under the COVID-19 Major Disaster Declaration and to see related policies, forms, and guidance, see: Eligible Costs for COVID-19 Federal Disaster Declaration and Vaccine Cost Reimbursement.
Declaration Specific Guidance and Documents
The unique and wide ranging nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the need for various specific guidance from FEMA regarding the Public Assistance program and the disaster declaration. This includes specific guidance on the Federal Cost Share, procurement standards and many other topics.
For disaster specific guidance issued by FEMA, please visit: https://www.fema.gov/media-collection/public-assistance-disaster-specific-guidance-covid-19-declarations
CARES Act for Municipal Government
The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) includes funds for Massachusetts governments to use to pay costs incurred in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. See CARES Act for Municipal Government webpage for details, eligibility, reporting, memos and guidance regarding the CARES Act.
Municipalities should contact the Federal Programs Office at the Executive Office for Administration and Finance at https://massgov.formstack.com/forms/municipal_covid_spending_questions with any questions regarding CARES Act funding. Municipalities located in Plymouth County should contact county officials for information about the Coronavirus Relief Fund.
Current Federal procurement standards (found at 2 C.F.R. § 200.320(f)(2)) allow non-state entities to noncompetitively procure contracts (i.e., sole-sourcing) under certain emergency or exigent circumstances. FEMA defines an emergency or exigent circumstances as unexpected and unusually dangerous situations requiring immediate action or an urgent need for assistance or relief. For additional information regarding procurement requirements, please refer to the FEMA - Procurement During Emergency Circumstances Fact Sheet.
For webinars about this disaster declaration including MEMA webinars, FEMA webinars, MEMA applicant briefings, and more, see Webinars for DR-4496 - COVID-19 Federal Disaster Declaration in Massachusetts.
Frequently Asked Questions
For frequently asked questions and answers for this disaster declaration including general information, eligible items, applying for PA, project development, and vaccines, see: COVID-19 Public Assistance Frequently Asked Questions.