- CZM Press Releases - This page provides an index of CZM press releases published since 2015, categorized by year and presented in reverse date order.
- CZ-Mail - CZM’s monthly electronic newsletter covers major CZM initiatives, available tools and publications, upcoming workshops and events, grants, contracting opportunities, job openings, coastal legislation, and other news of interest to people working on coastal issues. To be added to the mailing list, send a blank email (please be sure that the email is completely blank, with no signature line) to For daily updates from CZM, please follow us on Twitter.
- Current CZ-Mail - The latest edition of the CZM electronic newsletter.
- CZ-Mail Archives - An index with links to each issue published since 2013.
- CZ-Mail Year-in-Review Index - Links to special January editions published since 2004, which highlight CZM’s annual accomplishments.
Coastlines - From 2002-2008, CZM produced this publication as a periodic magazine. These editions are available online and each focuses on a major coastal topic:
- Coastlines 2008 - Discusses how actions on land affect coastal water quality and gives detailed information on what people can do to help.
- Coastlines 2007 - Focuses on coastal recreation.
- Coastlines 2006 - Discusses Smart Growth techniques and how they can address coastal water quality and other issues.
- Coastlines Winter 2004-2005 - Features coastal and marine habitats.
- Coastlines 2003 - Focuses on shipping and ports and harbors in Massachusetts.
- Coastlines 2002 - Explores hurricane preparedness and the history of Massachusetts hurricanes.
From 1975-2001, Coastlines was published in newsletter format. See the Coastlines Archives 1975-2001 for a table of contents for each newsletter edition.
Guides and Guidance Documents
(Listed Alphabetically)
- Applying the Massachusetts Coastal Wetlands Regulations - Published by CZM and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) in August 2017, this guidance document was developed to help Conservation Commissions evaluate projects proposed in coastal resource areas for their potential to impact the storm damage prevention and flood control interests of the Wetlands Protection Act. It gives Commissions tools, data, and information to delineate the coastal resource areas, determine resource area functions, assess potential project impacts, and evaluate whether the project meets or can be conditioned to meet the performance standards and includes step-by-step instructions, checklists, and example scenarios.
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Stormwater BMPs and Recommended BMP Design Considerations in Coastal Communities - Prepared for CZM and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection in 2015 by the Horsley Witten Group, Inc., with support from the Woods Hole Group, this report is intended to help municipalities address the unique challenges of siting, designing, and constructing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) in coastal areas. The report assesses the impacts of flooding, storm damage, and salt and wind exposure on existing BMPs; evaluates expected increased impacts due to sea level rise, higher groundwater levels, and increased frequency and intensity of storm impacts due to climate change; and makes recommendations for potential BMP design modifications. For an online fact sheet with a summary of the recommendations from this report, see Recommendations for Addressing Climate Change Impacts to Stormwater Best Management Practices.
- Beach Nourishment: MassDEP's Guide to Best Management Practices for Projects in Massachusetts (PDF, 2 MB) - This 2007 guidance document establishes best management practices to minimize impacts of beach nourishment projects. In addition, the Technical Attachments to Beach Nourishment: MassDEP's Guide to Best Management Practices for Projects in Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) provide technical guidance regarding nourishment design to maximize longevity of the project. While published by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, CZM helped both write and review the documents.
- Best Practices for Offshore Wind Development: Monitoring and Research (PDF, 369 KB) - Developed in 2024 by CZM on behalf of the Habitat Working Group on Offshore Wind Energy—in consultation with Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife)—this fact sheet summarizes working group discussions and recommendations and provides guidance to developers on monitoring and research plans developed for studying and assessing the impacts of offshore wind projects on wildlife and habitat.
- Best Practices for Offshore Wind Development: Wildlife Mitigation (PDF, 356 KB) - Also developed in 2024 through the Habitat Working Group collaborative effort, this fact sheet focuses on best practices for mitigation plans to protect wildlife and habitat potentially impacted by offshore wind projects.
- Boulder Relocation in Offshore Wind Development: A Framework for Guidance and Policy (PDF, 367 KB) - Developed in 2024 by CZM and DMF (in consultation with federal and state agency partners) on behalf of the Fisheries Working Group on Offshore Wind Energy, this document summarizes the working group’s discussions and recommendations to help inform the development of best practices and regulatory policy for boulder relocation activities connected with offshore wind projects.
- Coast Guide to Boston and the North Shore - This 2004 CZM publication, which is available electronically, includes 22 maps and nearly 400 public access sites from Salisbury to Hull, ranging from expansive parks with concession stands to small public landings and out-of-the-way spots.
- Coastal Landscaping - This CZM website provides information on storm-damage prevention and other benefits of appropriate coastal landscaping approaches, step-by-step instructions on landscaping coastal areas, plant lists and photos, sample landscape plans, permitting information, and more.
- Ecosystems and Resources of the Massachusetts Coast (PDF, 10 MB) - This CZM publication from 1975 gives an excellent overview of the ecosystems and geological processes of coastal Massachusetts.
- Environmental Permitting in Coastal Massachusetts - This guide, revised by CZM in 2021, provides brief descriptions of the major Massachusetts environmental permits.
- A Guide to Selecting Pressure Washing Management Practices and Technologies: Supplement to the Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2008 CZM publication is a comprehensive guide to pressure washing practices in Massachusetts. It was developed to help marina operators identify the most environmentally sensitive, cost-effective, and practical pressure washing management practices for their facility and inform them of the regulations relevant to pressure washing activities.
- Interpreting Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Maps and Studies in the Coastal Zone - Updated in 2017, this publication developed by CZM in cooperation with the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Flood Hazard Management Program, provides guidance on how to use Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Maps and Studies to better understand the potential effects of flooding on buildings, properties, and the underlying natural resource areas. This information can be used by homeowners and consultants to ensure that the safest possible coastal projects are designed, as well as by public officials to successfully evaluate projects to ensure they are designed to minimize storm damage, protect public safety, and reduce the financial burden on individuals and municipalities from losses due to coastal storms.
- Managing Seaweed Accumulations on Recreational Beaches (PDF, 2 MB) - This guidance published by CZM in 2013 was developed to help local officials and beach managers effectively address seaweed accumulations on recreational beaches while protecting coastal resources. It focuses on how seaweed is a natural and important part of the marine ecosystem, but when accumulations occur on recreational beaches, conflicts can arise that need to be addressed.
- Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide - Produced by CZM in 2001, this detailed reference for owners and operators of marine boating facilities provides information on strategies and practices for reducing marina and boating impacts on the coastal environment.
- Massachusetts Coastal and Ocean Education Guide for K-12 Teachers - CZM maintains an on-line list of educational resources that cover coastal and ocean issues, with a special focus on Massachusetts-based programs and K-12 materials.
- Massachusetts Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Coastal Hazards (PDF, 3 MB) - Updated in 2020, this document provides information to coastal homeowners on how to stay safe and minimize damages during hurricanes and northeasters. The handbook was developed by the Woods Hole and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant programs with the assistance of CZM, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the National Weather Service.
- Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management Policy Guide - October 2011 - The Policy Guide provides CZM’s official program policies and includes information on the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, the history and operation of the Massachusetts coastal program, federal consistency review, and the application of coastal policy in other state regulatory programs.
- Monitoring for Marine Invasive Species: Guidance and Protocols for Volunteer Monitoring Groups (PDF, 2 MB) - Published in 2011, this is the primary guidance document for CZM’s Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative (MIMIC), a network of community groups and citizens that use a standard monitoring protocol to survey for marine invasive species. The document includes information on site selection, monitoring protocols, safety, and identification resources.
- Personal Watercraft (PWC) Management Guide - Published by CZM in 2002 and written by a Coastal Services Center Coastal Fellow, this guide serves as a reference handbook for assessing and managing PWC-related environmental impacts.
- Preserving Historic Rights of Way to the Sea: A Practical Handbook for Preserving Public Access in Massachusetts (PDF, 4 MB) - Written under contract to CZM, this 200-page guide gives hands-on information for municipal officials, attorneys, and citizen access advocates looking to research and secure public property rights in old footpaths and other pedestrian accessways that still exist in law, but are no longer used by the public.
- Sea Level Rise: Understanding and Applying Trends and Future Scenarios for Analysis and Planning (PDF, 3 MB) - This 2013 guidance document was developed by CZM to help coastal communities and others plan for and address potential sea level rise effects on residential and commercial development, infrastructure and critical facilities, and natural resources and ecosystems. The document includes background information on local and global sea level rise trends, summarizes the best available sea level rise projections, and provides general guidance in the selection and application of sea level rise scenarios for coastal vulnerability assessments, planning, and decision making for areas that may be at present or future risk from the effects of sea level rise.
- Story Map - Comparison of Eelgrass Mapping Methods - In 2021, the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership (MassBays) and CZM received National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Project of Special Merit grant funding to assess different methods of mapping eelgrass. The story map offers detailed descriptions, maps, photographs, videos, and slideshow features of the eelgrass mapping project.
- Technical Report: Increasing agency confidence in eelgrass maps used for project review and ocean planning (PDF, 56 MB) - This final report developed by MassBays and CZM in 2023 completed an 18-month project funded by a NOAA Project of Special Merit grant to assess different methods of mapping eelgrass. In this study, semi-synchronous drone, airplane, satellite, and side scan sonar missions were conducted alongside SCUBA diver and photo ground-truthing surveys at five Massachusetts eelgrass meadows. Results showed that all remote sensing methods under-mapped eelgrass, especially at the deep edge, and map accuracy generally decreased with decreasing imagery resolution. “An Inter-Method Comparison of Drones, Side-Scan Sonar, Airplanes, and Satellites Used for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Mapping and Management,” published in 2024 in Geosciences and written by Jillian Carr (MassBays) and Todd Callaghan (CZM), presents the findings of this project.
General Information - Brochures, Fact Sheets, etc.
(Listed Alphabetically)
- 50 Ways to Protect the Massachusetts Coast - This web page includes 50 suggestions for protecting coastal water quality and habitats on Earth Day and every day.
- Available Funding for Stormwater Projects - This table provides descriptions and links to additional information on federal and state grant and loan programs that fund stormwater and water quality projects in Massachusetts.
- Boater Fact Sheets (PDF, 99 KB) - Produced as part of CZM’s 2001 Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide, these PDF fact sheets provide solutions for many of the environmental impacts caused by boaters and cover the following topics: boat operation and fueling; disposal of trash, garbage, and hazardous waste; wastewater; boat maintenance; and non-toxic cleaning alternatives.
- The Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program in Massachusetts - This 1994 publication provides an overview of the Massachusetts Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program and includes information on the nonpoint source pollution problem and steps individuals can take to minimize this type of pollution.
- Eelgrass Habitat Restoration in the Annisquam River (PDF, 408 KB) - This 2007 fact sheet discusses the importance of eelgrass and the results of a project to restore eelgrass at a site in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
- Green Neighborhoods: Open Space Residential Design (PDF, 2 MB) - This CZM brochure explains the benefits of Open Space Residential Design (OSRD)—an approach to residential development that promotes open space preservation based on environmental and social priorities.
