There are currently no employment opportunities at CZM. Please check back later or see the links below for other state and coastal-related opportunities.
- Finding a Job - Provides links to job resources in Massachusetts
- CZ-Tip - Internship/Job-Search Resources: Get into the Blue - Includes information on internships, fellowships, and jobs in coastal and ocean fields.
Open Requests for Responses (RFRs)
There currently are no open RFRs for CZM grant programs.
Upcoming RFRs
NEW: Upcoming Coastal Resilience Grants - Pre-Application Support Available from CZM - CZM anticipates the release of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 RFR for the Coastal Resilience Grant Program in the spring. Coastal Resilience Grants provide funding and technical assistance to coastal communities, eligible nonprofit organizations, and federally recognized tribes to reduce risks associated with coastal storms, flooding, erosion, and sea level rise through innovative and transferable local and regional projects. The following CZM support is available for this grant program:
- Direct Support - Up until the RFR is released, CZM can discuss project ideas and eligibility for the grants with potential applicants. See the Coastal Resilient Grant Program contact information to connect with CZM.
- Coastal Resilience Grant Program Webinar - On February 27 from 11:00 a.m.-noon, CZM will host an informational webinar on the FY 2026 Coastal Resilience Grant opportunity. The webinar will cover new program requirements, highlight successful projects funded in previous grant rounds, and review the grant program goals, timeline, and tips for developing competitive applications, while also providing time for questions and discussion of potential project ideas. Please email to register and receive the Zoom meeting details. A recording of the presentation will be linked from the Coastal Resilience Grant Program web page following the webinar.
Other Grant Opportunities - See the Community Grant Finder (a central location to learn about state grant opportunities for cities and towns) and COMMBUYS (the Commonwealth's electronic procurement system) for other state opportunities.
CZM Grant Programs
- Coastal Resilience Grant Program - These CZM-administered grants to municipalities and nonprofit organizations advance innovative local and regional efforts to address coastal flooding, erosion, and sea level rise impacts through communication and public outreach initiatives, vulnerability assessments, planning activities, engineering projects, and natural storm damage protection.
- Coastal Habitat and Water Quality (CHWQ) Grants - These grants provide financial resources for projects that assess and treat stormwater impacts and support comprehensive habitat restoration planning activities.
- Coastal Pollutant Remediation (CPR) Program - These grants, also administered by CZM, provide financial resources to municipalities located in the Massachusetts Coastal Watershed to assess and remediate stormwater pollution from paved surfaces and to design and construct commercial boat waste pumpout facilities.
- Coastal Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) - This grant program was initiated by the U.S. Congress in 2002, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) manages an annual competitive process to select projects for congressionally appropriated funding. Since 2013, however, funding has only been available for CELCP projects through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, for which Massachusetts is not eligible. For more information, see the NOAA Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program website.
- CZM Grant Viewer - This interactive map covers grants awarded from 2014 to present through CZM’s Coastal Resilience, Coastal Habitat and Water Quality, and Coastal Pollutant Remediation grant programs. Pop-up boxes provide details on each grant award and information can be sorted by grant program, category (such as construction type, design & permitting, habitat restoration, and more), and year that mapped data are available.
- Grant Programs of the National Estuary Programs (NEPs)
- Buzzards Bay Grants - These grants, administered by the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (BBNEP), provide funding to implement recommendations in the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan to protect and restore water quality and living resources in Buzzards Bay and its surrounding watershed.
- MassBays Healthy Estuaries Grant Program - These grants, administered by the MassBays National Estuary Partnership (MassBays), provide small grants to nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and municipalities for projects that advance the goals of the MassBays Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.
Other State Coastal-Related Grants
- Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Office of Grants and Technical Assistance - This website includes links to some of the major grant programs offered through EEA, along with links to other state and federal funding sources.
- Available Funding for Stormwater Projects - This table provides descriptions and links to additional information on federal and state grant and loan programs that fund stormwater and water quality projects in Massachusetts.
- Funding Opportunities for Coastal Managers - This page provides descriptions of and links to grants offered through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office for Coastal Management.
- COMMBUYS - The Commonwealth of Massachusetts electronic procurement system - This site is the official procurement record system for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Executive Departments. All Requests for Responses are posted to this site.