SJC Clerk's Office for the County of Suffolk

About the Clerk's Office for the County of Suffolk

Allison S. Cartwright, Esq., is the Clerk for the County of Suffolk. Learn more about Clerk Cartwright

The Clerk's Office for the County of Suffolk is primarily responsible for the single justice caseload of the Supreme Judicial Court, administrative and disciplinary matters filed by the Board of Bar Overseers affecting members of the bar, and matters relating to Bar Admission and the practice of law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

The office has three departments:


The Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court for the County of Suffolk last year launched a webpage that, for the first time, makes final decisions in public single justice matters of the Supreme Judicial Court available online. Case decisions are currently available from 2019 to present. New information is posted daily in an effort to provide attorneys, self-represented litigants, the media, and the general public with easy access to up-to-date case decisions. Efforts are continuing to digitally prepare older cases to be added to this archive.

This resource can be found at

Clerk's Office for the County of Suffolk Resources

Contact us


Bar Admissions and Petitions for Admission:


Main phone number 617-557-1100
Attorney Services 617-557-1050

Hours: Weekdays (except holidays) 8:30 am - 4:30pm


Allison S. Cartwright, Clerk
John Adams Courthouse, 1st Floor
One Pemberton Square, Suite 1300
Boston, MA 02108-1707

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