StormSmart Communities

Find tools to help local officials address coastal storms and flooding, developed by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) StormSmart Coasts Program.

StormSmart Communities helps local officials prepare for and protect their communities from coastal storms and flooding—both now and under higher sea levels. For details on the origins of the program, which was originally called StormSmart Coasts, see About StormSmart Communities.

For all of the CZM resources available to help coastal communities manage erosion and flooding, see StormSmart Coasts home.

Links to the following StormSmart Communities information are provided on this web page: Publications, Pilot Projects, and Other Frequently Requested Information.

Other StormSmart Communities web pages include:


As part of StormSmart Communities, CZM has produced the following coastal floodplain management publications:

Pilot Projects

From 2009-2011, CZM conducted five pilot projects to implement StormSmart techniques. The goal was to provide "direct in-community" technical assistance to help local officials effectively adopt these strategies and tools and to develop models that could be used by other communities. The following seven communities participated in these pilot projects:

Other Frequently Requested Information

The following additional StormSmart materials are frequently accessed from the CZM website:

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