Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during COVID-19
PPE, including N95 respirators, masks, gowns, gloves, and eye protection continue to be available in Massachusetts. The Department of Public Health (DPH) is able to serve as a bridge when an entity has a critically low supply while it increases ordering and receipt of PPE. The Commonwealth is not able to supplant the normal supply chain for PPE.
- DPH Guidance, May 5, 2023: Updated Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment
- This guidance replaces Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment guidance published on April 12, 2022; March 7, 2022; January 21, 2022; December 23, 2021; November 17, 2021; August 16, 2021; June 24, 2021; May 13, 2021; January 6, 2021; July 6, 2020; and May 21, 2020.
- CDC Guidance: Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Requesting PPE
Where do I go to make a PPE request?
If you anticipate a supply shortage within the next 5 days and are unable to source the material(s) through your normal supply chain, then you may request PPE in the following manner:
If you are a medical facility, nursing home, assisted living facility, community health center, private/non-fire-based EMS, local public health group, or otherwise providing clinical care:
- Fill out and download the PPE request form and submit it via email to your Regional HMCC.
- Regional HMCC contact info can be found on Learn about HMCC and below:
- HMCC Region 1 Franklin Regional Council of Governments
(413) 773-1502 | - HMCC Region 2 City of Worcester
(508) 408-5173 | - HMCC Region 3 Metropolitan Area Planning Council
(978) 946-8130 | - HMCC Region 4ab Cambridge Health Alliance
(857) 239-0662 | - HMCC Region 4c Boston Public Health Commission
(617) 343-6920 | - HMCC Region 5 MA Association of Health Boards
(855) 266-7243 ID# 32432 |
- HMCC Region 1 Franklin Regional Council of Governments
If you are a local Police Department, Fire Department, joint Fire/EMS Department, county agencies (ex. Sheriff), state agency, or local municipality:
- MEMA no longer has PPE supplies for distribution, the Operational Services Division (OSD) offers resources for obtaining antigen test kits and personal protective equipment (PPE) using Statewide Contracts. COVID-19 Statewide Contract Resources |
I am having trouble placing my request. Who can I contact?
If you are a medical facility, nursing home, assisted living facility, community health center, private/ non-fire-based EMS, local public health group, or are otherwise providing clinical care and have questions about how to place a request, you can contact your HMCC regional representative as listed above.
If you are a local Police Department, Fire Department, joint Fire/EMS Department, county agency (ex. Sheriff), state agency, or local municipality:
- The local Emergency Management Director in each city and town has access to WebEOC to submit a request. If a community has questions or needs assistance, they should contact their regional MEMA office.
- Region 1: (978) 328-1500
- Region 2: (508) 427-0400
- Region 3/4: (413) 750-1400
State agencies or county agencies (ex. Sheriff offices) with resource requests should contact the MEMA Emergency Operations Center at (508) 820-2000 or email
How will I know if my request is going to be filled?
- All requests will be acknowledged within 48 hours.
- Requestors will be asked if they have attempted to place an order through 1 or more of their procurement vendors. Some vendors are starting to deliver supplies.
COVID-19 testing supplies
- For executive departments, municipalities, and other eligible entities: visit COVID-19 Statewide Contract Resources for information about ordering testing supplies
- For the general public: find COVID-19 self-test kit information on COVID-19 testing information: Where can I get a test?