Massachusetts general laws
- M.G.L. Chapter 164 § 138: Definitions
- M.G.L. Chapter 164 § 139: Class I, II or III net metering facilities; election of net metering; tariffs; limitation on aggregate capacity; rules and regulations
- M.G.L. Chapter 164 § 139A: Small hydroelectric power net metering facilities program
- M.G.L. Chapter 164 § 140: Neighborhood net metering facility; election of net metering; rules and regulations
- M.G.L. Chapter 30B, § 1(b)(33): Uniform Procurement Act
- Municipalities submitting energy contracts pursuant to this chapter shall mail them to the Department Secretary, Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, One South Station, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110.
Legislative session laws
- Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022, An Act Driving Clean Energy and Offshore Wind, Sections 54-55
- Increased the maximum nameplate capacity for Class I cap exempt facilities from 10 kilowatts to 25 kilowatts
- Created a new type of cap exempt net metering facility by allowing Class I net metering facilities greater than 25 kilowatts that generate renewable energy and serve on-site load to participate in the net metering program without the need to obtain a cap allocation
- Created 5 exceptions to the Single Parcel Rule (D.P.U. 11-11-C (2012))
- Chapter 8 of the Acts of 2021, An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy, Sections 82-85
- Allowed certain Class I net metering facilities to apply for a cap allocation in the public cap with the System of Assurance
- Created a new type of cap exempt net metering facility by allowing certain Class II and Class III net metering facilities that generate renewable energy and serve on-site load to participate in the net metering program without the need to obtain a cap allocation from the System of Assurance
- Expanded the ability for customers to transfer solar net metering credits across distribution company service territories and load zones
- Chapter 227 of the Acts of 2018, An Act to Advance Clean Energy, Sections 15-17, 24
- Changed the monthly minimum reliability contribution (MMRC) requirements
- Chapter 188 of the Acts of 2016, An Act to Promote Energy Diversity, Section 10
- Increased eligibility to net meter to small hydroelectric power facilities
- Chapter 75 of the Acts of 2016, An Act Relative to Solar Energy
- Increased the net metering caps to 7% for private and 8% for public
- Created the market net metering credit
- Created the ability for the electric companies to file a MMRC proposal
- Chapter 251 of the Acts of 2014, An Act Relative to Credit for Thermal Energy Generated with Renewable Fuels
- Increased the net metering caps to 4% for private and 5% for public
- Chapter 209 of the Acts of 2012, An Act Relative to Competitively Priced Electricity, Sections 23-30
- Increased the net metering caps to 3% for private and 3% for public
- Increased eligibility to net meter to anaerobic digestion facilities
- Created cap exempt net metering facilities
- Chapter 359 of the Acts of 2010, An Act Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, Sections 25-30
- Increased the net metering caps to 1% for private and 2% for public
- Increased the maximum size of a net metering facility in the public cap to 10 megawatts
- Required the DPU to establish a System of Assurance
- Chapter 169 of the Acts of 2008, An Act Relative to Green Communities, Section 78
- Imposed a 1% electric company historic peak load cap
- Increased the net metering credit values
- Increased the project size for certain technologies
Department of Public Utilities regulations
- 220 CMR 18.00
- Net metering regulations effective December 20, 2024
- 220 CMR 8.00 et seq.
- Qualifying facility regulations
Net metering pre-green communities act of 2008
- D.P.U./D.T.E. 96-100, at 22-23 (1997)
- With the restructuring of the electric industry in Massachusetts, eligibility for net metering was increased from 30 kW to 60 kW.
- D.P.U. 535, at 11-12 (July 23, 1981)
Contact for Net metering laws and regulations
Image credits:
Alex Block