Technical assistance and funding for restoring and managing habitat

Many Massachusetts habitats need active restoration and management to remove invasive species, restore natural processes, mitigate changes to water quality or quantity, and address other threats.

Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife)

Technical assistance
MassWildlife provides planning assistance for habitat restoration and management activities on municipal, conservation, and private land. We coordinate with other state or federal agencies and private conservation organizations that also provide technical and financial resources and can work to facilitate the process for you. Below are summaries of available programs. Please contact MassWildlife today to begin planning and finding the appropriate resources to support your habitat conservation project. 
Contact Marianne Piche for more information: or (508) 389-6313

MassWildlife Habitat Management Grant Program
Technical and financial assistance to enhance upland, wetland, or aquatic habitat, while promoting public access for outdoor recreation.

Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)

Forest Stewardship Program
Funding to hire a private consulting forester to develop a ten-year management plan that addresses soil and water quality, wildlife and fish habitat, timber and other wood products as well as outdoor recreation and enrollment in temporary protection of the area included in the plan.

Community Forest Stewardship Implementation Grants for Municipalities
Funding to aid communities in putting their forest stewardship into practice and connect local citizens to all the benefits forests provide including a local source of wood products, clean water, biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

Foresters for the Birds: Assessing Your Woods for Bird Habitat
This DCR  program, in partnership with Mass Audubon, provides funding to landowners to work with a consulting forester or other qualified professional to evaluate existing and potential habitat for a selection of birds.

Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) resources

Technical and financial assistance to restore rivers, streams, wetlands, and watersheds.

Priority Projects

Partnerships Program

Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant Program

Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)

Coastal Habitat and Water Quality Grants
Financial resources for projects that assess and treat stormwater impacts and support comprehensive habitat restoration planning activities.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Technical and financial assistance to landowners, managers, tribes, corporations, schools, and nonprofits interested in improving wildlife habitats on their land.

Coastal Program
Provides technical and financial assistance to partners interested in restoring and protecting fish and wildlife habitat on public and privately-owned lands in coastal communities.

National Fish Passage Program
The Fish Passage Program works with local communities on a voluntary basis to restore rivers and conserve our nation’s aquatic resources by removing or bypassing barriers to  benefit both fish and people.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

Federal funding to eligible private landowners for habitat management planning and implementation is offered through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) programs. Funding through the Farm Bill includes both habitat management and protection options.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Technical and financial assistance to address natural resource concerns including water quality, soil erosion and sedimentation, or wildlife habitat.

Conservation Stewardship Program
Technical and financial assistance for ongoing maintenance or enhancement of habitat management projects that were previously completed.

Wetland Reserve Easement Program
Funding for thirty year or permanent easements to protect wetland or riparian habitats along with habitat restoration t and technical assistance.

Healthy Forest Reserve Program
Thirty year or permanent easements to protect forested habitats are offered through this program that includes technical and financial assistance for management.

Regional Conservation Partnership Program
Partner entities can apply for funding assistance to focus on particular conservation efforts such as a landscape region, habitat type, or suite of species. Funds are used for implementing habitat management activities on conservation organization and private lands. 

Existing Regional Conservation Partnership Programs in Massachusetts
The Massachusetts Forest Alliance and MassWildlife partnered to submit a successful application for Regional Conservation Partnership Program funding as a collaborative approach for adaptive management of imperiled young forest dependent wildlife in Massachusetts.

Conservation Innovation Grants 
Financial assistance for developing or implementing innovative methods, management activities, or technologies to address natural resource concerns related to water quality, air quality, soil health, or wildlife habitat. 

Working Together for the New England Cottontail
The NRCS and its partners help landowners plan, fund, and implement conservation practices that result in diverse and healthy forests, including young forest habitat needed by many kinds of wildlife.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Funding
These programs offer funding assistance for partner projects focused on restoring or enhancing terrestrial or aquatic habitats through a variety of specific initiatives. These currently include, but are not limited to, America the Beautiful Challenge, Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, and the New England Forests and Rivers Fund.

Other resources

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