MassGIS Data: State Outlines

March 1991

These polygon and line datalayers are available that represent the outline (boundary) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Table of Contents



These polygon and line datalayers are available that represent the outline (boundary) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

  • OUTLINE_POLY and OUTLINE_ARC - contains the state outline with a 1:100,000 coastline
  • OUTLINE25K_POLY and  OUTLINE25K_ARC- contains the state outline with a 1:25,000 coastline


For the both layers, MassGIS digitized 1:25,000 linework from U.S. Geological Survey mylar map sheets for land boundaries. For the OUTLINE layer, a 1:100,000 coastline was extracted from USGS Digital Line Graphs. For OUTLINE25K, the coastline from the 1:25,000 Hydrography layer was used. All processing was done in ARC/INFO.


The OUTLINE_POLY and OUTLINE25K_POLY attribute tables contains this item:

AREA_ACRESPolygon area in acres

The OUTLINE_ARC attribute table contains this item:

SYMBOL1 = Inland boundary
4 = Coastline (100k)

The OUTLINE25K_ARC attribute table contains these items:

COASTY = Coastline (25k)
N = Inland boundary
SYMBOL0 = Coastline (25k)
5 = Inland boundary


MassGIS is maintaining these layers.

Date published: April 1, 1991
Last updated: April 1, 1991

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