- Hurricane Preparedness Kit - This CZM web page includes links to information on hurricanes, hurricane tracking, and protecting your home, family, pets, and boat from hurricane impacts.
- Hurricane Preparedness Plan: Marina/Yacht Club/Municipal Anchorage (PDF, 166 KB) - This Federal Emergency Management Agency Publication was developed in cooperation with CZM and provides a checklist to help boating-related businesses ensure they are prepared for a hurricane.
- Information on Flood Hazards (PDF, 165 KB) - This public information brochure on flood hazards was developed by CZM and the communities of Duxbury, Kingston, and Plymouth in 2009 to provide concise information to residents on understanding flood risk, preventing losses, and planning ahead.
- Low Impact Development Case Study: City of Boston - City Hall Green Roof (PDF, 2 MB) - This 2006 fact sheet provides an overview of how Boston installed a green roof on City Hall to treat stormwater runoff.
- Low Impact Development Case Study: Town of Cohasset - Surface Water Supply Protection Plan and Remediation (PDF, 1 MB) - Also published in 2006, this fact sheet discusses a low cost and low maintenance technique used in Cohasset to improve stormwater quality by constructing a stormwater management system that includes more than 40 rain gardens and vegetated swales to infiltrate and treat runoff before it is conveyed to the traditional stormwater collection system.
- Low Impact Development Case Study: Town of Franklin - Best Development Practices Guidebook (PDF, 477 KB) - This 2006 fact sheet summarizes the Best Development Practices Guidebook, which was created to guide and improve the quality of development in Franklin—allowing for a range of “creative” design and construction practices in the areas of stormwater management, site planning, erosion control, and landscape design.
- Low Impact Development Case Study: Town of Tyngsborough - Marla Circle Development (PDF, 584 KB) - This fact sheet published in 2006 highlights Low Impact Development stormwater techniques used by the Marla Circle five-lot subdivision.
- Major Storm Preparedness: Aware Boater Checklist (PDF, 143 KB) - This Federal Emergency Management Agency Publication was developed in cooperation with CZM and provides a checklist for boat owners to ensure they are prepared for a hurricane.
- Marine Invasive Species Identification Cards - These cards provide information on 18 common invasive species in New England monitored by the Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative.
- Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management: Protecting Natural Resources While Promoting Responsible Economic Development - This full-color brochure was printed in 1995. It describes the activities and priorities of CZM and includes a full-color, poster-sized map of the coastal zone. Unfolded copies for map display are available (in limited quantities) by request.
- Massachusetts Pumpout Facilities - Boat pumpout facilities provide a convenient way to properly dispose of boat sewage. This page includes a list of pumpouts for the entire coast, as well as lists organized by region. An interactive GoogleTM map is also available that displays pumpout locations along the Commonwealth's coast.
- Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project - This CZM website describes how and why shorelines change, gives an overview of CZM’s Shoreline Change Project, and discusses how to use the Shoreline Change Browser and interpret trends from the mid-1800s to 2009.
- Non-Native Seaweed in Massachusetts (PDF, 2 MB) - Published by CZM in 2013, this fact sheet summarizes information on invasive seaweed species in Massachusetts, their ecology, and potential impacts to the marine ecosystem and economy.
- The Practice of Low Impact Development (PDF, 2 MB) - This 2006 fact sheet provides an overview of Low Impact Development—a more sustainable land development pattern in which site planning focuses on preservation of the natural resources and maintenance of the natural hydrology of a site—and gives important details about effective site design.
- Protect Your Pet, Preserve the Environment, Don't Release Exotic Species! (PDF, 2 MB) - This brochure for pet owners explains the importance of not releasing aquarium pets or plants into the environment.
- Public Rights Along the Shoreline - This electronic fact sheet developed by CZM provides a brief primer on waterfront property law and public access rights.
- StormSmart Coasts: Who to Contact and What to Do Before Building or Rebuilding - This 2014 fact sheet for property owners gives information on the permitting process for building and rebuilding projects on the Massachusetts coast, including all new buildings, repair of storm-damaged properties, additions, septic systems, seawalls, decks, and a variety of others. It provides information for coastal property owners on applicable regulations and agency contacts, an overview of the most common permits needed, and recommendations for StormSmart building techniques to better protect coastal property.
- StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 1: Introduction to No Adverse Impact (NAI) Land Management in the Coastal Zone (PDF, 2 MB) - This CZM fact sheet published in 2008 describes the NAI approach to coastal land management (which is based on a set of "do no harm" principles that communities can use when planning, designing, and evaluating public and private projects), its benefits, and ways that NAI can be successfully applied by communities.
- StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 2: No Adverse Impact and the Legal Framework of Coastal Management (PDF, 1 MB) - Also produced by CZM in 2008, this fact sheet discusses how the NAI approach can help communities protect people and property while reducing the number of lawsuits filed against them and greatly increasing the chances that they will win legal challenges to their floodplain management practices.
- StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 3: Case Study - A Cape Cod Community Prevents New Residences in Floodplains (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2008 fact sheet summarizes Chatham’s zoning bylaw that designates “conservancy districts” in the town’s 100-year floodplain and specifies prohibited uses (such as filling of land and construction of residences), permitted uses (such as recreational activities floats), and special uses requiring permits (such as construction of piers and boat shelters). It also discusses the lawsuit against the bylaw and why Chatham won the case.
- StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 4: Case Study - Massachusetts Communities Reduce Storm Risk in Developed Areas (PDF, 1 MB) - Another in this series, this 2009 fact sheet describes programs by Quincy and Scituate that use Federal Emergency Management Agency grant money to help local property owners elevate either utilities or entire homes above mapped flood elevations.
- StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 5: Raise Your Home, Lower Your Monthly Payments: Protect Buildings and Reduce Monthly Expenses with Freeboard (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2009 CZM fact sheet discusses the substantial safety benefits (reduced storm impacts) and financial benefits (reduced insurance costs) of using freeboard, which is elevating a building’s lowest floor above predicted flood elevations.
- StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 6: Landscaping to Protect Your Coastal Property from Storm Damage and Flooding (PDF, 1 MB) - Another in this series, this 2009 fact sheet describes landscaping techniques that stabilize coastal banks and dunes and gives information on the benefits of coast-friendly landscaping.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 1: Artificial Dunes and Dune Nourishment - This CZM fact sheet, released in 2013, discusses using sand, cobble, or other sediment (of appropriate size) from offsite sources to build a new dune (i.e., mound of sediment) or add to an existing dune to protect inland areas from erosion and flooding.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 2: Controlling Overland Runoff to Reduce Coastal Erosion - This 2013 CZM fact sheet focuses on controlling runoff, which is water from rainfall, irrigation, and other sources that flows over the ground surface. Runoff flowing over a coastal bank, dune, or beach can exacerbate other coastal erosion problems, and this fact sheet provides options to reduce the quantity and speed of water flow and changes its direction to reduce erosion.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 3: Planting Vegetation to Reduce Erosion and Storm Damage - Another in this series, this 2013 CZM fact sheet discusses controlling erosion with plants—roots stabilize soil and leaves and stems break the impact of raindrops and wave splash and trap sand to build dunes.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 4: Bioengineering - Coir Rolls on Coastal Banks - This 2013 CZM fact sheet covers using a combination of deep-rooted plants and coir rolls, an erosion-control product made of natural, biodegradable materials. These long, cylindrical rolls of mesh packed with coir fibers (coconut husk fibers) can be stitched together to provide a continuous physical barrier that helps reduce erosion of exposed sediments on a bank.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 5: Bioengineering - Natural Fiber Blankets on Coastal Banks - Also released as part of this series in 2013, this fact sheet discusses combining the use of erosion-control plants with mats made of natural fibers (such as straw and coconut husk) that help reduce erosion of exposed sediments from wind, waves, and overland runoff.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 6: Sand Fencing - The final of the first six StormSmart Properties fact sheets released in 2013, this CZM fact sheet discusses how sand fencing (also called snow fencing) helps capture sand to build dunes.
- StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 7: Repair and Reconstruction of Seawalls and Revetments - This 2016 CZM fact sheet discusses the design improvements that should be considered during repair or reconstruction project for seawalls and revetments—whether minor repairs or complete reconstruction—to reduce impacts, improve structure longevity, and minimize maintenance costs.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: “Green” Lawn and Garden Practices - This 2022 fact sheet discusses environmentally friendly yard care methods—such as planting native species, conserving water, and reducing fertilizer and chemical use—that help to protect water quality and can save time and money.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: Minimizing Contaminants - Also published in 2022, this fact sheet discusses how to minimize household contaminants—such as oil from automobiles, toxins from pesticides and cleaning products, soils and other sediments from landscaping activities, and bacteria from pet waste and septic systems—which can contribute to stormwater pollution.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: Preventing Erosion - Published in 2022, this fact sheet covers how to keep soil and other sediments from eroding and flowing offsite, which can fill storm drains, obstruct channels and reduce water levels in water bodies, and impact water quality and habitats.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: Rain Gardens - This 2022 fact sheet discusses rain gardens, which are specially designed and planted depressions in the ground that collect, filter, and treat stormwater.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: Reducing Impervious Surfaces - Impervious surfaces (such as asphalt driveways and concrete patios) allow greater volumes of stormwater to flow quickly offsite, carrying contaminants and causing local flooding and erosion. This 2022 fact sheet describes how to replace impervious surfaces with gravel driveways, planted areas, and other options that infiltrate or absorb water to significantly reduce stormwater problems.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: Vegetated Buffers - This 2022 fact sheet discusses how trees, shrubs, high grasses, perennials, and other vegetation can be strategically planted to help slow, capture, and filter runoff and reduce stormwater impacts.
- Stormwater Solutions for Homeowners Fact Sheet: Vegetated Swales - This 2023 fact sheet provides information on vegetated swales—channels with moisture-loving plants and amended soils that intercept, treat, and slowly convey stormwater runoff to where it can be effectively infiltrated.
- Story Map Tours of the Massachusetts Coast - As part of the routine review of the Massachusetts coastal program by the NOAA Office for Coastal Management in April 2021, CZM created this story map collection. It includes an overview of the entire 1,500-mile coastline, along with a story map of each of CZM’s five regions with some highlights of coastal habitats, state parks and sanctuaries, ports and harbors, recreational beaches and waterfront access, and more.
Tips from CZM
(Listed Alphabetically by Category)
- CZ-Tip - 10 Ways to Find, Safely Enjoy, and Protect Massachusetts Beaches - From keeping off the dunes to watching out for rip currents, this CZM tip talks about how to stay safe and have fun at the beaches of the Bay State.
- CZ-Tip - Bring Your Dog to the Beach the Coast-Friendly Way - This CZ-Tip explains the impacts that dogs can have on coastal water quality and steps you can take to "leave only paw prints."
- CZ-Tip - Discover Fascinating Features, Forms, and Even Fossils at the Beach - This tip features the beach, with information on where the sand comes from, what gives the beach its color, and why this coastal landform looks so different from day to day.
