MassGIS Data: Limited Access Highway Exits and Interchanges

March 2023

These statewide point datasets represent limited access highway exit and interchange locations. This update contains the exit numbers from the 2020-21 mileage-based exit renumbering project.

Table of Contents



These two statewide point feature classes represent the locations of exits and interchanges on limited access highways:

  • Exits (HWYEXITS_PT) - One point at each off-ramp, located approximately at the "gore point" (the triangular area of space between the through travel lanes and the off-ramp) or where the exit lane begins. Includes the letter ('A' and 'B', e.g.) designations for north/south, east/west.
  • Interchanges (HWYINTERCHANGES_PT) - One point for each junction where there is a unique exit number. The points are located at the approximate midpoint of the interchange and represent all the ramps with that exit number. In most cases these include only the numeric portion of the exit number.

MassGIS downloaded the data from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation's GeoDOT portal at and and adjusted the locations of some of the points using the 2021 aerial imagery basemap and Google Street View.


The HWYEXITS_PT point attribute table contains the following fields:

EXIT_NUMThe exit number, including letter designations
ROUTE_IDRoute administrative type with number and direction
EXIT_KEYRoute administrative type with number and direction, and exit number
LEGACYEXITLegacy exit number prior to the 2020-2021 renumbering project.

The HWYINTERCHANGES_PT point attribute table contains the following fields:

EXIT_NUMThe exit number, in most cases only the numeric portion. Letter designations are included if the legacy exits are different.
ROUTE_NUMThe number of the route associated with the interchange
CORRIDORThe route number with its administrative type prefix (I = Interstate; US = U.S. Route; SR = State Route)
JUNCTIONMassGIS added this field, which describes the junction of the road or route that crosses the limited access highway. Based on PDFs at the Statewide Exit Renumbering Project Details page.
LEGACYEXITLegacy exit number prior to the 2020-2021 renumbering project.


MassDOT maintains the original datasets. MassGIS will update these layers as needed. With the March 2023 update these layers replace the Highway Exits (EXITS_PT) layer.

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