Program to Enhance Elder Refugee Services (PEERS)
Strengthens relationships between elder and refugee organizations to link refugees to elder services in their communities.
Social Adjustment Services (SAS)
Ensures wraparound service availability to refugees including case management, referral, translation and interpretation, and adjustment support for refugee youth.
Refugee Case Management (RCM)
Provides access to Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program (MRRP) benefits and services through MRRP application intake, orientation, employability assessment, basic social services and referrals for eligible populations.
Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP)
In collaboration with MA Department of Public Health, ensures newly-arriving refugees receive an initial health assessment and linked to primary care.
Refugee Health Promotion Program (RHPP)
Provides on-going individual health care access assistance to the newest refugee arrivals, preventive health information to refugee communities, and cultural information to mainstream agencies.
Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA)
Provides up to 8 months of medical coverage for refugees ineligible for the Medicaid/MassHealth program.
Refugee School Impact Program (RSI)
Supports local public school districts in fostering high academic and social success among refugee youth.
Refugee Youth Mentoring (RYM)
Provides a mentor to support refugee youths by identifying and working toward their goals.
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program (URMP)
Collaboratively administered between ORI and the MA Department of Children and Families, provides residential and foster care services to refugee minors arriving in the U.S. without parents or guardians.