- CZ-Tip - Boating Basics/No Discharge of Boat Sewage - This tip gives specific guidelines for the proper handling of vessel sewage in Massachusetts, along with links to additional information.
- CZ-Tip - Boat Winterizing—Keep It Green - Learn how to properly prepare boats for winter storage in an environmentally sensitive manner with this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Simple Steps to Clean Boating in Massachusetts - This page gives specific steps for handling fuel and oil, sewage and graywater, boat cleaning and maintenance, boating in sensitive areas, and marine debris.
Coastal Conservation and Protection
- CZ-Tip - Be a Coast-Conscious Kid! - This tip helps children of all ages learn everyday actions that positively impact the coast, including ways to keep waters clean, protect animals and their habitats, and more.
- CZ-Tip - Get Your Home Squeaky Green-Clean! - This CZM tip discusses how to make—and buy—products that effectively clean your house and boat while minimizing impacts to coastal water quality and the rest of the environment.
- CZ-Tip - Save Water - This page gives water-saving approaches and explains how saving water in your home and yard can keep coastal waters clean.
Coastal Recreation
- CZ-Tip - Break Up Spring Break with Coastal Activities for Kids - From parks to museums to some fun and educational websites, see this CZ-Tip for kid-friendly coastal destinations.
- CZ-Tip - Cures for Cabin Fever/Coastal Edition - Get back to the coast during the worst winter doldrums with this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Explore the Coastal Outdoors - This tip includes information on finding public access sites in each coastal region of Massachusetts, along with details on coastal hiking, camping, fishing, boating, and more.
- CZ-Tip - Explore Maritime Massachusetts on an Autumn Night - From haunted happenings to camping aboard a battleship, see this CZ-Tip for coastal follies, frivolity, fright, and fishing activities for fall nights.
- CZ-Tip - Get to the Shore! - This page focuses on coastal access in the Commonwealth, including public rights and responsibilities, public access sites, and environmental protection issues.
- CZ-Tip - Public Transportation by Boat - Plan your summertime treks to the sea with the dozens of coastal destinations accessible by ferry listed in this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Scuba Diving in Massachusetts - Learn about many of the Commonwealth's great dive sites and how to get started if you’re new to scuba with this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Summer Evenings of Sunsets, Sand Sculpting, Sails, and More - To extend the fun after a long day in the sun and enjoy sunset, twilight, and starlight on the shore, see this CZ-Tip to enjoy the summer seaside as the sun goes down.
Coastal Tales (Fact and Fiction), Podcasts, and Online Options for Staying Engaged and Informed
- CZ-Tip: Cast Away with Coastal Podcasts! - This tip features links to podcasts on coastal issues, interests, and innovators; research and exploration; science and policy; awareness and activism; adventure; lighter fare; children’s choices; along with podcast listening tips.
- CZ-Tip - Coastal Reading List 101 - This page highlights books to read, give, or download that all have one thing in common—the ocean is a main character.
- CZ-Tip - Delve into the Mysteries of Maritime Massachusetts - This CZ-Tip talks about seven strange and spooky sea stories that took place on and off the coast of the Bay State.
- CZ-Tip - Firsts and Fun Facts from Coastal Massachusetts - From the site of the first fried clams to the preferred homeland of the spadefoot toad, learn about Bay State coastal trivia with this CZM web page.
- CZ-Tip - Seven Public Places Steeped in History in Coastal Massachusetts - Learn about historical sites along the Massachusetts coast.
- CZ-Tip - Twitter for People Working on Coastal Issues - Learn what Twitter is and how useful it can be in providing important updates on coastal management in Massachusetts.
Coastal Wildlife and Invasive Species
- CZ-Tip - Birdwatching on the Coast - Discover the threatened and endangered birds that visit the Massachusetts coast, how to protect them, and the best places to go to spot the most birdlife along the shore.
- CZ-Tip - Help Protect At-Risk Wildlife and Plants in Massachusetts Coastal Habitats - Learn about threatened and endangered animals and plants that depend on the unique coastal and ocean habitats of Massachusetts, and ways to help safeguard species and habitats.
- CZ-Tip - Identifying Animals and Plants on the Massachusetts Coast - Identify shorebirds, marine mammals, seaweeds, dune plants, and more with this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Learn to Spot, and Deal with, the Aliens in Our Midst - This tip discusses simple steps to reduce the spread of invasive species.
- CZ-Tip - Learn What Lurks in a Massachusetts Tide Pool - See this tip to learn more about strange marine organisms and the creative characteristics that allow them to survive this harsh intertidal environment, along with a guide to destinations where you can make your own tide pool discoveries.
- CZ-Tip - Massachusetts Most Intriguing Marine Creatures - From the ugliest to the most dramatic, check out this page for some weird and wonderful sea creatures right here in Massachusetts.
- CZ-Tip - Sharing Coastal Waters with Sea Turtles - This tip covers the sea turtles that frequent Massachusetts ocean waters and what you can do to protect them.
COASTSWEEP/Marine Debris/Recycling
- CZ-Tip - Help Clean Up Massachusetts Shores at COASTSWEEP - This tip describes CZM's COASTSWEEP beach cleanup and how to get involved.
- CZ-Tip - Learn about Lobsters, Lost Gear, and Local Efforts to Prevent Marine Debris - See this tip to learn more about what is being done to prevent and recover lost, abandoned, or damaged lobster pots and what you can do to help.
- CZ-Tip - Repurposing with a Purpose - This tip provides ideas for reusing items that would otherwise be thrown away or recycled.
- CZ-Tip - Get Healthy and Go Loco for Local Seafood - Ounce for ounce, seafood is the reigning champion of lean animal protein, and this CZ-Tip gives links to healthy seafood recipe ideas.
- CZ-Tip - Recipes from Coastal New England - From clam chowder to cod cakes, see this page for quintessential recipes for coastal-inspired fare.
- CZ-Tip - Internship/Job-Search Resources: Get into the Blue - Get the inside scoop on finding coastally oriented high school or college internships, fellowships, and jobs with this tip from CZM.
- CZ-Tip - Coastal Plant Identification: Common Native and Invasive Species Found on the Massachusetts Coast - See descriptions and photographs of some of the more common coastal plants in Massachusetts in this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Dune Building with Beachgrass - This web page describes how to plant American beachgrass, which helps stabilize dunes and prevent storm damage.
- CZ-Tip - The Fall and Winter Coastal Garden—Colors and Textures of Transition - This tip talks about how to add character to coastal gardens—particularly in fall and winter months—by planting trees, shrubs, perennials, and grasses with beautiful color, texture, form, and movement.
- CZ-Tip - Fall Planting on the Coast - Fall is an ideal time to plant because rainfall is usually plentiful and temperatures (and heat stress) are lower. This tip from CZM discusses what to plant and how to plant it for a thriving coastal landscape.
- CZ-Tip - Identifying Animals and Plants on the Massachusetts Coast - Identify shorebirds, marine mammals, seaweeds, dune plants, and more with this tip.
- CZ-Tip - Keep Waterways Clean by Filtering Pollutants with Plants - Learn how to strategically plant grasses and shrubs to slow and filter rain runoff—helping to keep coastal waters clean.
- CZ-Tip - Spring Planting on the Coast - This page focuses on native species that are ideal for coastal landscapes, with tips on how to maximize the early growing season offered by the relatively warm ocean air each spring.
Shipwrecks and Archaeology
- CZ-Tip - Uncovering Maritime History at the Shore - Learn about the importance of underwater archeological finds, who is responsible for protecting them, and how to safeguard these potential treasures.
Shoreline Protection
- CZ-Tip - Basics of Building Beach Access Structures that Protect Dunes and Banks - This tip provides details on building walkways, stairways, and boardwalks in ways that minimize their impacts.
- CZ-Tip - Naughty or Nice? Christmas Trees for Coastal Erosion Control - Learn about the once-popular practice of placing spent trees on beaches and dunes to catch sand, its potential for increased erosion and harm to wildlife and coastal resources, and current-day alternatives for Christmas tree disposal and dune stabilization.
- CZ-Tip - The Complete Guide to Online Hurricane Tracking for Massachusetts - Find links to important resources for tracking hurricanes and predicting and assessing their potential impacts in this tip from CZM.
- CZ-Tip - Tracking Nor'easters and Staying Safe in the Storm - This web page provides links to information on winter weather forecasts and includes links to information on the dangers of these storms and how to stay safe.
- CZ-Tip - Help Clean Up Massachusetts Shores at COASTSWEEP - This tip describes CZM's COASTSWEEP beach cleanup and how to get involved.
- CZ-Tip - Sign Up for Coastal Citizen Science - Learn ways to help advance the knowledge of coastal environmental resources through citizen science programs.
- CZ-Tip - Volunteer to Help Protect the Coast - Find volunteer opportunities that focus on stewardship, protection, and community engagement of the Massachusetts coast.
(Primarily Listed Alphabetically after MORIS, with Some Grouped by Topic)
- Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information System (MORIS) - MORIS is CZM's official data portal and allows users to create customized maps with a variety of data layers related to the Massachusetts coastal zone and nearshore ocean, including tide gauge stations, coastal access points, eelgrass beds, Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan data, and many others. In addition, MORIS users can share and print maps, download Geographic Information System (GIS) data, explore topic-specific online viewers and story maps, and find links to other mapping and coastal data resources.
- Barrier Beach Inventory and Maps - In 1982, CZM completed a comprehensive effort to identify and delineate the 681 barrier beaches in Massachusetts and to place them on topographic maps. These data, State Designated Barrier Beaches, were made available in MORIS in 2007.
- Coast Guide Online - This interactive mapping tool developed by CZM for use on mobile phones and tablets, as well as desktop computers, includes more than 1,800 sites along the Massachusetts coast that are owned by government agencies and nonprofits and open to the public—from long, sandy beaches and rocky shores to small rights-of-way and public landings.
- Massachusetts Coast Guide to Boston Harbor and the North Shore - This 2004 publication, which is available electronically, includes 22 maps and nearly 400 public access sites from Salisbury to Hull, ranging from expansive parks with concession stands to small public landings and out-of-the-way spots.
- CZM Grant Viewer - This interactive map covers grants awarded from 2014 to present through CZM’s Coastal Resilience, Coastal Habitat and Water Quality, and Coastal Pollutant Remediation grant programs. Pop-up boxes provide details on each grant award and information can be sorted by grant program, category (such as construction type, design & permitting, habitat restoration, and more), and year that mapped data are available.
- Designated Port Area (DPA) Boundary Maps - CZM develops and updates boundary maps and descriptions of the DPAs in Massachusetts. The maps can also be downloaded or used to create interactive maps of the DPA boundaries in MORIS.
- Massachusetts Coastal Watershed Map - This map, produced by CZM in 1994 and still available in hard copy (in limited quantities), shows the major coastal watersheds within Massachusetts and explains how activities conducted in these watersheds affect coastal waters.
- The Massachusetts Coastal Zone (PDF, 3 MB) - This 2014 map shows the CZM regions and the 78 coastal communities directly served by CZM.
