MassGIS Data: DCR Mass Parks Regions

June 2019

This data layer describes the administrative and management units for the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Mass Parks Division.

Table of Contents



At the highest level DCR properties are organized into two management 'Divisions': Mass Parks and the Division of Water Supply Protection (DWSP). Mass Parks properties are organized into Regions. Each region is divided into Districts, which in turn are divided into Complexes. This layer delineates these breakdowns.

The two feature classes - polygon and arc - are stored in ArcSDE as REGDCR_POLY and REGDCR_ARC.


This layer was created by DCR and then was processed and stored by MassGIS.


The polygon attribute table contains the following fields:

REGIONWithin the DCR Mass Parks division, this is the broadest level of management. Each Mass Parks 'Region' is broken up into 'Districts,' then 'Complexes'.
DISTRICTThe second level of management down from 'Region': each Mass Parks District belongs to a 'Region' and is divided into 'Complexes'. Complexes are included in the arc attribute table.
DIVISIONAll are coded "Mass Parks"
SYMBOLOGYA single field for symbology or labeling that concatenates the REGION and DISTRICT values

The arc attribute table contains the following items:

TYPEBoundary type:
 Golf Course Complex
 MA Coast
 State Border


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