Safe Routes To School - Education

SRTS offers the tools students need to be smart, safe pedestrians and bicyclists through a combination of training sessions, school assemblies, workshops, videos, and printed materials. We also have resources available for parents/guardians, educators, and community stakeholders that include webinars, lesson plans, videos, and other materials for download.

Table of Contents

Webinar Recordings

Every year, the MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program hosts webinars covering a variety of topics. You can view a full history of our webinars from the last five years on the webinar recordings page.

Pedestrian and Bike Safety Resources

Safe Routes to School offers a variety of bike and pedestrian safety education resources for schools, students, and families. Visit our pedestrian and bike safety resource page to learn more.

DESE-accredited Health & Wellness Professional Development

MassDOT’s Safe Routes to School offers a 10-hour DESE-accredited Health & Wellness Professional Development program on its Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Curriculum that includes in-person and self-paced learning modules. It may be taken in its entirety or parts thereof. It is geared towards Health & Wellness Teachers, Teacher leaders, School Administrators (Principals, Assistant Principals, Curriculum Directors, etc.), Nurses, Coaches, Paraprofessionals, and Advocates/Community Partners. Adoption of our DESE-approved Health & Wellness curriculum allows for a more equitable and sustainable lesson model across a school district.

Driver Education Resources

Safe Routes to School produces an annual backpack flyer centered around driving safety. These flyers are available in multiple languages and cover a variety of topics. Visit our driver education page to learn more.

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