About DCAMM Operations
Located on the third floor of the MITC, the DCAMM Operations Office is available during regular business hours to respond to questions regarding the following concerns:
Air Circulation | Leaks |
Air Conditioning | Lighting |
Air Quality | Pest control |
Cafeteria | Recycling |
Ceiling Tiles | Restrooms |
Conference Room | Safety |
Electrical | Security |
Elevators | Signage |
Engineering | Smoking Complaints |
Falls | Spills |
Fumes | Temperature |
Graffiti | Trash |
Heating | Ventilation |
Contact information for customer service
Regular Hours: (617) 660-5500 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
After Hours: Security (617) 660-5530
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 536.65 KB, MITC Occupant Handbook (PDF 536.65 KB)