Final Decision
The Siting Board issued its Final Decision in this proceeding on June 28, 2024. The full Decision can be found in: English | Haitian Creole | Portuguese | Simplified Chinese | Spanish.
Decision Contents:
- Full Decision
- Summary of Decision
- Need for Proposed Project
- Alternative Approaches to Meeting the Need
- Route and Site Selection
- Analysis of Environmental Impacts of Project Elements
- Construction Schedule and Hours
- New Substation:
- Description
- Construction Methods
- Environmental Impacts
- Land Use, Historic Resources, and Cultural Resources and Board Findings
- Water and Wetlands and Board Findings
- Climate Resiliency and Board Findings
- Noise Impacts and Board Findings
- Visual Impacts and Board Findings
- Air Impacts and Board Findings
- Safety and Hazardous Waste and Board Findings
- Traffic and Board Findings
- Magnetic Fields and Board Findings
- Underground Transmission Lines:
- Description
- Construction Methods
- Environmental Impacts:
- Land Use, Historic Resources, and Cultural Resources and Board Findings
- Water and Wetlands including Climate Resiliency and Board Findings
- Noise Impacts and Board Findings
- Traffic and Board Findings
- Visual Impacts and Board Findings
- Air Impacts and Board Findings
- Safety and Hazardous Waste and Board Findings
- Magnetic Fields and Board Findings
- Positions of the Parties
- Substations Upgrades:
- Consistency with Policies of the Commonwealth
- Board Decision, including a list of all Board’s conditions
Tentative Decision and Board Meeting
The Siting Board conducted a public meeting regarding the Project. The purpose of the Siting Board meeting is to listen to comments, deliberate, and vote on whether to approve, approve with conditions or amendments, or reject a Tentative Decision regarding this Project.
The Tentative Decision is available in: English | Haitian Creole | Portuguese | Simplified Chinese | Spanish.
June 26, 2024: Suggested amendments to the text in the Tentative Decision by Siting Board staff are available in: English | Haitian Creole | Portuguese | Simplified Chinese | Spanish.
The agenda related to this meeting is available in: English | Haitian Creole | Portuguese | Simplified Chinese | Spanish.
Public Access and Opportunity for Public Comment
Written comments on the Tentative Decision are due by the close of business Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Please file comments by email at and
Important Dates
The latest procedural schedule is available at the following link.
March 10, 2022: Eversource files Petitions with the EFSB and D.P.U.
June 28, 2022: First Public Comment Hearing
July 22, 2022: Initial Deadline to Petition to Intervention or Participate as Limited Participant
November 10, 2022: Second Public Comment Hearing
November 25, 2022: Deadline to Petition to Intervene or Participate as a Limited Participant/Deadline to Provide Written Comment on New Noticed Hybrid Alternative Route S15
July 27, 2023: Procedural Conference
August 14, 2023: Intervenors Indicate Whether They Will File Prefiled Testimony
Weeks of October 16/23/30, 2023: Siting Board Conducts Evidentiary Hearings
June 17, 2024: Board Issues Tentative Decision
June 25, 2024: Comments Due on Tentative Decision
June 27, 2023: Board Meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Evidentiary Hearings
The Siting Board conducted evidentiary hearings for the Project using Zoom videoconferencing from October 16 to November, 2023. Video recordings of the hearings can be accessed at the DPU YouTube channel.
Procedural Conference - July 27, 2023
The Siting Board conducted a procedural conference regarding the Project using Zoom videoconferencing on July 27, 2023, at 6:00 pm. The agenda for this meeting is now available.
Second Public Comment Hearing – November 10, 2022
The Siting Board will conduct a second remote public comment hearing regarding the Project using Zoom videoconferencing on November 10, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Attendees can join by clicking (or entering) the following link from a computer, smartphone, or tablet. No prior software download is required. For audio-only participation, attendees can dial in at 1 646 558 8656 (not toll free) and then enter the Webinar ID: 83646572343.
Siting Board staff directed the Company to evaluate a potential hybrid alternative route through Cambridge and Somerville to connect the proposed New Substation with the Company’s existing Somerville Substation. This new alternative route is referred to as the Noticed Hybrid Alternative Route S15 and it is described further below.
The Siting Board will accept additional public comments, and additional petitions to intervene or to participate as a limited participant in the Siting Board’s review of the Project relating to the new Noticed Hybrid Alternative Route S15 by November 25, 2022.
A copy of the full notice can be accessed at the following links:
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Mandarin Chinese | Haitian Creole
Written Comments
The Siting Board will accept written comments on the Project. Written comments will be most useful to the Siting Board if submitted by November 25, 2022.
Participation in Proceedings
Persons or groups who wish to be involved in the Siting Board proceeding beyond providing comments at the public comment hearing or submitting written comments may seek either to intervene as a party or to participate as a limited participant. A petition to intervene or participate must be filed with the Siting Board in electronic format, by email or email attachment, to and to no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on November 25, 2022.
