Suspensions from multiple offenses

The RMV will suspend or revoke your learner's permit, driver's license, or right to operate if you have committed a series of major criminal and/or minor civil traffic offenses.

Table of Contents

3 speeding tickets

As stated in  Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90, Section 20, the RMV will suspend or revoke your learner's permit, driver's license, or right to operate for 30 days if you are found responsible for 3 speeding tickets (including out-of-state offenses) in any 12-month period. This period is calculated from the most recent finding or conviction date. If you receive a 3rd speeding ticket in a 12-month period, this can trigger an additional suspension or revocation. These suspensions and revocations will be served at the same time.

Hardship license eligibility

A suspension or revocation for 3 speeding violations is not eligible to apply for a hardship license. This suspension is mandatory by law.

3 surchargeable events

As stated in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 175 Section 113B, the RMV will issue a suspension notice if you receive 3 surchargeable events (including out-of-state violations) within a 2-year period.

You will have 90 days from the issue of the suspension notice to complete a mandatory National Safety Council (NSC) Course or Massachusetts Driver Retraining Program before the suspension or revocation becomes active. Within 10 days of receiving the suspension notice, you will also receive an information packet from the National Safety Council (NSC). If you do not receive this, contact the National Safety Council directly. .

The National Safety Council will notify the RMV once you complete the course.

  • If you complete the course before the date listed on the suspension notice, the RMV will not take any additional actions to suspend or revoke your permit, license, or right to operate
  • If you fail to complete the course before the date on the notice, the RMV will suspend or revoke your permit, license, or right to operate until you successfully complete the course

If another surchargeable event is added to your record, and 2 of your previous violations were within a 3-year period, you will be given an additional 3 surchargeable event suspension or revocation. There is no limit to the number of these suspensions or revocations that can be added. Multiple 3 surchargeable events suspensions or revocations will be served at the same time. The National Safety Council or Massachusetts Driver Retraining Program is required each time a suspension or revocation of this type is issued.

Hardship license eligibility

A 3 surchargeable events suspension or revocation is not eligible to apply for a hardship license. This suspension is mandatory by law.

5 surchargeable events

This suspension/revocation has been replaced by the 3 surchargeable events suspension/revocation.

Effective September 30, 2010, the RMV no longer issues 5 surchargeable events suspensions/revocations. Any customer currently suspended/revoked for 5 surchargeable events must complete the National Safety Council (NSC) Course/Massachusetts Driver Retraining Program to be eligible for reinstatement.

Hardship license eligibility

A 3 surchargeable events suspension/revocation is not eligible to apply for a hardship license. This suspension is mandatory by law.

7 surchargeable events

As stated in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 175 Section 113B, the RMV will suspend or revoke your learner's permit, driver's license, or right to operate for 60 days if you have accumulated 7 surchargeable events or moving violations (including out-of-state violations) within a 3-year period. This will be effective 30 days from the issue of a suspension notice.

If another surchargeable event is added to your record, and 6 of the previous violations occurred within a 3-year period, you may incur more than one 7 surchargeable events suspension or revocation. There is no limit to the number of these suspensions or revocations that can be added. Multiple 7 surchargeable events suspensions or revocations must be served at the same time.

Hardship License Eligibility

A 7 surchargeable events suspension or revocation is not eligible to apply for a hardship license. This suspension is mandatory by law.

Habitual traffic offender

As stated in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90 Section 22F, the RMV will suspend or revoke your learner's permit, driver's license, or right to operate for 4 years if you have accumulated a total of 3 major moving violations or any combination of 12 major and/or minor moving violations (including out-of-state violations) within a 5-year period.

You may appear for a hearing at an RMV Service Center that conducts suspension hearings.

Note that surchargeable accidents do not count towards a habitual traffic offender suspension or revocation.

Hardship license eligibility

A habitual traffic offender suspension or revocation is eligible to apply for a hardship license if you meet certain requirements.

3 no transparent window tickets

As stated in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90 Section 9D, the RMV will suspend or revoke your learner's permit, driver's license, or right to operate for 90 days if you have accumulated a total of 3 convictions for not having transparent windows on your motor vehicle.

The RMV will mail a suspension notice to your address on file stating that your permit, license, or right to operate will be suspended or revoked within 10 days from the date the notice is issued.

Hardship license eligibility

A suspension or revocation for 3 no transparent window convictions is not eligible to apply for a hardship license. This suspension is mandatory by law.

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