- Massachusetts Coastal Zone Boundary - The official boundary includes the lands and waters within an area defined by the seaward limit of the state's territorial sea, extending from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to the Massachusetts-Rhode Island border, and landward to 100 feet inland of specified major roads, rail lines, other visible rights-of-way, or in the absence these, at specified coordinates specified. An official description (PDF, 111 KB), GIS shapefile (ZIP, 1 MB), and Google Earth file (KMZ, 293 KB) are available.
- Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management: Protecting Natural Resources While Promoting Responsible Economic Development - This full-color, poster-sized map of the coastal zone (with brochure text on the flip side) was printed in 1995. Hard copies are available (in limited quantities) by request.
- Massachusetts Commercial Pumpouts - This interactive GoogleTM Map provides the location of boat sewage pumpout facilities for commercial vessels in coastal Massachusetts.
- Massachusetts No Discharge Zone (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2014 map shows the areas in Massachusetts coastal waters officially designated as a No Discharge Zone (NDZ), where boat sewage discharge is banned. All of Massachusetts waters are designated as “no discharge” for vessel sewage.
- Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - This comprehensive plan to manage development in state waters, which was originally released in 2009 and then updated and amended in 2015 and 2021, includes dozens of maps and extensive spatial information compiled by CZM. All of the spatial data provided in the plan are hosted in MORIS.
- Massachusetts Pumpout Locations - This interactive GoogleTM Map provides the location of boat sewage pumpout facilities for recreational vessels in coastal Massachusetts.
- Nearshore Ocean Management Planning Area Boundary (PDF, 1 MB) - This map shows the nearshore boundary created for the Ocean Management Planning Area pursuant to Oceans Act of 2008 for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A GIS shape file (ZIP, 114 KB) is also available.
- Ocean Management Planning Area (PDF, 5 MB) - This map shows the outline of the Massachusetts ocean planning area. A GIS shape file (ZIP, 308 KB) is also available.
- Parker River/Essex Bay GIS Data Layers and Maps - CZM collected information for a GIS database of this region (also known as the Great Marsh). Data layers developed in 2000 include a boundary of the official Area of Critical Environmental Concern (PDF, 30 KB), tidal restrictions (PDF, 38 KB), salt marsh restoration sites (PDF, 36 KB), water quality sampling locations (PDF, 30 KB), and no wake zones, mooring areas, and boat pumpout facilities (PDF, 69 KB). CZM also created three resource maps for the Great Marsh: natural resources (PDF, 1 MB), areas of natural resource overlap (PDF, 1 MB), and areas of natural resource overlap and protected/unprotected open space (PDF, 1 MB).
- Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Viewer - This tool provides interactive maps of potential coastal flooding of public facilities and infrastructure based on: sea level rise scenarios, Federal Emergency Management Agency coastal flood zones, and hurricane surge models. Examples of mapped facilities include: electrical generation facilities, fire stations, hospitals, police stations, town/city halls, and wastewater treatment plants.
- Shoreline Change Maps - These online and interactive maps show the changes in the Massachusetts coastline between the mid-1800s and 2009 as a result of erosion and accretion (deposition), as well as relative sea level rise.
- Story Map Tours of the Massachusetts Coast - As part of the routine NOAA review of the Massachusetts coastal program in April 2021, CZM created a set of story maps providing an overview of the entire 1,500-mile Massachusetts coastline and maps of each of CZM’s five regions to highlight some of the coastal habitats, state parks and sanctuaries, ports and harbors, recreational beaches and waterfront access, and more. See:
Plans and Planning Reports
(Listed Alphabetically)
- Charting the Course: A Blueprint for the Future of Aquatic Habitat Restoration in Massachusetts - This 2008 report provides the findings and recommendations of the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Task Force, which was chaired and staffed by CZM.
- Massachusetts Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan (PDF, 2 MB) - This plan, prepared by CZM in 2002 on behalf of the Massachusetts Aquatic Invasive Species Working Group, outlines a five-year strategy to manage threats from aquatic invaders.
- Massachusetts Aquaculture White Paper and Strategic Plan - Published by CZM in 1995, these publications focus on how the Commonwealth of Massachusetts could proactively assist the aquaculture industry. The White Paper includes information on the biology, technology, support systems, water quality, seafood safety, and legal and economic aspects of the aquaculture industry. The Strategic Plan includes 68 recommendations for the state to implement to overcome constraints and take advantage of opportunities in the aquaculture industry.
- Massachusetts Climate Change Adaptation Report - This 2011 report, prepared by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Massachusetts Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee with support from CZM, provides a broad overview of climate change impacts and includes a coastal chapter with a range of potential strategies to address sea level rise and coastal storms.
- Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - On behalf of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and in response to the Oceans Act of 2008, CZM leads the planning process to develop and update this comprehensive plan, which was originally released in 2009 and then updated and amended in 2015 and 2021. The ocean plan protects critical marine habitat and important water-dependent uses and sets standards for ocean-based development. Volume 1 covers management and administration, while Volume 2 presents a detailed baseline assessment and science framework.
- Massachusetts Ocean Management Task Force Reports and Recommendations - This page provides links to the two reports released in 2004 by the Massachusetts Ocean Management Task Force (which was chaired and staffed by CZM): the Waves of Change report with 16 Task Force recommendations and the full technical report, which is a compendium of separate ocean resource briefings prepared for the Task Force.
- Preparing for the Storm: Recommendations for Management of Risk from Coastal Hazards in Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2007 report of the Massachusetts Coastal Hazards Commission, which was chaired and staffed by CZM, gives an overview of coastal hazards in Massachusetts, such as storms, sea level rise, and reduced sediment supplies. It also provides 29 recommendations from the commission for addressing those hazards.
- Strategic Plan for Mapping Massachusetts Benthic Marine Habitats (PDF, 1 MB) - This “evolving draft” plan produced by CZM in 2004 gives a brief overview of the equipment used to collect benthic habitat data, recommendations on which types of equipment are most suited for mapping in various water depths, a detailed protocol for groundtruth sampling/data classification and analysis, and recommendations for conducting benthic habitat mapping in Massachusetts.
Technical Materials Prepared by CZM
(Listed Alphabetically)
- 100 Years of Estuarine Marsh Trends in Massachusetts (1893 to 1995): Boston Harbor, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and the Elizabeth Islands (PDF, 4 MB) - This 2005 investigation examines the loss and gain of estuarine marshes in these regions since the late 1800s.
- Adaptive Management for Impacts to Eelgrass Habitat in Gloucester Harbor (PDF, 2 MB) - This 2007 publication co-authored by CZM, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant College Program, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency summarizes an effort in 2006-2007 to create an eelgrass bank, raise awareness of the value of eelgrass habitat, and facilitate transplanting efforts to Boston Harbor.
- An Assessment of Resource Management Strategies in the Parker River/Essex Bay Area of Critical Environmental Concern (PDF, 2 MB) - This 2001 report provides an overview of natural resource issues, case studies, and ideas for improved regulatory and nonregulatory management strategies as identified by volunteers and staff from local communities. The report describes this local perspective and identifies approaches for regional management of the area.
- Bathymetry of the Waters Surrounding the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts - This 2014 CZM/USGS Scientific Investigations Map shows the detailed bathymetry of the waters surrounding the Elizabeth Islands and contains a summary of the post-glacial geologic history of the Elizabeth Islands and surrounding Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound.
- Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Fisheries Trawl Survey Report, March 2001-March 2002 (PDF, 569 KB) - This report, published in July 2002 by CZM and the Division of Marine Fisheries, describes a fisheries trawl survey to characterize nekton occurrence, distribution, and relative abundance in the environs of the historical Buzzards Bay Disposal Site.
- Cape Cod Salt Marsh Assessment Project; Final Grant Report, Volume 1: Relationship of salt marsh Indices of Biotic Integrity to surrounding land use (PDF, 4 MB) - This 1999 report details the first investigation of the Cape Cod Salt Marsh Assessment Project, which looked to advance and improve the salt marsh assessment approach developed by CZM. Conducted in the 1999 field season (May to October), the investigation examined salt marsh indicators from six sites on the Cape Cod Bay coast with varying types and intensities of human land use or disturbance.
- Cape Cod Salt Marsh Assessment Project; Final Grant Report, Volume 2: Responses of selected salt marsh indicators to tide restriction 2000-2003 (PDF, 9 MB) - This 2004 report details the second investigation of the Cape Cod Salt Marsh Assessment Project, which provided a long-term comparison of indicators from three pairs of salt marshes (each pair having a marsh area with restricted tidal hydrology and a corresponding area with normal tidal hydrology).
- Citizens Monitoring for Marine Invasive Species: A Regional Approach to Covering the Coast (PDF, 1 MB) - This document presents proceedings from an October 2006 Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel workshop on citizen monitoring.
- Construction of a 3-Arcsecond Digital Elevation Model for the Gulf of Maine - This 2013 USGS report contains a 3-arcsecond (approximately 90-meter grid cell size) digital elevation model (DEM) for the Gulf of Maine and documents the procedures used to construct the DEM.
- Continuous Bathymetry and Elevation Models of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and Continental Shelf - This 2018 CZM/USGS report contains a comprehensive elevation dataset that covers the entire Massachusetts Coastal Zone—the area defined by the seaward limit of the state's territorial sea, extending from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to the Massachusetts-Rhode Island border, and landward to 100 feet inland of specified major roads, rail lines, other visible rights-of-way. This new dataset covers both “over-the-land” topography and “underwater” bathymetry and provides a continuous surface, which is necessary to identify flood, hurricane, and sea-level rise inundation hazard zones. These bathymetry data, used in conjunction with the related source dataset shapefile, also provide an inventory of the most recent elevation and bathymetry datasets within the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and offshore waters.
- Crossing Assessment for the Sandy Neck Barrier Beach System Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) (PDF, 24 MB) - Published by CZM in 2019, this assessment of selected crossings (i.e., culverts, bridges, and other structures that allow streams and rivers to flow under roads, paths, and rail beds) provides preliminary data for identifying and prioritizing restoration opportunities in the Sandy Neck ACEC watersheds.
- Enhanced Sidescan-Sonar Imagery Offshore of Southeastern Massachusetts - This 2008 CZM/USGS/NOAA report contains enhanced sidescan-sonar imagery from two surveys conducted offshore of southeastern Massachusetts in the vicinity of Quicks Hole—a passage through the Elizabeth Islands—and in Great Round Shoal Channel, a passage between Nantucket and Cape Cod. These mosaics provide continuous grayscale perspectives of the backscatter, more accurately reveal the seafloor geologic trends, and minimize the environment-, acquisition-, and processing- related noise.
- An Evaluation of Innovative Stormwater Treatment Technology Installations Designed to Mitigate Storm Drain Pollution Impacting Shellfish Beds at Wychmere Harbor, Harwich and the Jones River, Gloucester, Massachusetts: Section 319 NPS Project #95-02 (PDF, 2 MB) - Prepared by CZM for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 1, this report summarizes the field studies conducted in the fall of 1998 and the spring of 1999 at the StormTreat™ System sites in Gloucester and Harwich.
