Members and vacant board seats of the Board of Registration of Perfusionists

Learn more about our board members, board terms, and open board seats (if any). We encourage the public to participate in our licensing boards.

The Board of Registration of Perfusionists oversees the practice and licensure of perfusionists in Massachusetts. These individuals are trained and educated as members of an open-heart surgical team. Licensed perfusionists have extensive responsibilities on the surgical team, this includes providing long-term support of the patient’s circulation outside of the operating room. The board establishes rules and regulations for their licensees to ensure both integrity and competence. The board also investigates any complaints made against perfusionists in Massachusetts to ensure patient and public safety. 

Member NameSeat NameTerm Length
Dr. Nelson ThaemertAnesthesiologist (Cardiac Anesthesia)3 years
Dr. Prem ShekarCardiovascular Surgeon3 years
Mr. Kevin J. LillyPerfusionist 13 years
VacantPerfusionist 23 years
Thomas StapletonPerfusionist 33 years
Mr. Kyle SpearPerfusionist 43 years
VacantPublic Member3 years 

Apply for a board seat

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ dedication to cultural inclusion is strengthened by prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion for our employees and citizens. BHPL values diverse experiences and outlooks as we continue to shape and foster effective and impactful public service representing all our communities. Your unique insights and expertise are essential for achieving our mission. We invite you to apply to serve as a board member and join us in making a difference. Together we make change happen.

Before you apply, visit Join a Board within the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure and Boards/Commissions FAQs for more information. 

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