Entering a candidate who has an ‘out of country’ address and no zip code
I’m entering a candidate who has an ‘out of country’ address and the BRC Navigator is telling me that I need to enter a zip code, which we do not have. How can I proceed?
A zip code will need to be entered to move forward. If you do not have that information, you can enter all zeros into that field to move forward.
Unable to enter email address with change of role from employee to administrator
When attempting to change the role from ‘employee’ to ‘BRC Program Administrator’ I am unable to enter an email address. How can I move forward?
NOTE- In order to change the role of ‘employee’ to ‘BRC Program Administrator’, you need that person to have a valid unique email address in the BRC Navigator in order for them to receive the provisioning email that grants them access.
If you are unable to edit the email address field when changing a candidate’s role from ‘employee’ to ‘BRC Program Administrator’ when their BRC is not in process, please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or by calling 617-988-7841.
How do I delete a candidate from the system?
I have a candidate in the BRC Navigator Program Portal but I have decided to not move forward with them. How do I delete this candidate from the system?
You are unable to delete this candidate. You would have to keep them (or move them into) the inactive tab.
How can I update candidate information that was entered incorrectly?
I’ve submitted a BRC on a candidate and I entered the wrong information (name, DOB, SSN, etc.). How do I fix this in order to move forward?
In most cases, EEC must cancel a submission. If this is a new submission and you have only saved, not submitted, you can just change the information.
If you need assistance please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or calling 617-988-784
What do I do if I entered an incorrect email when I entered a BRC candidate?
What do I do if I entered an incorrect email when I entered a BRC candidate?
Please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or calling 617-988-7841.
How do I correct a date that was entered incorrectly?
If you submitted a BRC with an incorrect DOB or other pertinent date, please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or calling 617-988-7841.
How do I enter a candidate that is determined to be a re-submission?
I entered a candidate for our program for the first time. They have worked in the field and told me that they had a suitability determination from EEC in the recent past. When I entered them, I got a list of questions that were not applicable regarding why I was resubmitting them. How do I proceed?
If any of our candidates are within four months of their renewal date (regardless of what program their BRC was originally run), when they are entered again, they will come through as a ‘resubmission’. When that occurs, the person entering them will get a list of questions about why they are resubmitting that candidate. Obviously, if you have not entered that candidate in the past, these questions will not be applicable. If that is the case, there is a radio button for ‘other’. Please select that radio button if that is your scenario in order to move forward. This occurs because the BRC is connected to the candidate rather than the program.
I can no longer access the BRC Navigator system. What can I do?
I have been provisioned (received login information and approval to access the new system) and got into the BRC Navigator in the past and now I am no longer able to get in. What do I do?
Please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or calling 617-988-7841. We will be able to get you back in if this applies.
Edits made to candidates are not displayed
During roster clean up, I made edits to some of my candidates and those edits are no longer showing up.
Please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or calling 617-988-7841 and they can correct information.
As a reminder, please carefully review all information when entering it to make sure it is accurate before hitting submit. This is especially important for e-mail addresses because the fingerprint notification letter and all communications are sent through the e-mail address field.
Fingerprint schedule date not listed in BRC Navigator
I used to be able to see the date someone scheduled their fingerprint check in the old legacy system and I can’t find it in the BRC Navigator Program Portal.
We are aware that the fingerprint schedule date does not show up in BRC Navigator. We are hoping to have that information available again in the near future.
Candidate has not received a fingerprint notification email
Why has my candidate not received a fingerprint notification in their email even though I entered them correctly in the BRC Navigator?
When a background check request form is submitted to EEC, candidates should receive a fingerprint notification email immediately. This email explains how the candidate can sign up to be fingerprinted and is required in order to move the process forward. If you, or someone you are assisting did not receive the fingerprint notification email please check to ensure you ‘submitted’ the request rather than ‘saving’ only. We also recommend checking your junk email box and verifying the email address you used in your application to confirm that the correct email address was entered.
If you have checked these things and the fingerprint email was not received within a few hours, please contact the BRC Unit at EEC by submitting a ticket at the following link: https://massgov.service-now.com/brc or calling 617-988-7841.
I have received a fingerprint notification from a program, but not the one I plan to work for
I am a candidate who received an email with a fingerprint notification from BRC Navigator for a group and school age program I applied for last week, but the group and school age program where I am planning on actually working submitted me through BRC Navigator but I did not get a fingerprint letter with that program name on it. What do I do?
Go get fingerprinted for the BRC Navigator fingerprint notification letter that you currently have for the previous program where you applied. In BRC Navigator, you can only have one BRC in process at a time. The second program that enters your BRC would get a pop up stating to contact the BRC Unit at EEC. You must get fingerprinted (which kicks off the BRC process) with the original email/fingerprint notification they received for the first program to continue with the EEC BRC process in BRC Navigator.