After I click to enter the database, I'm not brought to the page to enter my library card number.
This happens when the authentication server that hosts the page that asks for your library card number is down. Please email our law librarians, who will contact technical support for the authentication server.
After I enter my library card number and click on Login, nothing happens.
This may happen when you’re using Chrome or Firefox as your browser. Our authentication vendor, SirsiDynix, doesn't always play nicely with either one. Put your cursor right after your library card number and then hit Enter.
After I enter my library card number, the screen comes back with the message "Please try again."
This message happens when the system doesn’t recognize your library card number, or when your card isn’t in good standing.
- If the system doesn’t recognize your card number — Make sure you’re using a card from the Trial Court Law Libraries, then retype your number without spaces.
- If you’re told that your card has expired — Call your local law library, and they can renew your card over the phone.
- If you’re told that you have one or more lost books — Call your local law library to check on the items that are reported as lost. You must then either return the items or pay for their replacement before you can access online databases.
- If you’re told that your borrowing privileges have been revoked — Call your local law library to discuss the problem.
After I enter my library card number, I am brought to a screen that says "Sorry, all passwords in use."
We have a limited number of seats available at any one time. Please wait a few minutes and try again. While you're waiting, feel free to let us know that you were shut out. If it happens frequently, we will consider increasing our number of simultaneous users.
After I enter my library card number, I am brought to a screen asking for username and password.
This is an error caused by security settings on your computer. Here is some information to help you.
If you just want to get in quick, and don't want to change your configurations right now, disable your firewall software, such as Norton Internet Security or Zone Alarm. Then re-enable it once you’re finished with the database.
For a more tailored solution, follow the directions below.
Access to databases from outside the library relies on a referring URL, in which one site accepts your card number and verifies you’re registered, then passes that information on to a second site. If the second site doesn't get the information that you’re approved, it won't let you in. How to correct this depends on the software you have on your computer.
Here are directions for some common firewalls:
- Computer Associates EZ Firewall: Open EZ Firewall and click on Privacy. Click on Cookie Control, and then Custom. With the Cookies tab on top, look for 3rd Party Cookies, and uncheck the box labeled "Remove private header information." Click Apply, then OK.
- McAfee Internet Security: By default, this doesn’t allow third-party cookies and referring URL information. Where these settings are varies with different McAfee versions, but you want to allow third-party cookies and referring URLs. The setting for Referring URL is called "referrer filter," "Search Cleaner," or "Prevent 'referrer' information from being shared" in different versions. Set this to Allow referrer information to be shared.
- Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall: Open your Norton Protection Center, then go to Internet Security and turn off privacy control. For more specific instructions, follow the directions from Norton's site.
- Zone Alarm Pro: In the privacy panel's cookie control, make sure these options are NOT checked:
- "Block Persistent Cookies"
- "Block Third Party Cookies"
- "Remove private header information"
- Other Firewall Software: Please use your manual or IT staff for information on how to allow a referring URL.
Since we don't use these products in the law libraries, we are relying on outside sources for these directions. If you have more detailed (or easier!) directions, please share them with us and we'll pass them on.
After I enter my library card number, I am brought to a screen that says, "This webpage is not available. The webpage at ... might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address."
The simplest answer is just try again. This problem clears itself after 1 or 2 attempts. If that doesn't work, either clear your cache and cookies or try using another browser.