Electronic Liens and Titles (ELT) program

The Electronic Lien and Title program (ELT) is a paperless Title program by which the Registry of Motor Vehicles and lienholders can electronically exchange vehicle and title information.

Title record

Instead of printing a paper title and mailing it to the lienholder, the Registry transmits an electronic record of the Certificate of Title to a lienholder participating in the program.The title record remains electronic until one of the following occurs:

  • The loan is satisfied.
    • Note: If the loan is paid off by a dealer, the lienholder designates the title to be mailed directly to the dealer
  • The lienholder requests the title be printed with existing lienholder information for one of the following reasons:
    • The vehicle has been repossessed
    • The lienholder requires a paper title
    • The customer is moving out-of-state and a paper title is required for registration and title in that state

In all cases listed above, the title will be mailed the following business day after the electronic message is received by the Registry.

Additional Resources

Contact   for Electronic Liens and Titles (ELT) program


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