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MassHealth Section 1115 Demonstration Renewal Open Discussion Meetings and Materials

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) is hosting open discussions, where you can learn more about the MassHealth 1115 waiver and have a chance to offer feedback.

Table of Contents

Overview of MassHealth Section 1115 Demonstration Renewal Open Discussion

Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Waivers allow states to “waive” certain provisions of the Medicaid law and receive additional flexibility to design and improve their programs. Massachusetts’ current 1115 Demonstration Waiver was approved on November 4, 2016 and will expire on June 30, 2022.

Under its current 1115 waiver, MassHealth has implemented the most significant re-structuring of the program in two decades, shifting the delivery system toward value-based care by enacting payment and delivery system reforms that promote integrated, coordinated care and hold providers accountable for the quality and total cost of care, supported by a $1.8 billion investment over 5 years through the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program. The next waiver will build on the ACO restructuring, including bringing additional focus to primary care, behavioral health care, and health-related social needs; further moving the health care system away from fee-for-service payment structures; and ensuring the sustainability Commonwealth’s safety net programs and providers.

As MassHealth prepares to submit a renewal request to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the summer of 2021, we are looking for your input during the several public meetings in the coming months about the waiver renewal. Participation is open to everyone. Prior to submission to CMS, interested stakeholders will also have the opportunity to offer public comments on a draft of the waiver this spring. 

Meeting 1: December 17, 2020

Find materials from the December 17, 2020 meeting here: PDF | Word

Meeting 2: February 18, 2021

Find materials from the February18, 2020 meeting here PDF | Word

Meeting 3 - July 15, 2021

Find materials from the July 15, 2021 meeting here: PDF

For more information on results of the current MassHealth restructuring, please see Year 1 and Year 2 annual reports here.

MA 1115 extension factsheet July 2021 final: PDF | Word

Meeting 4 - July 20, 2021

Listening Session on MassHealth's 1115 Proposal
Meeting Time: 10:30 am - 12 pm

This session will include a brief recap of the summary proposal and will provide stakeholders the opportunity to offer comments and ask questions . We encourage MassHealth members in particular to join during this time.

Materials will be the same for both July 2021 Public Meetings. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be available at both events, and we anticipate providing Spanish interpretation. Please contact Alysa St. Charles at Alysa.StCharles@umassmed.edu to request reasonable accommodations or additional language translation for either date.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: 

Password: 502380

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +16468769923,98320715191#  or +13017158592,98320715191#

Or Telephone:


    +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

    +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll)

    +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)

    +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)

    +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll)

    +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)

    Meeting ID: 983 2071 5191

    Password: 502380​​

For more information on results of the current MassHealth restructuring, please see Year 1 and Year 2 annual reports here.

MA 1115 extension factsheet July 2021 final: PDF | Word


Please send any thoughts, ideas, question or concerns about the upcoming waiver renewal to the team at: MassHealth.Innovations@Mass.gov.

For reasonable accommodation, please contact Alysa.StCharles@umassmed.edu

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