MassGIS Data: DCR Service Forestry Districts

February 2022

Boundaries of the DCR Service Forestry Districts, which provide technical assistance and services to landowners and municipalities regarding their forested properties.

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Each DCR Service Forestry District, also referred to as Private Lands Forestry District, provides technical assistance and services to landowners and municipalities regarding their forested properties. Each Service Forestry District is assigned a Service Forester who serves that District.

This polygon feature class is named DCR_SF_DISTRICTS_POLY and stores the Forest Service District Boundaries in Massachusetts. The attributes contains contact information for each District's Service Forester.


This layer was created by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) using MassGIS Municipalities layer and then was processed and stored by MassGIS.


The polygon attribute table contains the following fields:

NAMEName of Service Forester
EMAILEmail of the Service Forester
PHONEPhone number of the Service Forester
DISTRICTDistrict Number (1-11)


The polygon feature class was updated in January 2022 with the latest contact information to reflect staff changes. Boundaries are based on MassGIS Municipal Boundaries layer updated in September 2020.

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