Executive Order 599 about the board: No. 599: Reaffirming Programs to Ensure Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Diverse and Small Massachusetts Businesses in State Procurement and Contracting | Mass.gov
Section 7. Supplier Diversity Office Diverse and Small Business Advisory Board
The Executive Director of the SDO, in consultation with the OAO, shall appoint an SDO Diverse and Small Business Advisory Board (“Advisory Board”). The Advisory Board shall consist of up to 15 members, one of whom shall be designated by the Executive Director of the SDO to serve as Chair. The Advisory Board shall advise the SDO on the development of innovative and effective measures and programs that will advance the SDO’s mission of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in state contracting. The Advisory Board shall also identify barriers faced by diverse and small businesses in the Commonwealth’s procurement and bidding process and recommend measures to eliminate such barriers.
Members shall reflect the demographic and geographic diversity of the Commonwealth and shall include individual business owners and representatives of organizations that reflect the categories of diverse and small businesses served by the SDO, including MBE, WBE, VBE, SDVOBE, DOBE, LGBTBE and small Massachusetts businesses that have been certified by the SDO. Advisory Board members shall serve for two-year terms, except that in the initial appointments, one half shall be appointed to one-year terms, and one half shall be appointed to two-year terms. Members may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms. The Advisory Board shall meet on a regularly established schedule at the direction of the Chair and Executive Director of the SDO.