See the Seafloor and Habitat Mapping Program for details on CZM efforts to analyze and map the diverse habitats of the seafloor and CZM Publications for the full list of materials published by CZM.
(Note: Any views or opinions presented in publications prepared for CZM are solely those of the author[s] and do not necessarily represent those of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Please see our website policies.)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Reports in Massachusetts Waters
Listed in reverse chronological order.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the Vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, During USGS Field Activity 22-001-FA - This 2023 CZM/USGS report contains datasets that include more than 680-trackline-kilometers of bathymetric, backscatter, and subbottom data. These data, collected in 2022, offer a detailed view of the sandy seafloor and subseafloor around Horseshoe Shoal.
- High-Resolution Geophysical and Geological Data Collected in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts During USGS Field Activities 2019-002-FA and 2019-034-FA - This 2022 CZM/USGS report contains datasets that includes more than 4,700-trackline-kilometers of bathymetric, backscatter, subbottom, and multi-channel seismic data, as well as seafloor photo, underwater video, and sediment texture data. These datasets, collected in 2019, are the first systematic mapping of the southern-most Gulf of Maine since the 1940s and offer an unprecedented view of the Bay’s seafloor and subseafloor.
- Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of the Inner Continental Shelf from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, Martha’s Vineyard, and Eel Point to Great Point, Nantucket, Massachusetts - This 2019 CZM/USGS report contains a series of interpretive maps that describe the geology, distribution, and texture of seafloor sediments, as well as landforms of the seafloor along the south and west shores of Martha’s Vineyard and the north shore of Nantucket. The maps were produced from high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom photographs collected by USGS during a 2013 survey.
- Continuous Bathymetry and Elevation Models of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and Continental Shelf - This 2018 CZM/USGS report contains a comprehensive elevation dataset that covers the entire Massachusetts Coastal Zone—the area defined by the seaward limit of the state's territorial sea, extending from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to the Massachusetts-Rhode Island border, and landward to 100 feet inland of specified major roads, rail lines, other visible rights-of-way. This new dataset covers both “over-the-land” topography and “underwater” bathymetry and provides a continuous surface, which is necessary to identify flood, hurricane, and sea-level rise inundation hazard zones. These bathymetry data, used in conjunction with the related source dataset shapefile, also provide an inventory of the most recent elevation and bathymetry datasets within the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and offshore waters.
- High-resolution geophysical data from the Inner Continental Shelf: South of Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts - This 2016 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical data collected by USGS during a survey in 2013. The report includes bathymetric data (water depth), acoustic backscatter that provides an image of the seafloor, and seismic-reflection profiles that reveal the nature of the sediment layers below the seafloor.
- Geological Sampling Data and Benthic Biota Classification: Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts - This 2015 CZM/USGS report contains seafloor sampling data and the biological classification of seafloor photographs collected in 2010 from Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound. The data and information presented in this report include sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, seafloor video survey lines, and a classification of benthic biota observed in seafloor photographs based on the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard.
- Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts - This 2015 CZM/USGS report contains geologic, sediment texture, and physiographic zone maps that characterize the seafloor of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. These data are derived from interpretations of the seismic-reflection profiles, high-resolution bathymetry, acoustic-backscatter intensity, bottom photographs, and surficial sediment samples.
- High-Resolution Swath Interferometric Data Collected Within Muskeget Channel, Massachusetts - This 2014 USGS report contains swath interferometric bathymetry data collected in 2010 within and around Muskeget Channel and along select nearshore areas south and east of Martha's Vineyard. These data were collected to support an assessment of the effect on sediment transport that a tidal instream energy conversion facility would have within Muskeget Channel. Baseline bathymetry data were obtained for the Muskeget Channel area, and surveys in select areas were repeated after one month to monitor sediment transport and bedform migration.
- Bathymetry of the Waters Surrounding the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts - This 2014 CZM/USGS Scientific Investigations Map shows the detailed bathymetry of the waters surrounding the Elizabeth Islands and contains a summary of the post-glacial geologic history of the Elizabeth Islands and surrounding Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected Aboard the U.S. Geological Survey Vessel Rafael to Supplement Existing Datasets From Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts - This 2014 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical and geospatial data collected in Buzzards Bay, in the shallow-water areas of Vineyard Sound, and in the nearshore areas off the eastern Elizabeth Islands and northern coast of Martha's Vineyard between 2007 and 2011. The data presented in this report include bathymetry, acoustic backscatter, seismic-reflection profiles, sound velocity profiles, and navigation.
