Many of the listed species live in habitats that are either uncommon or are heavily used by humans. A few uncommon habitats include freshwater marshes, grasslands, and coastal beaches.
Conservation Programs
Effective bird conservation programs protect and enhance populations and habitats. MESA listed species and uncommon or declining species are often targeted. Species of management concern can also be target species. The NHESP has grassland bird and marshbird conservation programs, among others.
Additional Resources
State and federal regulations protect habitats and prevent human disturbance of rare species. Land can be purchased or donated to protect rare species habitats. Habitats can also be protected through conservation restrictions.
Habitat Management
MassWildlife owns and manages over 200,000 acres of land. The diversity of habitats supports both rare and common species. Some habitats remain untouched, while others are enhanced through hands-on management. Biologists conduct field surveys to track population trends and analyze effects of management. Research and public education are also important in rare bird conservation.
Contact for Rare Bird Conservation Overview
Open M–F, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed noon–12:30 for lunch)
North/Central/Western Massachusetts
Southeastern Massachusetts/Cape & Islands