Reptiles and Amphibians of Undetermined Status

The NHESP is interested in tracking observations of reptiles and amphibians for which there is very little information.

This is an unofficial and non-regulatory list of reptiles and amphibians that are either data deficient, MESA-Delisted, or of suspected conservation concern that we are interested in tracking. Species are included on this list for the following reasons:

  1. the species is thought to be rare, declining, or vulnerable, but there is insufficient information on the condition, number, and size of the population to make a determination.
  2. the species was removed from the official regulatory list, but the Program believes it is still in need of some conservation attention.
  3. the species distribution and abundance are not well known. These species are on the list to ensure they are tracked while herpetologists determine whether they are appropriate for proposal to the MESA list.
  4. the taxonomic status and associated distribution is poorly understood.

Scientific Name

Common Name S Rank G Rank
Clemmys guttata Spotted Turtle S4 G5
Sternotherus odoratus E. Musk Turtle S4S5 G5
Heterodon platirhinos E. Hog-nosed Snake S4 G5
Thampnophis sauritus E. Ribbonsnake S4S5 G5
Opheodrys vernalis Smooth Greensnake S5 G5
Gyrinhophilus porphyriticus Spring Salamander S3S5 G5
Hemidactylium scutatum Four-toed Salamander S3S4 G5
Lithobates spp. leopard frogs -- --

The conservation status of a species is designated by a number (1-5) and preceded by a letter reflecting the appropriate geographic scale of the assessment. S Rank refers to "subnational" or the local/state status, while G Rank refers to the "global" status (looking at the species as a whole). The numbers have the following meaning:

1 = critically imperiled

2 = imperiled

3 = vulnerable

4 = apparently secure

5 = secure

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