Learn about SDO’s Individuals with Disabilities Program

The goal of the SDO Individuals with Disabilities Program is to provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities in all areas of state procurement and contracting.


Pursuant to Section 4 of Chapter 219 of the Acts of 2016 and Section 88 of Chapter 154 of the Acts of 2018, the OSD’s Supplier Diversity Office (SDO), in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD), have established the SDO Individuals with Disabilities Program with the following goals:

  1. Expand Inclusion of Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBE) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (SDVOBE).
  2. Transform and expand the SDO Individuals with Disabilities Pilot Program into an Ongoing Program.
  3. Further Develop the Program Webpage with Resources and Tools for Employers and Individuals with Disabilities Seeking Employment.

The program sets goals on a biennial basis and reports on them annually.

Resources and Tools for Employers

Nonprofit Resources for Employers

Note: Other organizations interested in being included in the listing above are advised to respond to the COMMBUYS Request for Information (RFI): Organizations Assisting Employers in Hiring Individuals with Disabilities

Commonwealth Resources and Tools for Job Seekers with Disabilities

Program Annual Reports

Contact   for Learn about SDO’s Individuals with Disabilities Program

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