- Fate and Transport Modeling of Contaminants in Salem Sound (PDF, 3 MB) - This 2001 CZM report, developed in cooperation with Applied Science Associates, Inc., presents results of hydrodynamic simulations of Salem Sound.
- Field Study of Water Quality in Support of Eelgrass Habitat Restoration Planning in the Annisquam River (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2007 paper describes a study of water clarity and chemistry in the Annisquam River as part of a CZM effort to develop an eelgrass habitat restoration plan for the area.
- Geological Interpretation of Bathymetric and Backscatter Imagery of the Sea Floor Off Eastern Cape Cod, Massachusetts - This CZM/USGS report published in 2006 includes imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder data collected off Eastern Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data.
- Geological Interpretation of the Sea Floor Offshore of Edgartown, Massachusetts - This 2010 USGS report contains gridded bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, covering approximately 37.3 square kilometers of seafloor in the vicinity of Edgartown Harbor, Massachusetts.
- Geological Sampling Data and Benthic Biota Classification: Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts - This 2015 CZM/USGS report contains seafloor sampling data and the biological classification of seafloor photographs collected in 2010 from Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound. The data and information presented in this report include sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, seafloor video survey lines, and a classification of benthic biota observed in seafloor photographs based on the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard.
- Geophysical and Sampling Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Duxbury to Hull, Massachusetts - This 2010 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical and geological data collected by USGS on three cruises of this region between 2006 and 2007.
- Geophysical and Sampling Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Northern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts - This 2010 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical and sampling data collected by USGS during five research cruises of this region between 2006 and 2008.
- Geophysical Data Collected off the South Shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts - This 2010 report contains data collected by USGS during a nearshore geophysical survey offshore of the southern coast of Martha's Vineyard in 2007.
- A GIS Library of Multibeam Data for Massachusetts Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Offshore of Boston, Massachusetts - This 2007 USGS Data Series contains images and grids of bathymetry, shaded relief bathymetry, and backscatter intensity data for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and western Massachusetts Bay, offshore of Boston, collected during four surveys between 1994 and 1998.
- Gloucester Harbor Characterization: Environmental History, Human Influences, and Status of Marine Resources (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2004 report describes human and natural resources, discusses the environmental history of development and human influences, characterizes current understanding of environmental quality, examines lobster fishing and lobster population structure, investigates fish community structure, and describes seafloor habitat in Gloucester Harbor.
- Guidelines for Barrier Beach Management in Massachusetts (PDF, 12 MB) - Published by CZM in 1994, this report of the Massachusetts Barrier Beach Task Force was designed as a reference tool for those charged with preparing, reviewing, and implementing barrier beach management plans.
- Habitat Classification Feasibility Study for Coastal and Marine Environments in Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2007 report summarizes and evaluates four habitat classification studies to determine the most suitable framework or combination of frameworks for classifying coastal and marine habitats in Massachusetts.
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Boston Harbor and Approaches, Massachusetts - This CZM/USGS report published in 2006 presents the surficial geologic framework data and information for the sea floor of Boston Harbor as part of the 10-year, cooperative mapping program between CZM and USGS. The geophysical data for these maps were collected as part of hydrographic surveys carried out by NOAA in 2000 and 2001.
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Cape Ann to Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts - This 2009 CZM/USGS report contains GIS data, maps, and technical explanations of data collection/processing and a discussion of the seafloor geology and topography from Cape Ann to Salisbury. The maps are based on marine geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom photography obtained on two research cruises in 2004 and 2005.
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Nahant to Gloucester, Massachusetts - This 2006 CZM/USGS report presents high-resolution maps of the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts, from Nahant to Gloucester. The maps are based on marine geophysical data, sediment sampling, and bottom photography obtained on two research cruises carried out in 2003 and 2004.
- High-Resolution Geophysical and Geological Data Collected in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts During USGS Field Activities 2019-002-FA and 2019-034-FA - This 2022 CZM/USGS report contains datasets that includes more than 4,700-trackline-kilometers of bathymetric, backscatter, subbottom, and multi-channel seismic data, as well as seafloor photo, underwater video, and sediment texture data. These datasets, collected in 2019, are the first systematic mapping of the southern-most Gulf of Maine since the 1940s and offer an unprecedented view of the Bay’s seafloor and subseafloor.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected Aboard the U.S. Geological Survey Vessel Rafael to Supplement Existing Datasets From Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts - This 2014 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical and geospatial data collected in Buzzards Bay, in the shallow-water areas of Vineyard Sound, and in the nearshore areas off the eastern Elizabeth Islands and northern coast of Martha's Vineyard between 2007 and 2011. The data presented in this report include bathymetry, acoustic backscatter, seismic-reflection profiles, sound velocity profiles, and navigation.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the Vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, During USGS Field Activity 22-001-FA - This 2023 CZM/USGS report contains datasets that include more than 680-trackline-kilometers of bathymetric, backscatter, and subbottom data. These data, collected in 2022, offer a detailed view of the sandy seafloor and subseafloor around Horseshoe Shoal.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data Collected Within Red Brook Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in 2009 - This 2012 CZM/USGS report contains high-resolution geophysical and sampling data collected within Red Brook Harbor, Massachusetts, in 2009.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data from the Inner Continental Shelf: Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts - This 2013 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical data collected by the USGS on three cruises conducted in 2009, 2010, and 2011, and additional bathymetry data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 2004. The geophysical data include (1) swath bathymetry using interferometric sonar and multibeam echosounder systems, (2) acoustic backscatter from sidescan sonar, and (3) seismic-reflection profiles from a chirp subbottom profiler.
- High-resolution geophysical data from the Inner Continental Shelf: South of Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts - This 2016 CZM/USGS report presents geophysical data collected by USGS during a survey in 2013. The report includes bathymetric data (water depth), acoustic backscatter that provides an image of the seafloor, and seismic-reflection profiles that reveal the nature of the sediment layers below the seafloor.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data From the Inner Continental Shelf at Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts - This 2013 CZM/USGS report contains geophysical data collected between 2009 and 2011. The data include (1) swath bathymetry from interferometric sonar, (2) acoustic backscatter from sidescan sonar, and (3) seismic-reflection profiles from a chirp subbottom profiler.
- High-Resolution Geophysical Data From the Sea Floor Surrounding the Western Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts - This 2011 data report contains high-resolution geophysical data from approximately 24.5 square-kilometers of the seafloor surrounding Cuttyhunk Island and western Nashawena Island and adds to the series of geophysical data reports published through a cooperative mapping program between USGS and CZM.
- High-Resolution Swath Interferometric Data Collected within Muskeget Channel, Massachusetts - This 2014 USGS report contains swath interferometric bathymetry data collected in 2010 within and around Muskeget Channel and along select nearshore areas south and east of Martha's Vineyard. These data were collected to support an assessment of the effect on sediment transport that a tidal instream energy conversion facility would have within Muskeget Channel. Baseline bathymetry data were obtained for the Muskeget Channel area, and surveys in select areas were repeated after one month to monitor sediment transport and bedform migration.
- Historical Salt Marsh Restoration in Massachusetts: A Comparative Study of Pre-Restoration and Post-Restoration Biological Monitoring Data (PDF, 5MB) - This 2015 investigation examined vegetation and macroinvertebrate data at five salt marsh restoration locations before tidal flow restoration (from 1999-2003) and post restoration (2013). In addition, two reference salt marsh sites located in relatively undisturbed watersheds of Cape Cod were sampled for comparison.
- Identifying Locations for Eelgrass Habitat Restoration in the Annisquam River (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2008 paper describes a study of probable causes of eelgrass habitat degradation and the potential to restore eelgrass habitat in the Annisquam River.
- Implementing Rapid Response to Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Northeast: Key Components of a Successful Program (PDF, 248 KB) - This document presents proceedings from a May 2005 workshop of the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel and features presentations on developing a rapid response protocol, model state legislation, obtaining emergency powers, getting legislation passed, alternatives to legislation, and rapid response protocols for other sectors.
- Mapping Seafloor Surficial Geological Habitat in Massachusetts State Waters - This PowerPoint presentation given at the 2008 Association of American Geographers annual meeting discusses the CZM effort to map the Commonwealth's seafloor environment in cooperation with USGS.
- Massachusetts North Shore Wetlands Assessment Transfer Project 1998 (PDF, 6 MB) - This 2003 report focuses on efforts to apply a methodology developed by CZM and the University of Massachusetts during a pilot project in the Waquoit Bay watershed to selected wetland study sites in the Ipswich and the North Coastal watersheds.
- Parker River/Essex Bay ACEC Inventory (PDF, 8 MB) - This 2000 document identifies resource trends, threats, and opportunities for restoration within this Area of Critical Environmental Concern based on a literature review of published information/and data and interviews with scientists.
- Photographs of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Offshore of Boston, Massachusetts - Published in 1999, this report contains photographs and sediment sample analyses of the seafloor obtained at 142 sites in western Massachusetts Bay.
- Rapid Response to Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Northeast: Developing an Early Detection and Eradication Protocol (PDF, 5 MB) - This document presents proceedings from a May 2003 workshop of the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel that laid the groundwork for rapid response planning in the region through the presentation of a series of rapid response case studies and other rapid response planning efforts from around the country.
- Report on the 2010 Rapid Assessment Survey of Marine Species at New England Floating Docks and Rocky Shores (PDF, 10 MB) - This report published by CZM in 2013 summarizes the results of the 2010 Rapid Assessment Survey to identify non-native and cryptogenic species (species with as yet unresolved origins) at 20 sites from Rhode Island to Maine.
- Report on the 2013 Rapid Assessment Survey of Marine Species at New England Bays and Harbors (PDF, 55 MB) - This report published by CZM in 2014 summarizes the results of the 2013 Rapid Assessment Survey to identify non-native and cryptogenic species (species with as yet unresolved origins) at 18 sites from Rhode Island to Maine.
- Report on the 2018 Rapid Assessment Survey of Introduced, Cryptogenic, and Native Marine Species at New England Marinas: Massachusetts to Maine (PDF, 2 MB) - Published in 2020, this report summarizes the results of the 2018 Rapid Assessment Survey to observe, identify, and record native and invasive marine species found on floating docks and piers at 8 sites from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, to Casco Bay, Maine.
- Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts - This 2008 report produced in cooperation with CZM includes digital terrain models, imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder and sidescan-sonar data collected in the vicinity of Woods Hole, the main passage between Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. Basic data layers show seafloor topography, sun-illuminated shaded relief, and backscatter intensity; interpretive layers show the distributions of surficial sediment, sedimentary environments, and seafloor features. Presented verification data include sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes of Great Round Shoal Channel, Offshore Massachusetts - This 2007 report produced in cooperation with CZM includes imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder and sidescan-sonar data collected in the vicinity of Great Round Shoal Channel, the main passage through shoals located at the eastern entrance to Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data.
- Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes of Quicks Hole, Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts - This 2007 report produced in cooperation with CZM includes imagery, interpretive data layers, and data derived from multibeam echo-sounder and sidescan sonar surveys conducted in the vicinity of Quicks Hole, a passage through the Elizabeth Islands, which extend in a chain southwest off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data.
