What is an encapsulant?
An encapsulant is a special liquid coating that provides a long lasting, effective barrier over lead paint.
Is regular paint an encapsulant?
No, regular paint is not an encapsulant.
Where can I use encapsulants?
Encapsulants can only be used on surfaces that are in good condition. Encapsulants will not work on surfaces that are:
- Walked on
- Badly deteriorated
- Subject to friction or rubbing
Can I apply an encapsulant?
You don't need to be a licensed deleader to apply encapsulant. You must review a brief training booklet and take an at-home test. You must return the at-home test to Massachusetts Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP). You will receive an authorization number to apply encapsulants.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 437.12 KB, 2021 Encapsulation Training Handbook (PDF 437.12 KB)
Open DOCX file, 253.46 KB, 2021 Encapsulation Training Handbook (DOCX 253.46 KB)
What should I do to a surface before I apply encapsulants?
After you've been trained, you can test the surface to find out if it is strong enough to hold the encapsulant.
Before you apply encapsulants to a surface, you must test the paint layers to make sure it will stick. This testing is a requirement and is explained in the training. You must write down the test results on the form in the training booklet.
If the paint is peeling from the wall, or not sticking, the paint is probably not strong enough to hold the encapsulant, and you need to find a different method of deleading.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 103.93 KB, List of Encapsulant Products (PDF 103.93 KB)
Open DOC file, 170 KB, List of Encapsulant Products (DOC 170 KB)
Open PDF file, 185.53 KB, Stores that sell Encapsulants (PDF 185.53 KB)
Open DOC file, 192 KB, Stores that sell Encapsulants (DOC 192 KB)
How do i maintain an encapsulant?
You must check encapsulants to make sure they are in good condition. If they are damaged, you may need to choose a different method, like covering or removal.