At the completion of an investigation, review, or other project, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) may issue a letter or report detailing findings, identifying corrective actions, and outlining recommendations to prevent future problems. After issuing a report, the OIG may maintain an oversight role to ensure that the agency or municipality implements a suitable corrective action plan and takes any other measures called for in the report. The OIG also reports suspected criminal activity to the appropriate authorities, including the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. Attorney’s Office. In addition, the Inspector General meets regularly with the Inspector General Council to discuss the OIG's activities.
2020 Reports and Recommendations
- The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reviewed the superintendent of Burlington Public Schools’ (BPS) use of school resources and the management of a BPS bank account.
Fall River Co-Defendant Pleaded Guilty, December 2020
Leadership Failures in Methuen Police Contracts, December 2020
- The Office of the Inspector General’s review of two Methuen Police Department contracts found a failure of leadership at all levels of city government. Download a PDF version of the report.
Former Manager of Non-Profit Housing Agency Pleads Guilty, December 2020
- The Office’s Internal Special Audit Unit (ISAU) reviewed the town of Eastham’s oversight of a road project that it paid for through the state’s Chapter 90 program. Download a PDF version of the letter.
- The Office of the Inspector General found self-dealing and pay discrepancies by the former director of Hingham Housing Authority (HHA) and poor oversight by the HHA Board. Download a PDF version of the letter.
Former Accountant for Three Massachusetts Towns Indicted for Stealing $729,000, July 2020
- The OIG wrote to agency heads, chief financial officers and procurement officials with guidance to safeguard public funds during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
OIG Letter to West Newbury regarding Selectman Kemper and Money Owed to Town, June 2020 (pdf)
- The OIG found that a current member of the West Newbury Board of Selectmen had accrued more than $29,000 in debt to the town over a number of years for unpaid health insurance premiums.
Internal Special Audit Unit 2019 Annual Report, May 2020 (pdf)
- IG Glenn A. Cunha wrote to the Plymouth County Commissioners Office recommending the Commissioners assign the responsibility for administering CARES Act funds to the Commonwealth.
Linda Nathan's Violation of Post-Retirement Earnings Limits, April 2020 (pdf)
Division of State Police Oversight 2019 Annual Report, February 2020
MassHealth and Health Safety Net Annual Report, February 2020 (pdf)
- The OIG examined the administration of MassHealth’s Personal Care Attendant Program and made recommendations for improvement. The OIG also followed up with MassHealth regarding recommendations from fiscal year 2019 on topics including Adult Day Health, Adult Foster Care, Dental Care and Optometry.
Contact for OIG 2020 Reports and Recommendations
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