- Sea-Floor Geology and Sedimentary Processes in the Vicinity of Cross Rip Channel, Nantucket Sound, Offshore Southeastern Massachusetts - This 2012 USGS/NOAA report contains digital terrain models, imagery, and interpretive data layers derived from multibeam echosounder data collected in Nantucket Sound off southeastern Massachusetts, and from the stations occupied to verify these acoustic data. Basic data layers show seafloor topography and sun-illuminated shaded relief. An interpretive layer shows the distribution of sedimentary environments. Presented verification data include sediment grain-size analyses and a gallery of still photographs of the seabed.
- Shaded Relief, Sea Floor Topography, and Backscatter Intensity of Massachusetts Bay and the Stellwagen Bank Region Offshore of Boston, Massachusetts - This 2004 USGS Geologic Investigations Series shows the seafloor topography and backscatter intensity of the region offshore of Boston at a scale of 1:125,000.
- Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts - This 2015 CZM/USGS report contains geologic, sediment texture, and physiographic zone maps that characterize the seafloor of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. These data are derived from interpretations of the seismic-reflection profiles, high-resolution bathymetry, acoustic-backscatter intensity, bottom photographs, and surficial sediment samples.
- Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of the Inner Continental Shelf from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, Martha’s Vineyard, and Eel Point to Great Point, Nantucket, Massachusetts - This 2019 CZM/USGS report contains a series of interpretive maps that describe the geology, distribution, and texture of seafloor sediments, as well as landforms of the seafloor along the south and west shores of Martha’s Vineyard and the north shore of Nantucket. The maps were produced from high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom photographs collected by USGS during a 2013 survey.
- Shallow Geology, Seafloor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of the Inner Continental Shelf from Nahant to Northern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts - This 2013 CZM/USGS report presents interpretations that describe the distribution and texture of seafloor sediments, physiographic zones, surficial geology, and shallow stratigraphy of the Massachusetts inner continental shelf between Nahant and northern Cape Cod Bay. The interpretations are based on high-resolution geophysical data (interferometric and multibeam swath bathymetry, lidar, backscatter, and seismic reflection), sediment samples, and bottom photographs.
- State of the Gulf of Maine Report - Marine Invasive Species (PDF, 2 MB) - This paper, written by CZM and published by the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment in 2010, provides a review of established marine invasive species in the Gulf of Maine and describes impacts, vectors, emerging threats, and management responses.
- Survey of Potential Marsh Dieback Sites in Coastal Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2007 report describes work done to qualitatively assess 25 sites in coastal Massachusetts where previous anecdotal reports had indicated the occurrence of marsh dieback. Along with the results of the survey, this report includes recommendations for future efforts for continued investigations and observations.
- A Volunteer's Handbook for Monitoring New England Salt Marshes - This 2002 publication was developed to help local volunteer groups collect and record data on salt marsh health in a consistent and scientifically sound manner. It is also an excellent general reference on Massachusetts salt marshes.
- Wetland Ecological Integrity: An Assessment Approach, Waquoit Bay (PDF, 2 MB) - This 1998 document discusses the Wetlands Health Assessment Toolbox (WHAT) approach and a project to evaluate its effectiveness, including recommendations for further development of the WHAT approach and management actions.
Technical Reports Prepared for CZM
(Listed Alphabetically)
Note: Any views or opinions presented in papers prepared for CZM are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Please see CZM’s website policies.
- An Assessment of the Coastal and Marine Economies in Massachusetts - Produced by the Donahue Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2006, this study provides an analysis of the economic value of the coastal and marine economy and an overview of employment, wages, business activities, and trends within important sectors of the Massachusetts marine economy for 2004.
- Assessment of Stormwater Financing Mechanisms in New England (PDF, 2 MB) - Prepared by the Charles River Watershed Association, this March 2007 final case study report, based on the work and experiences of three stormwater utilities in New England that were adopted between 2005 and 2007, serves as a guide for municipalities interested in establishing stable and dedicated stormwater management funding to meet the increasing demands of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permitting program and to protect local water resources.
- Bottom Classification Survey, Buzzards Bay Disposal Site (PDF, 6 MB) - This June 2002 publication produced by CR Environmental, Inc., presents the results of a side-scan sonar and underwater video survey at the Buzzards Bay Disposal Site.
- Building Resilience in Massachusetts Designated Port Areas: Resilience for Water Dependent Industrial Users in the Chelsea Creek and Gloucester Inner Harbor Designated Port Areas (PDF, 28 MB) - This 2021 report developed by Arcadis, U.S., Inc., gives a detailed overview of current and future flood risks facing the Chelsea Creek and Gloucester Inner Harbor Designated Port Areas (DPAs) over the coming decades. It also provides tailored resilience strategies to help address flood risks while continuing to support the operational needs of water-dependent industrial users in DPAs, which must remain in vulnerable locations directly adjacent to the water to maintain operations.
- Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Report: Competing Site Use Assessment (PDF, 6 MB) - Completed in June 2002 by CoastalVision, this report characterizes the uses of Buzzards Bay that might conflict with usage of one of two proposed dredged material disposal sites located to the east and south of the Buzzards Bay Disposal Site, focusing on commercial and recreational fishing activities.
- Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Report: Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Trawl Data Analysis (PDF, 9 MB) - This 2002 report by CoastalVision compiled and analyzed long-term fisheries data collected by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries in Buzzards Bay to characterize the existing habitats and associated fish and mobile invertebrate communities.
- Coastal Pollutant Remediation Program Stormwater BMP Operation, Maintenance, and Performance Evaluation (PDF, 390 KB) - This 2006 report provides an overview of an assessment of CPR-funded projects conducted by the Horsley Witten Group, Inc. with funding from CZM. It includes the assessment methodology used, a summary of assessment findings, and recommendations for improved siting, design, and maintenance of stormwater Best Management Practices.
- Coastal Stormwater Remediation Plan for the Town of Ipswich (PDF, 2 MB) - CZM hired a resource technician to work with the Ipswich Coastal Pollution Control Committee to develop this stormwater management plan on behalf of the town, which was released in February 2000.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for Gloucester's Dredge Material Management Plan (PDF, 2 MB) - This Draft Environmental Impact Report, submitted to CZM in October 2000 and written by the Maguire Group, investigated all of the potential options available for the management or disposal of Gloucester Harbor dredged material and presented a recommended approach for review and comment.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for Salem’s Dredge Material Management Plan (PDF, 20 MB) - This Draft Environmental Impact Report, submitted to CZM in October 1999 and written by the Maguire Group, investigated all of the potential options available for the management or disposal of Salem Harbor dredged material and presented a recommended approach for review and comment.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Early Benthic Phase Survey for Gloucester Harbor (PDF, 481 KB) - Prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., this December 1999 report describes a sampling study of early benthic phase lobsters in Gloucester Harbor.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Early Benthic Phase Survey for Salem Harbor (PDF, 1 MB) - Also prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., this March 1999 report describes a sampling study of early benthic phase lobsters in Salem Harbor.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Fisheries Resources Survey for Gloucester (PDF, 4 MB) - This December 1999 report prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., presents results from fisheries and lobster sampling in Gloucester Harbor to provide data to evaluate the effects of dredging and aquatic disposal on fisheries resources.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Fisheries Resources Survey for New Bedford (PDF, 3 MB) - This December 1999 report by Normandeau Associations, Inc., presents results from fisheries and lobster sampling in New Bedford Harbor to provide data to evaluate the effects of dredging and aquatic disposal on fisheries resources.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Quahog Resources Survey for New Bedford and Fall River (PDF, 486 KB) - This February 1999 report prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., presents results from quahog sampling in New Bedford and Fall River to provide data to evaluate the effects of dredging and aquatic disposal on these resources.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Soft-Bottom Suction Sampling Pilot Program (PDF, 621 KB) - This Division of Marine Fisheries March 1999 report describes a pilot study to determine if soft mud bottom is used as settlement habitat within the harbors under study as part of the Dredged Material Management Plan.
- Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) Technical Reports - This bibliography lists all of the publications developed as part of the DMMP Process. (The publications that are available in electronic format are listed alphabetically here.) The DMMP Technical Reports characterize the environmental and economic issues surrounding dredged material management in the Commonwealth, providing information on marine resources (sediment type and quality, seafloor habitat, fisheries, and archaeology) and the impacts associated with dredging and dredged material disposal.
- Dredged Material Transport Modeling Analysis in New Bedford Harbor (PDF, 1 MB) - This June 2003 report prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., presents a series of computer simulations to estimate the water quality from dredging and disposal operations at a proposed Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) site in the New Bedford Inner Harbor.
- ENV12 CZM 01 Benthic Infaunal Analysis Report (PDF, 15 MB) - This 2011 report prepared for CZM by AECOM Environment presents the results of the analysis of 214 seafloor grab samples collected in 2011 during a seafloor sediment survey of southern Cape Cod Bay, south of the Islands (including Vineyard Sound), and in Buzzards Bay. The survey was conducted by CZM and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s OSV Bold. Sediment type and infauna (small, sediment-dwelling animals) were sampled.
- ENV13 CZM 01 Benthic Infaunal Analysis Report (PDF, 3 MB) - This 2012 report prepared for CZM by AECOM Environment presents the results of an August 2012 seafloor sediment survey between Boston Harbor and the New Hampshire border. The report presents the results of the analysis of the 207 benthic infaunal grabs.
- Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment: Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - Prepared by the Maguire Group Inc., this 2001 publication assessed the potential impact of pending or future projects within Gloucester Harbor on the existing fisheries resources.
- Evaluation of Baseline Water Column Chemistry and Sediment Resuspension Potential at Two Candidate Dredged Material Disposal Sites in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 1 MB) - Prepared by the Maguire Group Inc., this 2001 report characterized baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions at two candidate dredged material disposal sites in eastern Buzzards Bay and two nearby reference areas.
- Existing and Potential Ocean-Based Energy Facilities and Associated Infrastructure in Massachusetts - TRC Environmental Corporation produced this report and map product in 2006 that illustrates existing and potential ocean-based energy facilities, with a goal to provide reconnaissance-level information on those segments of the ocean that appear most likely to be of future interest to the energy industry over the next 10 years. This report was not intended to replicate a site-specific facilities siting process.
- June 2000 Benthic Survey of Boston Harbor Navigational Improvement Project Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Cells (PDF, 1 MB) - This September 2001 report prepared by ENSR Marine and Coastal Center presents the results of a benthic survey of selected CAD cells within Boston Harbor to assess re-colonization over the cells.
- Mapping and Analysis of Privately-Owned Coastal Structures along the Massachusetts Shoreline - Prepared for CZM in 2013 by Applied Science Associates, Inc., this technical report documents the location and type of privately owned coastal structures, such as seawalls and revetments, and provides a comprehensive assessment of shoreline armoring coast-wide.
- The Marine Resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound Estuary: An Update after 30 Years (PDF, 20 MB) - This 2000 report by Robert Buchsbaum of Massachusetts Audubon Society and Tim Purinton of the Parker River Clean Water Association and Massachusetts Audubon Society updates the 1968 Parker River-Plum Island Sound monograph produced by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The original monograph was based on one year of field study on the physical characteristics, water quality, and fish and shellfish resources of the estuary. The 2000 report also contains historical information on the fisheries supported by the estuary.