For those individuals and groups that are “substantially and specifically” affected by energy proposals, and wish to participate actively in the proceeding, please visit the link below to learn more.
File a petition to intervene in an EFSB or DPU Siting case |
First Public Comment Hearing – June 28, 2022
The first public comment hearing was completed on June 28, 2022. The public comment hearing recording for those unable to attend can be found on the DPU's Youtube Channel.
A copy of the full notice can be accessed at the following links:
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Mandarin Chinese | Haitian Creole
Project Information
NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy (“Eversource” or the “Company”), located at 247 Station Drive, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090, has filed two related petitions with the Energy Facilities Siting Board (“Siting Board”) and the Department of Public Utilities (“Department”) in connection with the Company’s proposal to construct, operate and maintain: (1) eight new 115-kilovolt (“kV”) underground transmission lines that will be housed in a total of five new duct banks, totaling approximately 8.3 miles, in portions of Cambridge, Somerville and the Allston/Brighton area of Boston (the “New Lines”); (2) a new 115/14‑kV substation, which will be located in an underground vault on a property between Broadway and Binney Streets in Cambridge (the “New Substation”); and (3) modifications to certain existing substation facilities in Cambridge, Somerville, and Allston/Brighton. This work is collectively referred to as the Greater Cambridge Energy Program, or the “Project.” The Company states that the Project is designed to address long-term reliability needs in the Cambridge area, which is experiencing rapid economic development and sustained load growth.
The Company’s interactive project maps and information are also available on the Company’s website.
Project Filing with EFSB
The Companies filed two related petitions with the Siting Board and Department, which have been consolidated into one proceeding. The petition to construct the Project includes the following information: (1) a description of the Project; (2) an analysis of the need for the Project; (3) a description of the alternatives to the Project; and (4) a description of the environmental impacts of the Project.
- Company’s Petition
- Company’s Analysis to Support Petition Volume 1:
- Company’s Analysis to Support Petition Volume 2 – Appendices List:
- Appendix 1-1 Eversource Outreach Materials
- Appendix 4-1 Stakeholder Outreach Meetings Summary Table
- Appendix 4-2 Universe of Routes Summary Table
- Appendix 4-3 Transportation Impacts Route Scoring Criterion Data
- Appendix 4-4 Utility Density Route Scoring Criterion Data
- Appendix 4-5 Raw Scoring Data
- Appendix 5-1 Photographic Log
- Appendix 5-2 Map Set (Project) (see Volume III)
- Appendix 5-3 Map Set (Noticed Alternative) (see Volume III)
- Appendix 5-4 Preliminary Inadvertent Returns Contingency Plan for HDD Crossing
- Appendix 5-5 Local Noise Ordinances
- Appendix 5-6 EMF Report
- Appendix 5-7 Eversource’s Best Management Practices Manual for Massachusetts and Connecticut
- Appendix 6-1 MEPA Environmental Notification Form – Part 1
- Company’s Analysis to Support Petition Volume 3 – Map Book
All documents related filed in relation to a proceeding are posted to the DPU Fileroom. The Fileroom page for a proceeding represents the official record for that proceeding. The public can access the Fileroom page for this proceeding at the following link:
Accommodation Requests
The EFSB has standardized procedures for requesting special accommodations in a proceeding. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Include a complete description of the accommodation you will need and a way we can contact you if we need more information. Please provide as much advance notice as possible. Please allow at least two weeks (14 days) advance notice. Last minute requests will be accepted, but we may be unable to fulfill the request. Please send your requests to: the ADA and Diversity Manager at the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs by calling 617-626-1282.
Interpretation services for those with limited English language proficiency are available upon request. Include in your request the language required, and a way to contact you if the Presiding Officer needs more information. Please provide as much advance notice as possible. Last minute requests may not be able to be accommodated. Contact the Presiding Officer (contact information below).
Siting Board Statues and Regulations
The Company’s two petitions have been consolidated for hearing before the Siting Board under docket number EFSB 22-03/D.P.U. 22-21. Under G.L. c. 164, § 69J, the Siting Board will review the Companies’ filing to determine whether the Project would provide a reliable energy supply for the Commonwealth with a minimum impact on the environment at the lowest possible cost. Under G.L. c. 164 § 72, the Siting Board will determine whether the proposed Project is necessary for the purposes stated, serves the public convenience, and is consistent with the public interest.
Please visit the link below to learn more.
Energy facility siting laws and regulations |
Any person desiring further information regarding this proceeding, including information regarding intervention or participation in the adjudicatory proceeding, may contact the Presiding Officer at the following telephone number or email address:
Donna Sharkey, Presiding Officer
Energy Facilities Siting Board
One South Station
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 305-3525
Useful Information
Energy facility siting laws and regulations listing
Energy Facilities Siting Board Handbook (updated 2019) | Guía para fijar la ubicación de instalaciones energéticas (2019)