MassGIS Data: 2015 Satellite Imagery Index

December 2015

MassGIS has created two polygon data layers to index the 2015 WorldView satellite imagery.
The Web Service Index stores information on which imagery was used in the final Web service tile cache, and the Image Tile Index represents the extent of the individual image files.

Table of Contents



MassGIS has created two polygon data layers to index the 2015 Satellite Imagery:

  • The Web Service Index stores information on which imagery was used in the final Web service tile cache, including date of imagery and which satellite (WorldView 2 or WorldView 3) was used to capture the image data. This dataset was created by MassGIS based on strip and tile shapefile provided to MassGIS with the imagery from DigitalGlobe. The statewide Web service is available for use by the general public. This index layer is named COQ2015WVWEBSRVINDEX_POLY. The Web Service Index Map uses this layer.
  • Each polygon in the Image Tile Index represents the extent of the individual image files as delivered to MassGIS and contains information such as date of photography, off-nadir angle, sun azimuth and the name of the satellite that captured the data. MassGIS created the index by combining shapefiles provided by DigitalGlobe with the imagery. This index layer is named COQ2015WVTILEINDEX_POLY.

For both layers, the Projection (Spatial Reference) is Geographic (Latitude/Longitude); Datum is WGS 84. Units are decimal degrees. This spatial reference matches that of the imagery.


The Web Service Index contains the following fields:

PHOTODATEDate of photography
SATELLITEName of the satellite (WorldView2 or WorldView3) that captured the imagery

The Image Tile Index contains the following fields:

TILENAMECode used by DigitalGlobe during production
FILENAMEName of image file as delivered by DigitalGlobe
PRODDESCCode used by DigitalGlobe during production
VOLNUMCode used by DigitalGlobe during production
PHOTODATEDate of photography in YYYYMMDD format
SATELLITEThe name of the satellite (WorldView2 or WorldView3) that captured the imagery
STRIPDESCName of the strip (north-south pass of satellite) of imagery
SUNAZIMUTHAzimuth, in degrees, of the sun at the time the photo was taken
OFFNADIRThe angle away from the sensor's nadir (the point directly beneath a scanner's detectors)
ACQ_DATEPhoto acquisition date and time


MassGIS maintains this layer. No updates will be added.

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