- Massachusetts Coastal Infrastructure Inventory and Assessment Project Reports (Publicly Owned Structures) - Prepared by teams of consultants led by Bourne Consulting Engineers for CZM and the Department of Conservation and Recreation from 2006 to 2009, these reports include condition ratings and estimated repair or reconstruction costs for publicly owned seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties, and other structures.
- Massachusetts Shoreline Change Mapping and Analysis Project, 2013 Update - Developed collaboratively by the U.S. Geological Survey and CZM and released in 2013, this report provides information on rates and trends of shoreline change from 1844 through 2009. New coast-wide shoreline data were developed for approximately 1,121 miles of shoreline using color aerial orthoimagery from 2008 and 2009 and topographic Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data from 2007. The report was done in conjunction with CZM’s Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project.
- Massachusetts Volunteer Coastal Monitoring General Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (WORD, 1 MB) - Produced in 2006 by the Massachusetts Water Watch Partnership and Salem Sound Coastwatch, this document provides a template that has been approved by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to be used by monitoring groups to define their Quality Assurance Project Plans.
- Modeling the Effects of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Wetlands - This report—which was prepared for CZM in 2016 by Woods Hole Group with technical support from CZM, Marine Biological Laboratory, and other partners—details the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) modeling approach, identifies data gaps and limitations, summarizes results at multiple scales, and provides recommendations for improved simulations.
- New Bedford Aquatic Disposal Site Screening: Characterization of the new zone of siting feasibility and West Island Ledge sites (PDF, 1 MB) - Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, this January 2000 report presents information on the physical characteristics of both the Outer Channel Area and the historical West Island Ledge disposal site and provides recommendations regarding the feasibility of locating new candidate disposal sites in these areas.
- New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Dredged Material Management Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (PDF, 7 MB) - This April 2002 DEIR for the New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor DMMP was prepared by Maguire Group Inc. and includes an analysis of alternative upland and aquatic dredged material disposal sites and alternative technologies to treat sediments that are unsuitable for unconfined open water disposal.
- New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Dredged Material Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (PDF, 25 MB) - Released in October 2003, this FEIR produced by a team of consultants led by the Maguire Group Inc. evaluates the preferred alternative CAD sites brought forward for final analysis to designate the preferred alternative from the New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor DEIR.
- North Coastal Ipswich Basins Stormwater Sampling, Analysis, and Assessment Assistance - Final Report (PDF, 10 MB) - Prepared by The Louis Berger Group, Inc. in association with the School of Marine Science and Technology at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth in 2002, the report presented information on the collection, analysis, and evaluation of the stormwater inputs to two wetland sites, one within the North Coastal Basin and one within the Ipswich Basin.
- November 2000 Baseline Characterization of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities at Two Candidate Dredged Material Disposal Sites in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 1 MB) - This November 2001 report, prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, presents results of an effort to characterize the benthic macroinvertebrate communities inhabiting the surface sediments as part of a comprehensive survey of the baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions of candidate sites for dredge disposal in Buzzards Bay.
- November 2000 Baseline Characterization of Sediment Chemistry at Two Candidate Dredge Material Disposal Sites in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 1 MB) - Submitted in November 2001 by Science Applications International Corporation, this report presents results of an effort to characterize sediment grain size and chemical contaminant concentrations as part of a comprehensive survey of the baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions of candidate sites for dredge disposal in Buzzards Bay.
- November 2000 REMOTs® Survey at Two Candidate Dredged Material Disposal Site in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 3 MB) - This November 2001 report submitted by Science Applications International Corporation presents REMOTS® sediment-profile images that were collected to characterize existing physical and biological seafloor conditions as part of a comprehensive survey of the baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions of candidate sites for dredge disposal in Buzzards Bay.
- Passive Sediment Augmentation (PSA) - Phase I: Feasibility Study, Modeling, and Assessment Waquoit Bay (Falmouth and Mashpee), Massachusetts (PDF, 11 MB) - Published by CZM in 2024, this document was prepared by WSP, Sustainable Coastal Solutions, Inc., and Geyer & Ralston Consulting in partnership with the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. It provides an initial feasibility assessment of Passive Sediment Augmentation (PSA) as an approach to conserve sediments and protect salt marsh ecosystems.
- Physical Characterization of the Proposed Buzzards Bay Disposal Site (PDF, 2 MB) - This August 1998 report prepared by Science Applications International Corporation describes a bathymetric and side scan sonar survey to develop an accurate illustration of the seafloor topography as well as sediment characteristics of Buzzards Bay.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - Fall River, Massachusetts (PDF, 181 KB) - This December 1998 report prepared by W.C. Riess presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the Taunton River shipping channels to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - Gloucester, Massachusetts (PDF, 245 KB) - Also prepared by W.C. Riess, this December 1998 report presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the Gloucester Harbor shipping channel to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - New Bedford, Massachusetts (PDF, 148 KB) - This December 1998 report prepared by W.C. Riess presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the New Bedford Harbor shipping channels to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - Salem, Massachusetts (PDF, 237 KB) - The final in this set of reports by W.C. Riess, this December 1998 document presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the Salem Harbor shipping channel to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Preliminary Characterization of Offshore Sand Resources in Selected Study Areas (PDF, 50 MB) - This 2018 report contains a preliminary characterization of five offshore sand resource areas off the coast of Massachusetts. The five study areas were surveyed with vibracores, sediment grab samples, and video. In this report, the field data were used in conjunction with historic maps and acoustic data to estimate the depth and extent of the five offshore sand resource areas. The results estimate that there may be more than 400 million cubic yards of sand resources within state waters at these five locations.
- Preliminary Dredged Material Transport Modeling in New Bedford Harbor (PDF, 419 KB) - Prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., this December 2001 document presents preliminary pollutant transport and fate simulations to estimate the water quality impacts from the proposed disposal operations for the Inner New Bedford Harbor.
- Report of Marine Geophysical Surveys: Seismic Refraction, Sub-Aqueous Disposal Cell Feasibility Studies, New Bedford Harbor - 2001 (PDF, 2 MB) - This December 2001 report prepared by Prepared by Apex Environmental, Inc. presents the results of a marine geophysical surveys in New Bedford Harbor.
- Results of the March 2001 Sub-Bottom Profiling and Sediment Profile Imaging Survey of the Outer Gloucester Harbor (PDF, 7 MB) - Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, this June 2001 report presents the results of a combined sub-bottom profile and REMOTS® survey to characterize the surface and subsurface geology in the Outer Gloucester Harbor to determine if any areas had sufficient depth-to-bedrock to warrant further consideration as possible CAD sites for material dredged from Gloucester projects.
- Results of the October 2000 Bathymetric Survey at Candidate Disposal Site 1 in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 1 MB) - Completed in October 2001 by Science Applications International Corporation, this report presents the results of a bathymetric survey to obtain additional high- resolution bathymetric data encompassing all of Site 1 and its immediate surrounding area.
- Review of Depth to Bedrock in Gloucester Inner Harbor (PDF, 1 MB) - This January 2000 report prepared by Science Applications International Corporation presents a review geological literature, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers documents, and the subbottom records to develop GIS layers of local geological features (faults, bedrock units), ledge removal areas, bathymetry, and depth to bedrock for Gloucester Inner Harbor.
- Sediment Grain Size and Benthic Infaunal Analysis in Support of CZM's Survey on the OSV Bold: Validation of Seafloor Sediment Maps in Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay (PDF, 6 MB) - This 2010 report, prepared for CZM by Normandeau Associates, Inc., presents the results of a seafloor sediment survey conducted by CZM and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries in Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay during the summer of 2010. Samples were collected to analyze sediment grain size and infauna (small, sediment-dwelling animals).
- South Shore Coastal Hazards Characterization Atlas - Prepared in 2005 by Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, Inc., this document is designed to assist local officials in the communities from Hull down to the Cape Cod Canal with the review of coastal projects. It provides technical information necessary to evaluate individual projects and implement sound coastal hazard mitigation strategies for the ocean-facing shores.
- South Shore Vessel Pumpout Evaluation and Outreach Plan (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2004 report prepared by the Urban Harbors Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston and the North and South Rivers Watershed Association provides the results of a study where 413 boaters, seven pumpout facility operators, and a number of state and municipal officials were interviewed or completed questionnaires focused on the boat sewage pumpout facilities along the South Shore of Massachusetts.
- Tide Gateway: Tidegate Inventory and Data Evaluation Gateway - Final Report (PDF, 12 MB) - Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants in 2016 and revised in 2017, this report summarizes an effort by CZM and the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership, funded with a grant from the NOAA Office for Coastal Management, to inventory and map all the known tide gates from the New Hampshire border south to Provincetown, excluding Buzzards Bay, Mount Hope Bay, and the Islands. It includes management recommendations along with the following attributes for each of the 149 tide gates: operator, tide gate type (flap gate, sluice gate, self-regulating tide gate, etc.), original purpose, condition, and operational status.
- Upper North Shore Regional Boat Waste Pumpout Plan (PDF, 440 KB) - This 2001 report prepared by Dale Brown provides a needs assessment and recommendations for boat waste management in the Parker River/Essex Bay Area of Critical Environmental Concern and the northern waters of Cape Ann.
- Visualization of Inundation of Critical Coastal Facilities Due to Flood Events and Sea-Level Rise (PDF, 7 MB) - Prepared for CZM in 2009 by Applied Science Associates, Inc., this technical report provides a detailed methodology to develop photorealistic 3D models of inundation scenarios, based on a pilot project where 3D models were developed for five flooding scenarios at seven critical facilities around Hull.
Decisions and Notices
(Listed in Reverse Date Order)
- Decision on the City of Salem’s Request for Approval of the Salem Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 - May 17, 2023 (PDF, 711 KB)
- Designation Decision for the East Boston Designated Port Area, Boston, MA - December 23, 2022 (PDF, 740 KB)
- Designation Decision for the Chelsea Creek Designated Port Area, Boston, MA - September 6, 2022 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Boundary Review of the Chelsea Creek Designated Port Area, East Boston, MA (PDF, 2 MB) - May 23, 2022
- Designation Decision for the Lynn Designated Port Area, Lynn, MA (PDF, 638 KB) - April 26, 2022
- Decision on the City of Chelsea’s Request for Approval of the Chelsea Creek Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant To 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 2 MB) - April 1, 2022
- Boundary Review of the East Boston Designated Port Area, Boston, MA (PDF, 2 MB) - December 15, 2021
- Decision on the Town of Cohasset’s Request for Approval of the Cohasset Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 618 KB)- November 25, 2020
- Decision on the City of Lynn’s Request for Approval of the Lynn Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 624 KB) - November 25, 2020
- Decision on the Request for Clarification of the New Bedford/Fairhaven Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 346 KB) - August 6, 2020
- Decision on the Town of Provincetown’s Request for Approval of the Provincetown Harbor Management Plan Renewal and Amendment 2019 Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 7 MB) - April 10, 2019.
