Water distribution companies

Here you can learn what types of water companies the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) regulates and find information on all of the companies that are subject to our jurisdiction.

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DPU jurisdiction over water companies

A water corporation or company is: "every person, partnership, association or corporation, other than a municipal corporation, and other than a landlord supplying his tenant, engaged in the distribution and sale of water in the Commonwealth through its pipes or mains" per G.L. c. 165, Section 1.

The DPU regulates privately-owned water companies only.

The DPU does not regulate:

  • City and town-owned water systems, because they are municipal corporations per G.L. c. 165, Section 1. The city or town-owned water system addresses any disputes from a customer.
  • Self-governing water and fire districts created by special acts of the General Court, unless specified in the district's enabling act. For example, some special acts authorize DPU to resolve a price disagreement between two municipalities. These districts do file their rates with DPU for informational purposes per G.L. c. 165, Section 2A.
  • Homeowner associations providing water service, unless they supply water to non-members. In those cases, DPU limits its oversight to only those non-member customers.

List of DPU-regulated water companies

NameAddressPhoneService AreaCustomersNote
Agawam Springs Water Company158 Tihonet Road, Wareham, MA 02571(508) 295-1000Plymouth (part)825Company is new system planned to serve 1,100 customers at RedBrook community; website is for Redbrook.
Andrews Farm Water Company36 Andrews Farm Road, Boxford, MA 01921(508) 265-2636Boxford (part)52Address is that of pumphouse - company has no dedicated office.
Aquaria Water Company170 Aquaria Drive, P.O. Box 1000, North Dighton, MA 02764(508) 880-0099Brockton (wholesale)1Company provides wholesale water service to City of Brockton via desalinization plant.
Aquarion Water Company of Massachusetts24 Providence Street, Millbury, MA 01527(508) 865-3998Dover (part), Millbury, Oxford, Plymouth (part), Sheffield11,489Note: Company is owned by Eversource Energy.
Ashmere Water SupplyP.O. Box 843, Hinsdale, MA 01235-0843(413) 655-8308Hinsdale (part)27 
Butterworth Water Company300 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609(508) 756-7311Adams (part)0Company is primarily engaged in sale of water for bottled water operations.
Century Mill, Inc.63 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02110(508) 655-3366Bolton (part)43 
Clark Shores Water Corporation

Post Office Box 1122

Lakeville, Massachusetts 02347

(508) 946-9641Lakeville (part)114 
Colonial Water Company    Acquired by Aquarion Water Company in 2021.
East Northfield Water CompanyPO Box 152, Northfield, MA 01360(413) 498-3159Northfield (part)281Company is owned by Northfield Mount Hermon School.
Granville Center Water Company29 Locust Drive, Bedford, NY 10506 Granville (part)34 
Housatonic Water Works80 Maple Avenue, Great Barrington, MA 01230(413) 528-1780Great Barrington (part), Stockbridge (part), West Stockbridge (part)847 
Hutchinson Water LLCP.O. Box 320705, West Roxbury, MA 02132 Cheshire (part)123Company serves Hutchinson Acres development.
Kings Grant Water Company839 Newport Avenue, S. Attleboro, MA 02703(508) 761-8531North Attleboro (part)149Company serves Kings Grant Estates development.
Monterey Water CompanyP.O. Box 65, Monterey, MA 01245 Monterey72Company operates as a cooperative - the only non-member customers are the Town of Monterey and school district, so Department continues to exercise jurisdiction over the Company with respect to these customers.
Mountain Water Systems    Acquired by Aquarion Water Company in 2021.
Pinehills Water Company    Acquired by Aquarion Water Company in 2023.
Plymouth Water Company    Acquired by Colonial Water Company in 2018; then Colonial Water Company was acquired by Aquarion Water Company in 2021.
Whitinsville Water Company44 Lake Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588(508) 234-7358Northbridge (part), Sutton (part), Northbridge Water Department (c. 2,200 connections)2,335 

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