This page contains a list of additional DMH services and resources. If you are having trouble finding what you're looking for, please contact us.
Open Meeting Notices, Minutes, and Construction Contract Notices
A list of upcoming open meetings, construction contract notices and an archive of minutes from previous open meetings. More
DMH Initiatives
A complete directory of current Department of Mental Health Initiatives. More
Service Application Forms and Appeal Guidelines
Request for Services Forms are used when applying for mental health services from the Department of Mental Health (DMH) for adults, children, and adolescents. More
Community Based Flexible Supports (CBFS)
Community Based Flexible Supports (CBFS) is the cornerstone of the Department's community mental health system for adults. CBFS services provides rehabilitative interventions and supports in partnership with clients and their families to promote and facilitate recovery. Services include interventions and supports that manage psychiatric symptoms in the community, restore or maintain independent living in the community, restore or maintain daily living skills, promote wellness and the management of medical conditions and assist clients to restore or maintain and use their strengths and skills to undertake employment. You'll find below information about CBFS. The Frequently Asked Questions includes contact information for individuals served, providers and anyone who would like to learn more. More
State Mental Health Plan and Satisfaction Reports and Results
The Department of Mental Health prepares and publishes a number of reports that describe DMH services and planning activities and present data on the effectiveness of services and outcomes, including consumer and family member satisfaction. More
DMH Learning and Development
Department of Mental Health Learning and Development serves the learning needs of the DMH and provider workforce by presenting and facilitating learning opportunities that strengthen principles of recovery and resiliency through partnership. Use the DMH Learning Calendar to explore training opportunities where you live and work. More
Non-Discrimination Notices
The Department of Mental Health (DMH) advises its employees and the public that it does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or in access to DMH programs, services, and activities. More
Resource Guides and Emergency Services Information
The Department of Mental Health publishes several resources guides that help consumers, families and the general public find information about our agency, our services and other statewide services and programs in the mental health community. More
Forensic Services
DMH Forensic Mental Health Services include court-based forensic mental health assessments and consultations for persons who are facing criminal or delinquency charges and civil commitment proceedings. These court-based services involve the provision of individual statutory and non-statutory evaluations regarding persons with mental health and substance abuse difficulties as well as mental health liaisons to adult and juvenile justice court personnel. Forensic Mental Health Services also encompasses DMH risk management activities. More
Recovery Learning Communities
Recovery Learning Communities (RLCs) are consumer-run networks of self help/peer support, information and referral, advocacy and training activities. Training in recovery concepts and tools, advocacy forums and social and recreational events are all part of what goes on in a Recovery Learning Community. More
Publications and Reports
An archive of DMH publications and reports such as the DMH newsletter Connections, DMH Annual Reports, Legislative Reports, Consumer Satisfaction Surveys, etc. More
Research, a critical mission of the Department of Mental Health, advances the treatment, rehabilitation, and recovery of adults with serious mental illness and children/adolescents with serious mental illness or severe emotional disturbance. Research is also one of the Department's statutory requirements in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 19, which specifically calls for DMH to "conduct research into the causes of serious mental illness." More
Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
DMH is organized into five geographic areas, each of which is managed by an Area Director. Each Area is divided into local Service Sites. Each Area oversees an integrated system of state and provider-operated adult and child/adolescent mental health services. Citizen advisory boards at every level of the organization participate in agency planning and oversight. DMH allocates funds from its state appropriation and federal block grant to the Areas for both state-operated and contracted services. This includes state hospitals, community mental health centers, contracted inpatient units and a range of community-based services. More
Frequently asked questions about the Department of Mental Health and our services. More
The Joint Commission
The Joint Commission periodically surveys and accredits DMH psychiatric hospitals in Massachusetts. Patients, family members, staff, and community members may contact a specific facility or The Joint Commission with safety or patient concerns. More