The RMV may require you to complete one or more of the following classes or programs if you are suspended or revoked:
National Safety Council (NSC) / Massachusetts driver retraining program
The RMV may require you to attend the Massachusetts driver retraining program. This program is sponsored by the National Safety Council and aims to change an operator's behavior behind the wheel, as required by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 175 Section 113B. Through this classroom course, operators learn why they continue to have driving-related problems and how they can take responsibility for their actions.
For more course information, including scheduling, please refer to the National Safety Council website.
State Courts Against Road Rage (SCARR)
The RMV may require you to attend a State Courts Against Road Rage course. This course was developed to educate younger operators charged with serious motor vehicle violations. SCARR is intended to make operators face their driving behaviors, discuss how they will change their behavior, understand the possible serious consequences involved with irresponsible and dangerous driving, and learn how to handle and prevent dangerous driving scenarios. This class is required for certain Junior Operator License/permit suspensions. For more information about the SCARR course, please refer to the National Safety Council website.
Driver attitudinal retraining
The RMV may require you to attend a driver attitudinal retraining course. This class is required for certain Junior Operator License/permit suspensions. The operator may choose from several course options in order to fulfill a driver attitudinal retraining requirement. An operator will need to register for and attend only one of the listed attitudinal courses to achieve the credit, unless instructed otherwise by an RMV hearings officer.
Drug or alcohol counseling and/or education program
The RMV may require you to attend a drug or alcohol counseling and/or education program. The operator may attend any alcohol counseling and/or alcohol education program which has been approved by the Department of Public Health to fulfill this requirement. Search for an approved counseling/education program on the Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information and Education Helpline website.
You must bring proof of enrollment or completion in a drug or alcohol counseling and/or education program to an RMV hearings officer during a reinstatement hearing.