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MassHealth Access Monitoring Review Plan (AMRP)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulation requires each state to submit an access monitoring review plan that measures whether Medicaid members have sufficient access to care and to analyze the results of the measurements. Here you will find the MassHealth AMRP reports.

Table of Contents

Notice of Public Comment Period: Draft 2019 MassHealth Access Monitoring Review Plan (AMRP)

Under federal regulations at  42 CFR § 447.203, MassHealth is required to  create an Access Monitoring Review Plan (AMRP) every three years to provide an assessment of access to services for members receiving MassHealth services under fee-for-service, including under the Primary Care Clinician Plan and Primary Care Accountable Care Organizations. 

Also as required by the federal regulations, MassHealth is accepting comments on the draft AMRP through September 12, 2019.

Public comment period is NOW CLOSED

The AMRP must specify data sources used to report on access measures that will address:

  • the extent to which member needs are met;
  • the availability of care and providers;
  • changes in member service utilization; and
  • comparisons between Medicaid rates and rates paid by other payers.

The AMRP must include a state review of a core set of five services:

  1. primary care,
  2. physician specialists,
  3. behavioral health,
  4. pre- and post-natal obstetrics, and
  5. home health services.

MassHealth 2019 Access Monitoring Review Plan (AMRP)

Please not the Public comment period CLOSED on September 12, 2019.

“Below you can download the 2019 MassHealth access monitoring review plan that was submitted to CMS on October 1, 2019, in PDF or Word formats.”

MassHealth 2016 Access Monitoring Review Plan (AMRP)

Please note that MassHealth is not seeking comment on the 2016 AMRP.

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