MassGIS Data: Coastal Zone Tiling Index

April 1997

The Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program has developed an index to identify the geographic bounds, name and identification number for a series of MCZM published maps.

Table of Contents



The Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program has developed an index to identify the geographic bounds, name and identification number for a series of MCZM published maps. Each tile measures 8,000 by 10,000 meters. The tile orientation is in both landscape and portrait. This tile scheme allows for plotting at a scale up to 1:10,000 in a single panel on a HP 755 device. The layer is named CZMSHEET_POLY.  See the Index Map


A polygon coverage was developed from keyboard entered coordinates. The geographic bounds of each tile are located on an increment of 2,000 meters.


The layer's polygon attribute table has the following items:

Item NameWidthOutputTypeComments
NUMBER44CUnique alpha-numeric code such as C-25
NAME2424CPlace name identifier for the individual sheet
LAYOUT11CL for Landscape
P for Portrait


MCZM maintains this data. Complete documentation on the Shoreline Change mapping project may be downloaded in MS Word 6.0 format ( shorech.doc )

Date published: April 1, 1997
Last updated: April 1, 1997

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