Eligibility for Admission by Transfer of UBE Score

A UBE score of 270 or greater from a prior exam administration taken within the last 36 months will be acceptable.

Massachusetts will accept Petitions for Admission by Transfer of UBE Score beginning March 1, 2018.  The petition requires that your UBE total score is 270 or higher.  

General information before submitting a Petition by Transfer of UBE score

  • Review the Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:01 to be sure you meet the eligibility requirements
  • The total UBE score must be 270 or higher
  • The UBE score must be taken at an exam within 36 months 
  • You must request a score transfer from the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) to Massachusetts and provide the confirmation with the Petition
  • You must have graduated from an ABA accredited law school
  • You must have taken the MPRE and passed with a scaled score of 85 or higher

Contact   for Eligibility for Admission by Transfer of UBE Score


Office hours are 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.


Fax: (617) 542-5943


John Adams Courthouse
One Pemberton Square, Suite 5-140, Boston, MA 02108

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