Designated Port Area Boundary Maps

Find links to official Designated Port Area (DPA) boundary maps and descriptions from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

In 2011, CZM updated the Designated Port Area (DPA) boundary maps and descriptions. The previously effective maps were available in hard-copy format only, and, in some cases, boundaries were ambiguous. CZM went through a thorough process to transform these hard-copy maps into digital format. During this process, slight modifications were made to facilitate boundary identification, primarily to align the boundary with the most recent assessors' parcel maps or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration nautical charts. Since 2011, routine updates have been made and publication dates are provided in each boundary map and description.

For a complete listing of the information CZM provides on DPAs, see the Designated Port Area Index Page.

DPA Maps, Descriptions, and GIS Data

The following list provides links to the updated DPA maps (11"x17") and descriptions, by region. To download these data or create interactive maps of the DPA boundaries, see the DPA Data Layer in the Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information System (MORIS).

North Shore

Gloucester Inner Harbor DPA

Salem Harbor DPA

Lynn DPA

Boston Harbor

Map of All Boston Inner Harbor DPAs - coming soon

Mystic River DPA

Chelsea Creek DPA

East Boston DPA

South Boston DPA

Weymouth Fore River DPA

South Coastal

New Bedford-Fairhaven DPA

Mount Hope Bay DPA

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