- Shallow Geology, Seafloor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of the Inner Continental Shelf from Nahant to Northern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts - This 2013 CZM/USGS report presents interpretations that describe the distribution and texture of seafloor sediments, physiographic zones, surficial geology, and shallow stratigraphy of the Massachusetts inner continental shelf between Nahant and northern Cape Cod Bay. The interpretations are based on high-resolution geophysical data (interferometric and multibeam swath bathymetry, lidar, backscatter, and seismic reflection), sediment samples, and bottom photographs.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts - This 2013 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical data collected by USGS on three cruises conducted in 2009, 2010, and 2011, and additional bathymetry data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 2004. The geophysical data include (1) swath bathymetry using interferometric sonar and multibeam echosounder systems, (2) acoustic backscatter from sidescan sonar, and (3) seismic-reflection profiles from a chirp subbottom profiler.
- Construction of a 3-Arcsecond Digital Elevation Model for the Gulf of Maine - This 2013 USGS report contains a 3-arcsecond (approximately 90-meter grid cell size) digital elevation model (DEM) for the Gulf of Maine and documents the procedures used to construct the DEM.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data From the Inner Continental Shelf at Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts - This 2013 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical data collected between 2009 and 2011. The data include (1) swath bathymetry from interferometric sonar, (2) acoustic backscatter from sidescan sonar, and (3) seismic-reflection profiles from a chirp subbottom profiler.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected Within Red Brook Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in 2009 - This 2012 CZM/USGS report contains high-resolution geophysical and sampling data collected within Red Brook Harbor, Massachusetts, in 2009.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data From the Sea Floor Surrounding the Western Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts - This 2012 data report contains high-resolution geophysical data from approximately 24.5 square-kilometers of the seafloor surrounding Cuttyhunk Island and western Nashawena Island and adds to the series of geophysical data reports published through a cooperative mapping program between USGS and CZM.
- Sea-Floor Geology and Sedimentary Processes in the Vicinity of Cross Rip Channel, Nantucket Sound, Offshore Southeastern Massachusetts - This 2012 USGS/NOAA report contains digital terrain models, imagery, and interpretive data layers derived from multibeam echosounder data collected in Nantucket Sound off southeastern Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. Basic data layers show seafloor topography and sun-illuminated shaded relief. An interpretive layer shows the distribution of sedimentary environments. Presented verification data include sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- Geophysical and Sampling Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Northern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts - This 2010 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical and sampling data collected by USGS during five research cruises between 2006 and 2008. The geophysical data include (1) swath bathymetry from interferometric sonar, (2) acoustic backscatter from interferometric and sidescan sonars, and (3) subsurface stratigraphy and structure from seismic-reflection profilers. The seafloor sampling data include sediment samples, photographs, and video tracklines.
- Geophysical and Sampling Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Duxbury to Hull, Massachusetts - This 2010 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical and geological data collected by USGS on three cruises between 2006 and 2007. These data are supplemented with a NOAA hydrographic survey conducted in 2003 to update navigation charts. The geophysical data include (1) swath bathymetry from interferometric sonar and multibeam echosounders, (2) acoustic backscatter from sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounders, and (3) subsurface stratigraphy and structure from seismic-reflection profilers. The geological data include sediment samples, seafloor photographs, and bottom videos.
- Geophysical Data Collected off the South Shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts - This 2010 report contains data collected by USGS during a nearshore geophysical survey offshore of the southern coast of Martha's Vineyard in 2007.
- Geological Interpretation of the Sea Floor Offshore of Edgartown, Massachusetts - This 2010 USGS report contains gridded bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, covering approximately 37.3 square kilometers of seafloor in the vicinity of Edgartown Harbor, Massachusetts.
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Cape Ann to Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts - This 2009 CZM/USGS report contains GIS data, maps, and technical explanations of data collection/processing and a discussion of the seafloor geology and topography from Cape Ann to Salisbury. The maps are based on marine geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom photography obtained on two research cruises in 2004 and 2005.
- Enhanced Sidescan-Sonar Imagery Offshore of Southeastern Massachusetts - This 2008 CZM/USGS/NOAA report contains enhanced sidescan-sonar imagery from two surveys conducted offshore of southeastern Massachusetts in the vicinity of Quicks Hole—a passage through the Elizabeth Islands—and in Great Round Shoal Channel, a passage between Nantucket and Cape Cod. These mosaics provide continuous grayscale perspectives of the backscatter, more accurately reveal the seafloor geologic trends, and minimize the environment-, acquisition-, and processing-related noise.
- Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts - This 2008 report produced in cooperation with CZM includes digital terrain models, imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder and sidescan-sonar data collected in the vicinity of Woods Hole, the main passage between Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. Basic data layers show seafloor topography, sun-illuminated shaded relief, and backscatter intensity; interpretive layers show the distributions of surficial sediment, sedimentary environments, and seafloor features. Presented verification data include sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes of Great Round Shoal Channel, Offshore Massachusetts - This 2007 report produced in cooperation with CZM includes imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder and sidescan-sonar data collected in the vicinity of Great Round Shoal Channel, the main passage through shoals located at the eastern entrance to Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. Basic data layers show seafloor topography, sun-illuminated shaded relief, and backscatter intensity; interpretive layers show the distributions of surficial sediment, sedimentary environments, and seafloor features. Presented verification data include sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes of Quicks Hole, Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts - This 2007 report produced in cooperation with CZM includes imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder and sidescan sonar surveys conducted in the vicinity of Quicks Hole, a passage through the Elizabeth Islands, which extend in a chain southwest off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. Basic data layers show seafloor topography, sun-illuminated shaded relief, and backscatter intensity; interpretive layers show the distributions of surficial sediment, sedimentary environments, and seafloor features. Presented verification data include sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- A GIS Library of Multibeam Data for Massachusetts Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Offshore of Boston, Massachusetts - This 2007 USGS Data Series contains images and grids of bathymetry, shaded relief bathymetry, and backscatter intensity data for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and western Massachusetts Bay, offshore of Boston, collected during four surveys between 1994 and 1998.
- Geological Interpretation of Bathymetric and Backscatter Imagery of the Sea Floor Off Eastern Cape Cod, Massachusetts - This CZM/USGS report published in 2006 includes imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder data collected off Eastern Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. The basic data layers show seafloor topography, sun-illuminated shaded relief, and backscatter intensity and interpretive layers show the distributions of surficial sediment and sedimentary environments. Presented verification data include new and historical sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Boston Harbor and Approaches, Massachusetts - This CZM/USGS report published in 2006 presents the surficial geologic framework data and information for the seafloor of Boston Harbor. The geophysical data for these maps were collected as part of hydrographic surveys carried out by NOAA in 2000 and 2001. Bottom photographs, video, and samples of the sediments were collected in September 2004 to help in the interpretation of the geophysical data. Included in this report are high-resolution maps of the seafloor and a gallery of photographs of the seafloor.
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Nahant to Gloucester, Massachusetts - This 2006 CZM/USGS report presents high-resolution maps of the seafloor offshore of Massachusetts, from Nahant to Gloucester. The maps are based on marine geophysical data, sediment sampling, and bottom photography obtained on two research cruises carried out in 2003 and 2004.
- Shaded Relief, Sea Floor Topography, and Backscatter Intensity of Massachusetts Bay and the Stellwagen Bank Region Offshore of Boston, Massachusetts - This 2004 USGS Geologic Investigations Series shows the seafloor topography and backscatter intensity of the region offshore of Boston at a scale of 1:125,000.
- Photographs of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Offshore of Boston, Massachusetts - Published in 1999, this report contains photographs and sediment sample analyses of the seafloor obtained at 142 sites in western Massachusetts Bay.
- Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Region off Boston, Massachusetts - This USGS publication from 1998 describes the character of the sea floor in the disposal site region as revealed by topographic and sidescan sonar backscatter (seabed reflectivity) data and in the video and still photographic observations acquired by the cooperative USGS/NOAA mapping program in 1995.
Seafloor Survey Reports
Listed in reverse chronological order.
- Preliminary Characterization of Offshore Sand Resources in Selected Study Areas (PDF, 50 MB) - This 2018 report contains a preliminary characterization of five offshore sand resource areas off the coast of Massachusetts. The five study areas were surveyed with vibracores, sediment grab samples, and video. In this report, the field data were used in conjunction with historic maps and acoustic data to estimate the depth and extent of the five offshore sand resource areas. The results estimate that there may be more than 400 million cubic yards of sand resources within state waters at these five locations.
- ENV13 CZM 01 Benthic Infaunal Analysis Report (PDF, 3 MB) - This 2013 report prepared for CZM by AECOM Environment presents the results of an August 2012 seafloor sediment survey between Boston Harbor and the New Hampshire border. The report presents the results of the analysis of the 207 benthic infaunal grabs.
- ENV12 CZM 01 Benthic Infaunal Analysis Report (PDF, 15 MB) - This 2012 report prepared for CZM by AECOM Environment presents the results of the analysis of 214 seafloor grab samples collected in 2011 during a seafloor sediment survey of southern Cape Cod Bay, south of the Islands (including Vineyard Sound), and in Buzzards Bay. The survey was conducted by CZM and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MarineFisheries) on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s OSV Bold. Sediment type and infauna (small, sediment-dwelling animals) were sampled.
- Sediment Grain Size and Benthic Infaunal Analysis in Support of CZM's Survey on the OSV Bold: Validation of Seafloor Sediment Maps in Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay (PDF, 6 MB) - This 2010 report, prepared for CZM by Normandeau Associates, Inc., presents the results of a seafloor sediment survey conducted by CZM and MarineFisheries in Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay during the summer of 2010. Samples were collected to analyze sediment grain size and infauna (small, sediment-dwelling animals).
- Habitat Classification Feasibility Study for Coastal and Marine Environments in Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2007 CZM report reviews 11 approaches to classifying coastal and ocean habitats and summarizes and evaluates four of these approaches to determine the most suitable framework or combination of frameworks for classifying coastal and marine habitats in Massachusetts.