- Designation Decision for the South Boston Designated Port Area Boston, MA (PDF, 3 MB) - May 10, 2018.
- Decision on the City of Boston’s Request for Approval of the Downtown Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 1 MB) - April 30, 2018.
- Boundary Review of the South Boston Designated Port Area, Boston, MA (PDF, 2 MB) - February 7, 2018.
- Decision on the City of Boston’s Request for Approval of the South Boston Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal and Amendment Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 2 MB) - December 21, 2016.
- CZM Response to the Boston Request for Clarification of the 2009 Secretary's Decision on the South Boston Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment (PDF, 1 MB) - December 21, 2016.
- CZM Response to the Lynn Request for Clarification of the Secretary's June 28, 2010 Decision on the Lynn Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan (PDF, 2 MB) - December 21, 2016.
- Designation Decision for the Chelsea Creek Designated Port Area Chelsea, MA (PDF, 3 MB) - April 6, 2016.
- Boundary Review of the Chelsea Creek Designated Port Area, Chelsea, MA (PDF, 4 MB) - November 23, 2015.
- Decision on the Renewal of the Town of Chatham's South Coastal Harbor Management Plan (PDF, 148 KB) - May 12, 2015.
- Designation Decision for the Beverly Harbor Designated Port Area (PDF, 201 KB) - April 6, 2015.
- Boundary Review of the Beverly Harbor Designated Port Area, Beverly MA (PDF, 1 MB) - January, 5, 2015.
- Decision on the City of Gloucester’s Request for Approval of the Gloucester Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 2 MB) - December 19, 2014.
- Designation Decision for the Gloucester Inner Harbor Designated Port Area (PDF, 1 MB) - April 23, 2014.
- Decision on the City of Everett's Request for Approval of the Central Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 1 MB) - February 10, 2014.
- Boundary Review of the Gloucester Inner Harbor Designated Port Area, Gloucester MA (PDF, 2 MB) - February 3, 2014.
- Decision on the City of Boston's Request for Renewal of the Fort Point Downtown Waterfront Phase 1 Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 1 MB) - February 12, 2013.
- Decision on Provincetown's Request for Approval of the Provincetown Harbor Plan Renewal Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 1 MB) - February 29, 2012.
- Decision on the City of Lynn's Request for Approval of the Lynn Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 1 MB) - June 28, 2010.
- Decision on the Request for Approval of the New Bedford/Fairhaven Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 3 MB) - June 14, 2010.
- Decision on the Town of Nantucket's Request for Approval of the Nantucket and Madaket Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 239 KB) - December 21, 2009.
- Decision on the City of Gloucester's Request for Approval of the Gloucester Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal and Designated Port Area Master Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 401 KB) - December 11, 2009.
- Decision on the City of Boston's Request for Approval of the South Boston Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 590 KB) - October 22, 2009.
- Decision on the City of Boston's Request for Approval of the East Boston Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 - Part II: 102-148 Border Street and 125 Sumner Street (PDF, 279 KB) - March 4, 2009.
- Decision on the City of Boston's Request for Approval of the East Boston Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 - Part I: 6-26 New Street (PDF, 338 KB) - December 17, 2008.
- Decision on the City of Salem's Request for Approval of the Salem Municipal Harbor Plan Renewal Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 670 KB) - June 24, 2008.
- Compliance Review and Decision on the City of Boston's Charlestown Navy Yard Waterfront Activation Network Plan and Water-Dependent Use Management Plan (PDF, 110 KB) - April 4, 2008.
- Massachusetts Appeals Court Decision Reversing Portions of the March 2005 Superior Court Decision Regarding Modification of the Boundaries of the Mystic River Designated Port Area with an updated DPA Boundary Map (PDF, 189 KB) - June 4, 2007.
- Decision on the City of Boston Request for Approval of the Lovejoy Wharf Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 561 KB) - October 12, 2006.
- Decision on the City Of Boston’s Fort Point Downtown Waterfront Phase 2 Municipal Harbor Plan (PDF, 401 KB) - March 8, 2004.
- Final Environmental Impact Report for New Bedford and Fairhaven's Dredged Material Management Plan (PDF, 25 MB) - October 15, 2003.
- Designation Decision for the East Boston Designated Port Area (PDF, 1 MB) - April 23, 2003.
- Secretary's Decision on the City of Boston's South Boston Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment (PDF, 1 MB) - December 31, 2002.
- East Boston Designated Port Area (DPA) Boundary Review (PDF, 2 MB) - December 18, 2002.
- Designation Decision for the Mystic River Designated Port Area, Charlestown Shore (PDF, 2 MB) - December 16, 2002.
- Decision on the City of Boston's Fort Point Channel Phase I Municipal Harbor Plan (PDF, 1 MB) - October 10, 2002.
- Boundary Review of Mystic River Designated Port Area, Charlestown Shore (PDF, 4 MB) - October 9, 2002.
- Decision on the Joint Request for Approval of the Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 449 KB) - September 24, 2002.
- Decision on the City of Boston's East Boston Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan (PDF, 590 KB) - July 15, 2002.
- New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (PDF, 7 MB) - April 30, 2002.
- Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the Fort Point Downtown Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan (PDF, 3 MB) - November 26, 2001.
- Decision on the City of Boston’s South Boston Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan (PDF, 165 KB) - December 6, 2000.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for Gloucester's Dredge Material Management Plan (DMMP) (PDF, 3 MB) - October 10, 2000.
- Decision on the City of Boston’s North Station Amendment to the Boston Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 2 MB) - July 29, 1999.
- Decision on the Town of Edgartown Request for Approval of the Edgartown Municipal Harbor Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 722 KB) - October 2, 1997.
- Decision on City of Boston Request for Approval of the Boston Harborpark Plan Pursuant to 301 CMR 23.00 (PDF, 2 MB) - May 22, 1991.
(Listed Alphabetically)
- Model Site Plan Rules and Regulations for Open Space Residential Design Model Bylaw (PDF, 112 KB) - These model rules and regulations were developed by the Green Neighborhoods Alliance to be used with the Open Space Residential Development Model Site Plan Bylaw (see below).
- Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) Model Site Plan Bylaw (PDF, 271 KB) - This model bylaw, which was released in 2001, was originally produced by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and later modified by the Green Neighborhoods Alliance. It is designed to allow developers to use OSRD "by-right" but does not allow for the use of density bonuses.
- Open Space Residential Design Special Permit Model Bylaw/Ordinance - Special Permit (PDF, 43 KB) - Also originally produced by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and modified by the Green Neighborhoods Alliance 2001, this model bylaw/ordinance allows the Planning Board to grant OSRD by special permit and includes a density bonus option.
- Open Space Residential Design Special Permit Model Bylaw/Ordinance Rules and Regulations (PDF, 18 KB) - These model rules and regulations were developed by the Green Neighborhoods Alliance to be used with the OSRD Model Bylaw - Special Permit (see above).
- Town of Oak Bluffs Floodplain Overlay District Bylaw (PDF, 40 KB) - This bylaw, developed as part of a CZM StormSmart Coasts pilot project, prohibits new residential development and expansion of existing development in the most hazardous flood zones and requires that all new development in less hazardous areas goes through a special permit process to ensure proposed development and redevelopment projects meet design criteria and performance standards that minimize threats to public health and safety.
- Twitter - CZM’s Twitter feed gives the latest information on CZM projects, job and grant postings, comment opportunities, calendar items, and other time-sensitive notices, along with links to tools and information from the CZM website and related items of interest.
- Flickr Photo Gallery - CZM maintains sets of catalogued coastal photos for public use.
- MyCoast: Massachusetts - This online portal allows the public to collect and share photos and observations online or using a mobile app. Reports submitted to MyCoast of extreme high tides, coastal storm impacts, and living shoreline projects help increase awareness of flooding, erosion, and other coastal hazards and help inform storm response and coastal management decisions.
- Blizzard of '78 Photo Gallery - This photo gallery chronicles the coastal impacts in Massachusetts from this 1978 "Storm of the Century."
- Memorial Page for Susan Snow-Cotter (1961-2006) - This page looks at the life and leadership of Susan Snow-Cotter, a long-time CZM staff member who rose naturally and gracefully to Director of the agency. She was a true leader in coastal management and was taken from us too early by Inflammatory Breast Cancer. We miss you, Susan!
- Aerial Orthophotographs of Coastal Massachusetts - Through a project completed in June 2001, CZM, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Photogrammetry Division, and the National Geodetic Survey produced orthophotos (aerial photos that are digitally corrected for distortions and other errors) that cover most of the coastal zone of Massachusetts. These 1:10,000 images are available on the MassGIS website, along with further details on the project.
- Massachusetts Tide Charts - This CZM web page compiles tide information from the Massachusetts Marine Trades Association and US Harbors for the entire coast of Massachusetts.
- BLOG: Profile of a Marine Invasive Species - Meet the Spaghetti Bryozoan - The potentially invasive Amathia verticillata, also known as the Spaghetti Bryozoan, is described in detail in this blog post written by a CZM summer intern.
- COASTSWEEP Blog: The Cathartic Art of the Beach Cleanup - This CZM blog, written in a Q&A format, focuses on Marine Debris Sculptor, Mary Delmonaco.
- BLOG: Research Cruise Aboard Ocean Service Vessel Bold (originally posted on the Blog from June 22 through July 22, 2010) - This compilation of blogs depicts the unfolding of events as a team from CZM and Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) conducted research on seafloor habitats in state waters on board the Ocean Survey Vessel Bold.
- BLOG: COASTSWEEP - Protecting Marine Life One Piece of Trash at a Time (originally posted on the EEA Mass Great Outdoor Blog on September 30, 2013) - A COASTSWEEP intern describes how beach cleanups and plastic-reduction practices can help save endangered sea turtles.
- BLOG: A Last Gasp of Summer - Perfect for a COASTSWEEP Cleanup at Constitution Beach (originally posted on the EEA Mass Great Outdoor Blog on October 16, 2013) - This blog post reflects upon an intern’s experience at a beach cleanup in East Boston.
- BLOG: Not from Around Here - Green Crabs (originally posted on the EEA Mass Great Outdoor Blog on August 22, 2014) - A CZM intern explains her experience participating in a summer field project surveying green crab populations in the salt marsh.
- BLOG: Seeking Local Beach Cleanup Coordinators for COASTSWEEP 2015 (originally posted on the Mass.Gov Blog on July 16, 2015) - This blog post discusses the benefits of becoming a COASTSWEEP coordinator or volunteer.
- BLOG: Removing Plastic from Rockport’s Reefs with COASTSWEEP (originally posted on the Mass.Gov Blog on October 13, 2015) - A CZM intern explains her findings during an underwater COASTSWEEP cleanup in Rockport.
- BLOG: Calling All Treasure Hunters - Join a COASTSWEEP Cleanup This Fall (originally posted on the Mass.Gov Blog on September 7, 2016) - This page highlights a COASTSWEEP cleanup in 2015 that removed more than 6 tons of trash from 120 sites across the state and discusses how to participate in future cleanups.